Topic: Can I somehow get rid of the sidebar?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Hello everyone!

I tag a lot on e621 and I noticed that I could tag more pictures per page if the sidebar wasn't there just like in mobile mode where the sidebar is removed.
So my question is: Is there any way to remove the sidebar somehow?
If it's not possible could someone please improve the moblie view so I and others can edit tags or apply tag scripts while in mobile view.


Thank you for the eye-rape...

Hexdragon said:

Hello everyone!

I tag a lot on e621 and I noticed that I could tag more pictures per page if the sidebar wasn't there just like in mobile mode where the sidebar is removed.
So my question is: Is there any way to remove the sidebar somehow?
If it's not possible could someone please improve the moblie view so I and others can edit tags or apply tag scripts while in mobile view.

I do not know, I use desktop mode for my mobile device.

Updated by anonymous

This is pretty easy to do with I whipped up a CSS script to do this. Basically go and download Stylish. Then make a new blank style...COMPLETELY BLANK...then paste this into it and the result should be instant. Only works in Firefox btw.

Here's what the result should look like:

Updated by anonymous

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