Topic: I like metaphors, how about you?

Posted under Off Topic

I'm bored, who else is bored? who wants to make some metaphors? don't leave me alone here ): I'll start with the 1st one!
(you can leave explanations if you want to)

xbox fan-boys beware.

The xbox 360 is like glass, inside of a suit of armor.
Because its a friggin' nightmare getting that thing open, because it broke itself somehow.

Updated by Mario583

I never metaphor I couldn't add one to and get five.

crackers said:
The xbox 360 is like glass, inside of a suit of armor.

TheHuskyK9 said:
A book is like a movie, but in your head

Actually, if you'll pardon the nitpicking, those are similes, not metaphors. Similes use "like" or "as" for their comparisons. Metaphors don't.

"Justin sneezed like an elephant gun on automatic." is a simile.

"The wind sighed sadly through the skeletons of trees swaying to an unheard Danse Macabre." is a metaphor. Yes, they can be a bit subtle.

They both are useful, so please don't think I'm getting after you. Instead, may I recommend (assuming the thread isn't locked) to expand the subject to metaphors and similes?

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Inb4 thread lock
A book is like a movie, but in your head

A pillow is like a bed for your head.

Updated by anonymous

Clawstripe said:
I never metaphor I couldn't add one to and get five.

Actually, if you'll pardon the nitpicking, those are similes, not metaphors. Similes use "like" or "as" for their comparisons. Metaphors don't.

"Justin sneezed like an elephant gun on automatic." is a simile.

"The wind sighed sadly through the skeletons of trees swaying to an unheard Danse Macabre." is a metaphor. Yes, they can be a bit subtle.

They both are useful, so please don't think I'm getting after you. Instead, may I recommend (assuming the thread isn't locked) to expand the subject to metaphors and similes?

I apologize! I payed more attention in history then in English. Thanks for your friendly correction.

Updated by anonymous

crackers said:
I payed more attention in history then in English.

So did I

Updated by anonymous

crackers said:
who wants to make some metaphors?

Furries are the cancer of the Internet.

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
Furries are the cancer of the Internet.

If you know what I mean.

Updated by anonymous

A blonde is unlike a mosquito in the fact that a mosquito will stop sucking if you smack it.

Updated by anonymous