Topic: Only place I can think to ask... What is that site?

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So I have been trying to find a site that I had used. I think it was which appears to be down for who knows how long. I know I had used a different site before that one, but I can't seem to find it.

In case anyone doesn't know what that site is, I shall explain. Basically it is a site that searches other sites like e621, rule34, gelbooru, ect. with the tags you type. So if you are looking for a certain image (my case) and can't remember what site it was on you can just use ibsearch to search multiple sites for you.

I can even think of what to type into google to try and find sites like that. All I get is links to other boorus and rule34 sites. I can find a single other mass imageboard search site like ibsearch.

Anyone know of the correct name for the type of site ibsearch is? Or know of another one? Or if ibsearch will be back soon?

Updated by SnowWolf

Oh, and sorry if this isn't an appropriate place for this topic. I don't know of another place or site I could ask my question on.

Updated by anonymous

I don't know about any official term for them, but I call them Multi Image Board Searchers. The -ers at the end is important.
There seems to iqdb still, but that doesn't include the furry-centered boorus like e621. imgbrd-grabber seems to include e621 but I don't know how good it is.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Yes that was It indexed gelbooru, danbooru, rule34, furrybooru,, konachan, safebooru, xbooru, e621 and Überbooru.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Pointlessname99 said:
So I have been trying to find a site that I had used. I think it was which appears to be down for who knows how long. I know I had used a different site before that one, but I can't seem to find it.

Whatever it was, it's probably long gone. Sites such as those don't tend to last long.

Depending on your browser, you might be interested in the Booru Slideshow extension: forum #157668. It can search multiple boorus1 by tags, and it even has a blacklist support.

(Personally, I mostly use it as a tag scripting aid, for quick browsing between posts.)

[1] The current sites include,,,,,,,,,,

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
I don't know about any official term for them, but I call them Multi Image Board Searchers. The -ers at the end is important.
There seems to iqdb still, but that doesn't include the furry-centered boorus like e621. imgbrd-grabber seems to include e621 but I don't know how good it is.

Except IQDB sites are image reverse searching sites (there is also e621 IQDB), where OPs is which you could use similarly to the sites individually, so you use tags to search so you could find stuff without needing to constantly change sites.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Whatever it was, it's probably long gone. Sites such as those don't tend to last long.

Depending on your browser, you might be interested in the Booru Slideshow extension: forum #157668. It can search multiple boorus1 by tags, and it even has a blacklist support.

(Personally, I mostly use it as a tag scripting aid, for quick browsing between posts.)

[1] The current sites include,,,,,,,,,,

So I added the Booru Slideshow extension and it works great, thanks for the suggestion!

Furrin_Gok said:
I don't know about any official term for them, but I call them Multi Image Board Searchers. The -ers at the end is important.
There seems to iqdb still, but that doesn't include the furry-centered boorus like e621. imgbrd-grabber seems to include e621 but I don't know how good it is.

Mairo said:
Except IQDB sites are image reverse searching sites (there is also e621 IQDB), where OPs is which you could use similarly to the sites individually, so you use tags to search so you could find stuff without needing to constantly change sites.

I happened to stumble across IQDB before and yeah, I wasn't looking for a reverse image search site.

leomole said:
Yes that was It indexed gelbooru, danbooru, rule34, furrybooru,, konachan, safebooru, xbooru, e621 and Überbooru.

I figured that was the site. I hope whoever runs it gets things back up and running. If you try to go to it now you get a screen saying their RAID drives are dead. Whatever a RAID drive is lol

Thanks for the responses!

Updated by anonymous

Pointlessname99 said:
If you try to go to it now you get a screen saying their RAID drives are dead. Whatever a RAID drive is lol

I hope e621 doesn't use RAID drives!
We wouldn't want e621 to go down.

Updated by anonymous

Pointlessname99 said:
Whatever a RAID drive is lol

Raid is when you have 2 Drives that act as one.

For example, you have 2x 250GB HDD, your computer sees one 500GB HDD.

Updated by anonymous

AoBird said:
Raid is when you have 2 Drives that act as one.

For example, you have 2x 250GB HDD, your computer sees one 500GB HDD.

Problem with this, if one drive bricks the entire content is dead. As such, RAID sets need to be backed up quite frequently (although you should probably do that even without raid).

Updated by anonymous

AoBird said:
Raid is when you have 2 Drives that act as one.

For example, you have 2x 250GB HDD, your computer sees one 500GB HDD.

That's RAID0, it's .. kind of pointless IMO. You can do the storage virtualization provided by RAID0 with more modern technology (LVM, btrfs, etc) and that is generally more flexible.

A more useful use of RAID involves mirroring or striping, which provides actual redundancy (RAID = Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks). That's why RAID0 is #0 : it's pretty much 'RAID, but with 99% of the RAID stripped out'.

Wikipedia RAID#Standard_Levels gives a good overview of the different levels, which are referred to as RAID0, RAID1, .. RAID6

A barebones "proper" RAID setup will probably be RAID1 (eg. you have two 250gb drives, and the RAID hardware/software ensures that they are byte for byte identical (as well as falling back from one to the other in case of read error). The computer sees this as one 250gb drive. If one drive fails completely and the other is fine, you can swap a new drive into the failed drive's slot, and it will be 'restored' to match the data on the working drive.)

Updated by anonymous

AoBird said:
And Raid0 is not Raid?

You should probably read literally any other sentence in that post.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

AoBird said:
And Raid0 is not Raid?

Let me try to repeat savage orange's post...

Saying something is a RAID is like saying it's a bird: There are many types of birds, and many types of RAIDs.

Some types of birds are better at different things than other birds.
Some RAIDs are better at some things than other RAIDS.

RAID0 is one type of raid. it combines 2 hard drives into one drive, and is not very good at providing a redundant backup of data. If one drive dies, all data is lost on both drives. Though, it makes your computer faster.
A humming bird is not a very good predator, though they are very fierce.

Drive 1Drive 2

RAID 1 is another type of raid, where two harddrives are set up so that one hard drive copies the other. If one drive fails, the other has a full copy of the data.
Woodpeckers are designed to be able to peck through wood and bark with ease.

Drive 1Drive 2

There are many types of RAIDS, Some are like RAID 0, but bigger! some birds are fast, some are good at foraging, some are good at hunting, some are big and some are small. Some swim and others don't.

Or, to offer one more tl;dr

RAID0 is ONE type of RAID array. It is not likely to be used by a website or any service where keeping your data safe is important.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Let me try to repeat savage orange's post...

Saying something is a RAID is like saying it's a bird: There are many types of birds, and many types of RAIDs.

Some types of birds are better at different things than other birds.
Some RAIDs are better at some things than other RAIDS.

RAID0 is one type of raid. it combines 2 hard drives into one drive, and is not very good at providing a redundant backup of data. If one drive dies, all data is lost on both drives. Though, it makes your computer faster.

BIRD0 is one type of bird, in which two birds act as one.

post #1596002 = post #1552865

Updated by anonymous

.. If you are going to make that kind of joke, your post should at least include birdo ;)


RAID0 is a type of RAID which is the furthest away from the typical applications of RAID.

Characterizing RAID0 as a type of RAID is true, in the same way that "a penguin is a type of bird" is true.

Characterizing RAID0 as "what RAID is" is false and substantially misleading.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

savageorange said:
.. Uh, that was addressed at MyNameIsOver20Charac.

But ok.

B.. but he did? o_o it's why I assumed..?

*tries to figure out if she's just realy dumb somehow...?*

Updated by anonymous

... oooooh..

I bet that blacklisted pic is relevant...

Yep. Sorry about that, I checked the tooltip but didn't pay close enough attention.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

savageorange said:
... oooooh..

I bet that blacklisted pic is relevant...

Yep. Sorry about that, I checked the tooltip but didn't pay close enough attention.

hahahaha XD You had me sitting here doubting everything ;) "b-but... isn't that? that's Birdo? That IS Birdo right? W-was the japanese name different? W-what?"

Updated by anonymous

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