Topic: e621 Facts

Posted under General

This topic has been locked.

Find some facts about e621 and post them on here. One fact = 1 post.


Fact: The more mature users hate this type of forum thread.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
Find some facts about e621 and post them on here. One fact = 1 post.

e621 is infested with ponies

Updated by anonymous

9/11 happened really hard and fast, and made a big mess everywhere when it was done.

Updated by anonymous

just because the art is mature, doesn't mean the comments will be.

Updated by anonymous

There are ~233692 images online at the moment
129825 (55%) of those images are explicit.

There are ~64350 (27%) images tagged male but not female.
There are ~96150 (41%) images tagged female but not male.
There are ~48900 (20%) images tagged female and male
There are ~27150 (12%) images tagged neither female nor male

There are ~23700 (10%) images tagged mlp/my_little_pony

"gay", "lesbian" and "solo" are tagged very bad.

gay = 23100 images
lesbian = 6825 images

rating:e male -female -solo ~25275 gay images
rating:e female -male -solo ~16500 lesbian images

rating:e heterosexual = 27750 images
rating:e +male +female -gay -lesbian = 36825 images

Updated by anonymous

Akkira said:
There are ~233692 images online at the moment
129825 (55%) of those images are explicit.

There are ~64350 (27%) images tagged male but not female.
There are ~96150 (41%) images tagged female but not male.
There are ~48900 (20%) images tagged female and male
There are ~27150 (12%) images tagged neither female nor male

There are ~23700 (10%) images tagged mlp/my_little_pony

"gay", "lesbian" and "solo" are tagged very bad.

gay = 23100 images
lesbian = 6825 images

rating:e male -female -solo ~25275 gay images
rating:e female -male -solo ~16500 lesbian images

rating:e heterosexual = 27750 images
rating:e +male +female -gay -lesbian = 36825 images

There are useres that can't count to one. ;)

Updated by anonymous

It's quantifiable and easily proven that "Ya'll niggas weird" is a statement that can be easily used in 8 out of 10 situations on-site with no modification to sentence structure or target audience.

Updated by anonymous

Users of e621 have a higher chance of having psychiatric disorders since all kinds of fetishes are often comorbidities of psychiatric disorders and "furry" is a fetish.
Most, if not all users of e621 have the furry fetish.

Guys and girls, you are masturbating to anthropomorphized animals.

Updated by anonymous

Fact: cats are not water resistant...
but on a lighter note burned well when lit.

Seriously though its a fact, this site is dominated by males, very few of us females be here... Right dashy?

Updated by anonymous

Akkira said:
Guys and girls, you are masturbating to anthropomorphized animals.

fap fap fap

Updated by anonymous

e621 is bad for your health.
Unfortunately, monosodium glutamate is everywhere these days.

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
e621 is bad for your health.
Unfortunately, monosodium glutamate is everywhere these days.

fact proven

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
e621 is the same color as a Windows BlueScreen.

#0000FF is not a color presented anywhere on e621, except as an unapproved image border.

Updated by anonymous

Test-Subject_217601 said:
e621's community has come to the general consensus that they do indeed like chocolate milk.

And whatever else that implies.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
And whatever else that implies.

Why yes, I like regular milk as well!

Updated by anonymous

GreyMaria said:
Why yes, I like regular milk as well!

And with cookies.

Updated by anonymous

the site runs off of ruby on rails, json, nginx; and the prayers and dreams of the designers.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
the site runs off of ruby on rails, json, nginx; and the prayers and dreams of the designers.

Isn't it also powered by a teaspoon of Ippiki's cum daily?

Updated by anonymous

IvoryWolf said:
Fact: cats are not water resistant...
but on a lighter note burned well when lit.

Seriously though its a fact, this site is dominated by males, very few of us females be here... Right dashy?

Thaz right

Updated by anonymous

GreyMaria said:
Isn't it also powered by a teaspoon of Ippiki's cum daily?

He's too busy uploading pics before other people can.

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
He's too busy uploading pics before other people can.

I am trying to beat him, lol.

Updated by anonymous

Keats said:
I am trying to beat him, lol.

Good luck, you'll need lots. And lots. Did I mention lots?

Updated by anonymous

furballs_dc said:
Good luck, you'll need lots. And lots. Did I mention lots?

Yes, I heard you the first time, lol.
And what do you mean by "lots"?


Oh never mind, I know what you mean.

Updated by anonymous

Keats said:
Yes, I heard you the first time, lol.
And what do you mean by "lots"?


Oh never mind, I know what you mean.

he means "parking lots" so you'll have to buy a department store, mall, amusement park, school, decent-sized business or something with a sizeable parking lot.

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
he means "parking lots" so you'll have to buy a department store, mall, amusement park, school, decent-sized business or something with a sizeable parking lot.

This too, almost forgot about those.

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
he means "parking lots" so you'll have to buy a department store, mall, amusement park, school, decent-sized business or something with a sizeable parking lot.

I would recommend Boardwalk and Park Place.

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
he means "parking lots" so you'll have to buy a department store, mall, amusement park, school, decent-sized business or something with a sizeable parking lot.

Oh look, your unhysterical joke becomes hysterical. :E

Updated by anonymous

Fact, E621 runs like ork tecknology. It runs purely on our belief that it works, and if taken apart down to its base code would in no way possibly work correctly. And occasionally by throwing a toaster at it, which is why we keep Null around.


Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
Fact, E621 runs like ork tecknology. It runs purely on our belief that it works, and if taken apart down to its base code would in no way possibly work correctly. And occasionally by throwing a toaster at it, which is why we keep Null around.


You be careful now or I'm gonna make you learn rails too.

Updated by anonymous

It is also fact that the awesomeness of e6 must be carefully administered to the users, there was an incident where pure e6 exposure in large quantities caused everything within a 2 mile radius of any user to become instantly 5 months pregnant with twins...

It was a disaster...

Updated by anonymous

I don't remember that bit. Cover up? Or was it just the seahorse users?

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
You be careful now or I'm gonna make you learn rails too.

FUuuuuuuuuuuck that.

Updated by anonymous

Princess_Celestia said:
Fact, E621 runs like ork tecknology. It runs purely on our belief that it works, and if taken apart down to its base code would in no way possibly work correctly. And occasionally by throwing a toaster at it, which is why we keep Null around.

Then you should try using magic and relays. That seems to work just fine for the military.

Fact: e621 has a big write-up on Encyclopedia Dramatica ... not that it's a good thing, because they actually give instructions on how to troll the users and vandalize the site.

Updated by anonymous

RedRaven said:
Fact: e621 has a big write-up on Encyclopedia Dramatica ... not that it's a good thing, because they actually give instructions on how to troll the users and vandalize the site.

Fact: lol

Updated by anonymous

RedRaven said:
Fact: e621 has a big write-up on Encyclopedia Dramatica ... not that it's a good thing, because they actually give instructions on how to troll the users and vandalize the site.

Fact: that article and all its methods are at least 2 years out of date.

Updated by anonymous

Fact: e621 is a pretty well self-contained site that has no* dependency on other sites for image, forum, accounts, e-mail and comment system hosting.

*Not taking into account ads

Updated by anonymous

E621 is on the European list of legal food additives. It is short for Monosodium glutamate.

Updated by anonymous

Believe it or not, e621 hosts non-explicit content as well. Some of it could even be called 'art'

Updated by anonymous

Fact, e6 occupies the majority of my day, yet somehow seems to brighten it just helping you guys out

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Dash said:
Fact, e6 occupies the majority of my day, yet somehow seems to brighten it just helping you guys out

Y-y-you care about m-m-me? ÓvÒ

Updated by anonymous

Fact: Their well always be something to hate.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
Fact: that article and all its methods are at least 2 years out of date.

Fact: and incorrect. most of this has been outdated since BEFORE I took over as coder.

Updated by anonymous

Akkira said
Guys and girls, you are masturbating to anthropomorphized animals.

Fact: I despise the human race. It is pitiful and relatively unattractive.

Updated by anonymous

itsapainfulworld said:

Fact: I despise the human race. It is pitiful and relatively unattractive.

I don't like people either, but individuals can be interesting.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Fact: e621 is a pretty well self-contained site that has no* dependency on other sites for image, forum, accounts, e-mail and comment system hosting.

*Not taking into account ads

Fact: e621 actually does depend on a myriad of sites for its content. If these sites did not exist, e621 would be very well barren. But at least it doesn't steal from other boorus like some of the other boorus do.

Updated by anonymous

hg3300 said:
Fact: e621 actually does depend on a myriad of sites for its content. If these sites did not exist, e621 would be very well barren. But at least it doesn't steal from other boorus like some of the other boorus do.

He probably meant the coding/linking part, you have only 3 or 4 different servers displaying content on this site, most others have shitload of servers for scripts, media, a dozen advertising sites and more bullshit nobody ever cares for.

Fact: The tag what you see rule is the best thing for a image database since the invention of porn.
The search feature on FA is basicially worthless because no one tags anything happening in the image, uses troll tags, no tags or fills only his name in.
I'm really happy about the fact that things like those can get you banned after a few warnings.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYouMobile said:
He probably meant the coding/linking part, you have only 3 or 4 different servers displaying content on this site, most others have shitload of servers for scripts, media, a dozen advertising sites and more bullshit nobody ever cares for.

Fact: The tag what you see rule is the best thing for a image database since the invention of porn.
The search feature on FA is basicially worthless because no one tags anything happening in the image, uses troll tags, no tags or fills only his name in.
I'm really happy about the fact that things like those can get you banned after a few warnings.

1 server. In fact until a week ago it shared resources with 20pc, baddragon, agpnh, fchan, and still hosts 95% of the page views FA does, on less resources. We keep growing though so we got the dedicated server now.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:

1 server. In fact until a week ago it shared resources with 20pc, baddragon, agpnh, fchan, and still hosts 95% of the page views FA does, on less resources. We keep growing though so we got the dedicated server now.

Huh, can't check it now but I was sure NoScript showed 3 or 4,,, and something else.
Could also be that I worded that wrong or that this was some time ago, I only whitelisted e621 once a couple months ago and didn't run into problems ever since.

Updated by anonymous

Fact: I used to be a member, just like the rest of you.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Fact: I used to be a member, just like the rest of you.

My God...

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Fact: I used to be a member, just like the rest of you.

I was a member BEFORE YOU. >.>

NotMeNotYouMobile said:
Huh, can't check it now but I was sure NoScript showed 3 or 4,,, and something else.
Could also be that I worded that wrong or that this was some time ago, I only whitelisted e621 once a couple months ago and didn't run into problems ever since.

bad dragon is a seperate company entirely, and only does ad hosting. the last thing you are thinking of is google analytics.. but honestly.. every last bit of e621's code is hosted off the server. we got external services hosting ads and tracking things for us, but unlike FA, if they go down, We still run.

Updated by anonymous

tony311 said:
Fact: I used to be a member, just like the rest of you.

Aurali said:
I was a member BEFORE YOU. >.>

Fact: I'm STILL a member :D

hg3300 said:
Fact: e621 actually does depend on a myriad of sites for its content. If these sites did not exist, e621 would be very well barren. But at least it doesn't steal from other boorus like some of the other boorus do.

NotMeNotYouMobile said:
He probably meant the coding/linking part, you have only 3 or 4 different servers displaying content on this site, most others have shitload of servers for scripts, media, a dozen advertising sites and more bullshit nobody ever cares for.

Yup, that was I meant, but was referring to what Aurali said, only 1 server

hg3300 said:
Fact: e621 actually does depend on a myriad of sites for its content. If these sites did not exist, e621 would be very well barren. But at least it doesn't steal from other boorus like some of the other boorus do.

Well, in a way it does.

Updated by anonymous

Fact: Anything you search will bring up a pony.

Doesn't matter the character, The scenario, or the tags. You'll get a pony somewhere in your results.

Updated by anonymous

Dr.Shadowprints said:
Fact: Anything you search will bring up a pony.

Doesn't matter the character, The scenario, or the tags. You'll get a pony somewhere in your results.

What if you put in the tag -pony?

Updated by anonymous

Wolfboy1206 said:
What if you put in the tag -pony?

You still get a pony due to miss-tagging

Updated by anonymous

Just like any other internet site, e621 is full of assholes, yet it never seems to escalate.
I mean, you guys are still there, right? :D

Updated by anonymous

Vagabond said:
Just like any other internet site, e621 is full of assholes, yet it never seems to escalate.
I mean, you guys are still there, right? :D


Updated by anonymous