Implicating white_paws → paws_white_fur
Link to implication
I can't think if a not-obvious way to explain this, other than this isn't already implied.
Updated by Knotty Curls
Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions
Implicating white_paws → paws_white_fur
Link to implication
I can't think if a not-obvious way to explain this, other than this isn't already implied.
Updated by Knotty Curls
uh.. what. paws_white_fur is not exactly a valid tag.
and if you meant to implying to paws and white_fur, the paws would work but not the white fur. its not only furred characters that can have paws, also fur tags applies only to characters that have clearly visible fur.
Updated by anonymous
-empty tag
-too specific
-improper spelling format
-white_paws is not specific as to what the body texture is.
Updated by anonymous
How about manual retagging with white_fur and socks_(marking)?
Updated by anonymous
Implicating white_paws -> paws is the most I will do.
EDIT: second thought, disambiguating. There's a character named whitepaws, surprise surprise.
Updated by anonymous