Topic: Tag Alias: ewe -> sheep

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing ewe → sheep
Link to alias


Since gendered species terms like ram and bull are already agreed to be aliased to their base species, I don't see any reason why the opposite shouldn't get this treatment.

Ergo: ewe should change to sheep, as it means "female sheep".

Related species term aliases:


Updated by Knotty Curls

I) Usually (in the overwhelming majority of the cases) we don't need aliases to tags that were never used, or are used so sporadically that would be more practical to fix manually. Referent to:

II) The tag in use is 'cattle', not 'cow', would be better to change it in your suggestion. Referent to:

III) It seems really unlikely for the tag 'tomcat' to be used to the character which you are referring; I would suggest either aliasing it to 'cat' or just cleaning it manually. Referent to:

IV) I sincerely don't know enough about the possibility of 'reynard' being used to characters to opine. Referent to:


+1 to buckbuck (disambiguation). Explanation below:

I) The term is also used to other cervines as well as to some antelopes (I know nothing about it being used to ksngaroos though).

II) It is a proper name.

+1 to sowpig. It seems to be used consistently with the species.

+1 to tigresstigress (disambiguation). In this case the character's name may be a real problem.

Updated by anonymous

No. Cow can refer to female cattle, buffalos, camels, elephants, whales and others. Doe can refer to female deer, rabbits, antelope, hamsters and others. And bitch means "female dog".

Here's a more complete list.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
No. Cow can refer to female cattle, buffalos, camels, elephants, whales and others. Doe can refer to female deer, rabbits, antelope, hamsters and others.

Are you sure that those additional meanings aren't in disuse? I never heard about them.

Also even if that is a true issue, aliasing those terms to 'female' would be risky, due to the possibility of they being tagged to dickgirls and herms.

Edit: About the bitchfemale alias, it probably should be revised, after all, it was one of those primeval aliases.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
cow A-> female and doe A-> female because both refer to female members of multiple species.

Interestingly, bitch was aliased to female instead of dog.

Aliasing cow to female runs the risk of people tagging a bull as a female by accident due to the species being called "cow" regardless of gender. Unless used specifically to indicate gender, it indicates species, and aliasing it with female is going to have a lot of mistags.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
Aliasing cow to female runs the risk of people tagging a bull as a female by accident due to the species being called "cow" regardless of gender. Unless used specifically to indicate gender, it indicates species, and aliasing it with female is going to have a lot of mistags.

yeah if cow wasn't the major name of a breed of cattle I'd agree with it being aliased to female, but in this case it's probably for the best for it to be aliased to cattle, due to the common association of it to cattle rather than it being a generalized term (buck for example is much more of a common term and isn't commonly attributed or associated with one known species like cow is, hence my suggestion to alias it to a disambiguation page. most people kind of associate it with deer but not nearly as commonly as cow is attributed to cattle imho)

Updated by anonymous

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