Topic: Question about Aliasing

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

Hi internet, just a quick question.

How do you alias tags? Or is it only a tool only mods/janitors/admins can do? Since I can't seem to find or figure out how to do it.

Basically I've got a string of images and animations to upload from HungoTheNomster as I got his permission to upload yesterday, but one of his characters can be defined in a number of ways

Character tag is James_callen but technically the character is more commonly referred to and known as 'J' - so I was going to see if J_(hungothenomster) and j_callen could be aliased, but once again no idea how it works or even allowed to.

K, thanks in advance for the help

EDIT: (Negate this forum post please, figured it out now and found the form)

Updated by Furrin Gok

Ok, I'm dumb - Ignore this post, just figured it out, found the form.
(I would hide the original question to close this forum post, but can't do that)

Updated by anonymous

DeservantHurricane said:
Ok, I'm dumb - Ignore this post, just figured it out, found the form.
(I would hide the original question to close this forum post, but can't do that)

You could, if you hadn't replied to the thread already.

Updated by anonymous

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