Topic: Tag Implication: nitw -> night_in_the_woods

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Siral_Exan said:
You mean alias, right?

Crap... Yes, I meant alias, this should be an alias suggestion.

Updated by anonymous

+1 for alias. It is a long enough title to justify a shortening, it also seems to be already in use out of e621; OK, it resembles the word 'nitwit' but nah.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

The shortcut is unnecessary because night_in_the_woods should get automatically tagged from the character implications. But since those don't exist yet, and nitw is actually getting tagged...

Updated by anonymous

could this be aliased? people keep constantly tagging nitw on posts... i mean it would not be big deal to keep removing them with tag script but it keeps getting used several times per day...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Implication deleted, alias created instead.

Updated by anonymous

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