Topic: [Bug/Fixed] Clicking the dmail respond button multiple times fucks up the input

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Bug overview description.

When clicking the respond button the first time on any given dmail it opens the text input field and places the contents of the dmail inside a quote.
Clicking the respond button again takes the contents inside of the quote and replaces it with the contents (if any) outside of the quote.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

All dmails. (example)

What is the expected behavior?

Clicking the respond button should simply append a new quote of the dmail to the current reply, instead of replacing existing contents.

What actual behavior is given instead?

The existing quote is cleared and everything else is moved into the quote.

Time of incident (if applicable).

2010 and ongoing.

Can you reproduce the bug every time?


What steps did you take to replicate this bug?

Just click respond once to open the input field, type something in, then click respond again.

Errors or other messages returned (if any).


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