Topic: Tag Alias: nonhumanoid_humanoid_penis -> non-humanoid_humanoid_penis

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

-1, as I read your wiki it seems that this tag is to bridge multiple tags together. If you're looking to blacklist, then backlisting humanoid_penis anthro and etc. will work, and initially saves space (21 to 27, excluding breaks). There are tags for any "non-humanoid" body types, so this tag would be worse than standard blacklisting. There's probably a better way that still eludes me, and though useful saving space isn't the main intent for blacklisting.

Alias to invalid tag instead. I haven't seen a search term that combines two irrelevant tags (body type + penis), and we've aliased away anatomically_incorrect which was about as vague since it cared about the species over body type, but genitals under penes. Are you gonna suggest a non-humanoid_humanoid_pussy as well?

Updated by anonymous

I fixed up the wiki description for it. Although the tag is a bit wordy, I wont mind using it while tagging.

I think it would be useful enough as a tag personally. I understand why people would want to blacklist it, and I would say it is a certain flavor of art that is specific to certain artists.

Also anatomically_incorrect and similar tags were nuked at a time where e621 didn't strictly enforce its quality standards. It's a product of a bygone era. Maybe that tag still isn't useful enough to be a valid tag, but I think some scrutiny should be taken before pointing out tags that were invalidated before 2015.

Updated by anonymous

I'm kind of confused how one might find anthro on human / humanoid scenes where the anthro has a humanoid penis without a tag such as this.

We're talking about 750+ page tag searches.

One tag would help sift through thousands of false positives. Although that being said, it would take a long time to tag the massive number of posts tagged as humanoid penis.

Edit: Maybe....
anthro -animal_penis human -humanoid duo

I think anyway you try it, you're always going to have lots of false positives because human on anthro / feral is a popular trend. Also such a tag search requires multiple tags just to implement, lowering the tags that can be used for other things.

Edit 2:
Hmm... the anatomically correct tag might help with this. I doubt many think to use it for humans.

Edit 3:
penis -animal_penis anthro_on_human

This is the best I have come up with so far and it has 244 pages of results and still has lots of false positives. It will always have them as long as we can't exclude female anthros from the search.

Updated by anonymous

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