Topic: Prosthetics and amputees

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

So, upon finding post #1278803 I went and added the prosthetic arm and the amputee tag, but upon reviewing the wikis, apparently prosthetics were not intended to be tagged as amputee. Despite this, they have frequently been receiving the tags, and the tags have stayed: post #874777.

Should we change up the wikis to include prosthetics added onto amputees? Or, should we replace the tag? Getting rid of it will prevent users from locating images of characters who have prosthetics specifically for lost limbs, rather than entirely new limbs.

Updated by JAKXXX3

BlueDingo said:
Makes sense. If the character wasn't an amputee, why would he need a prosthetic limb?

Going from a standard two arms to having four. That's mentioned under the prosthetic_arm wiki. I'll add links to the opening post, forgot to do that.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Going from a standard two arms to having four. That's mentioned under the prosthetic_arm wiki. I'll add links to the opening post, forgot to do that.

Fair enough, but I reckon adding amputee in when the character is an amputee makes sense, with or without a prosthesis.

Then again, the amputee page says such characters are considered cyborgs for some reason.

Updated by anonymous

The wiki page probably should be changed. If is clear that a character has lost determined limb, the 'amputee' tag should be used regardless of the presence or absence of a prosthesis.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Then again, the amputee page says such characters are considered cyborgs for some reason.

That cyborg/amputee issue needs to be dealt with, as well as cybernetics and the various cybernetic limb tags.

In addition, it isn't always clear if a limb has been amputated and replaced by a mechanical one, or if the organic limb is still attached and is just augmented and visually obscured by synthetic parts. It would depend on the image of course, some would be obvious, others might not be.

There's also the issue of characters who wear clothing that might be interpreted as robotic parts, but is just protective armor which is easily removed (eg post #1272130).

Updated by anonymous

JAKXXX3 said:
That cyborg/amputee issue needs to be dealt with, as well as cybernetics and the various cybernetic limb tags.

In addition, it isn't always clear if a limb has been amputated and replaced by a mechanical one, or if the organic limb is still attached and is just augmented and visually obscured by synthetic parts. It would depend on the image of course, some would be obvious, others might not be.

There's also the issue of characters who wear clothing that might be interpreted as robotic parts, but is just protective armor which is easily removed (eg post #1272130).

Then, should we be on the lookout for obviously entirely mechanical joints? For example, S4ssy's elbows: Mechanical ball joint with no sign of the organic tissue still being there. The charmeleon on the other hand, we can't see any such joint.
Or should we do it the opposite, where we actually have to see evidence that the real arm is actually underneath, and that it's not just a more advanced prosthesis?

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Then, should we be on the lookout for obviously entirely mechanical joints? For example, S4ssy's elbows: Mechanical ball joint with no sign of the organic tissue still being there. The charmeleon on the other hand, we can't see any such joint.
Or should we do it the opposite, where we actually have to see evidence that the real arm is actually underneath, and that it's not just a more advanced prosthesis?

It will depend on the image in question. S4ssy's left arm is obviously mechanical in post #1278803 and should be tagged as such. It's somewhat difficult to tell for the second image with the charmeleon (post #874777), it's not entirely clear whether it's entirely mechanical or not. Though the shape of the shoulder and the elbow in particular leads me to believe it is mechanical. The black part of the elbow appears to be a complete sphere, as you can see some of it through the hole in the upper arm beside it.

Updated by anonymous

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