Topic: What makes you laugh?

Posted under Off Topic

Pretty similar to the threads on happiness, sadness, and anger. Anything that makes you laugh, you're welcome to share.

But here's a list of things to consider (oh the horror, there's nuance):

-Religious humor: I think poking fun at religions that are dead or not mainstream is acceptable. Best to avoid jokes about mainstream religions, even if you know how to make a joke without offending anyone.
-Political humor: This is another sensitive subject. The best I can suggest is to things that everyone can agree on.
-Dark humor: Tragedies that happened at least 5-10 years ago are probably okay, but don't quote me on that.

If any of the mods/admins think I am encouraging things that are against the site's guidelines, I'll take responsibility for my ignorance.

What makes me laugh is when the last couple seconds of one clip does something funny, then suddenly cuts to a different clip that's completely serious.

Updated by ChicagoBears

Certain memes that haven't been milked to death. (Which are sadly few in number nowadays)

Updated by anonymous

I'm personally a fan of the humor provided by the rouge E-militant protecting guilmon from hector21314.
Also Gabriel Iglesias, that guy is funny.
Oh and good puns, blonde jokes, dirty jokes...
Ok so I think its easier to just say not Adam Sandler.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
6 years ago... that was during obama's reign, correct? seems pretty accurate to me.

Could we not start getting political?

HsTheBraixen said:
Certain memes that haven't been milked to death. (Which are sadly few in number nowadays)

I thought that was the nature of memes. They sprout up, get milked, then fade away into obscurity to be inevitably used by the public at large for far too long.

And my favorite sort of humor is word-play. Set up a really good joke involving words and I'll usually like it.

Updated by anonymous

Schadenfreude is nice. though usually just when watching movies, crap on youtube or in videogames.

Updated by anonymous

Non-game-breaking glitches, like when you shoot a bad guy, they die, then their body starts spazzing out into impossible positions and getting stuck in solid objects.

Or Skate 3.

Updated by anonymous

Chameloshi said:
Non-game-breaking glitches, like when you shoot a bad guy, they die, then their body starts spazzing out into impossible positions and getting stuck in solid objects.

Or Skate 3.

Yeah, glitches which are harmless are funny. Harmful or exploitable ones, not so much.

Updated by anonymous

GameManiac said:
VanossGaming videos.

I shot someone named vanossgaming in titanfall 2. I don't know who that is but the name sounded familiar so I remembered it.

Updated by anonymous

Doomguy666 said:
I shot someone named vanossgaming in titanfall 2. I don't know who that is but the name sounded familiar so I remembered it.

Hmm. Probably a fan then.

I also find videogamedunkey and Jontron to be hilarious.

Updated by anonymous

People who purposely get communities angry, and the communities get infuriated, despite the clear fact that they're giving the reaction the troll's want.

They're pretty much saying "Hey bitch! Get mad at me!" And then they get mad at them. It's pretty funny to watch.

Updated by anonymous

Chameloshi said:
Non-game-breaking glitches, like when you shoot a bad guy, they die, then their body starts spazzing out into impossible positions and getting stuck in solid objects.

Or Skate 3.

that happened when i killed my first magitek mech in FFXV the other day. i killed it, one of the legs got caught on the rough terrain (well, when is the terrain NOT rough in FFXV?) and stretched out a good distance before the mech blew up (word of advice: when you kill a magitek mech and it falls down, back off before it goes off like a ticking time bomb. those things can get you even when they die.)

another thing that's glitchy in this game is the reflections on water. particularly large bodies of water. sometimes the reflection will show terrain on the other side of the body of water but the image will be really stretched and freaky looking. i'm hoping this 1.04 update fixes that as it's a bit disturbing to look at for long. :/

tbh, i've played worse games before but this one really is a new low for final fantasy...un a good number of ways. like, it's not too bad but it's just so...different from what you would normally expect of a main series FF game. that's likely one of the main reasons no one likes it that much, it's just too different.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
that happened when i killed my first magitek mech in FFXV the other day. i killed it, one of the legs got caught on the rough terrain (well, when is the terrain NOT rough in FFXV?) and stretched out a good distance before the mech blew up (word of advice: when you kill a magitek mech and it falls down, back off before it goes off like a ticking time bomb. those things can get you even when they die.)

another thing that's glitchy in this game is the reflections on water. particularly large bodies of water. sometimes the reflection will show terrain on the other side of the body of water but the image will be really stretched and freaky looking. i'm hoping this 1.04 update fixes that as it's a bit disturbing to look at for long. :/

tbh, i've played worse games before but this one really is a new low for final fantasy...un a good number of ways. like, it's not too bad but it's just so...different from what you would normally expect of a main series FF game. that's likely one of the main reasons no one likes it that much, it's just too different.

Final Fantasy's theme is "RPG, in different engines." It makes sense that they change things up.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Final Fantasy's theme is "RPG, in different engines." It makes sense that they change things up.

yeah, i guess so. they might want to work on this "open world" thing a bit more before trying it again though as this one isn't simply an open world but rather an open world with walls and white walls.

it's also not as big as skyrim's quite a bit. i think this games map is somewhere around 10-20 miles across and a bit less going north to south. kinda small for what's said to be a continent early in the game. theres some interesting locations of course but exploration is rather limited with so much blocked by white walls. it'll likely open up as i progress of course but as of chapter 3 (before unlocking the chocobo which i actually forgot about. O_O; OOPS, sorry, my cute birdy friends! i'll rescue you just as soon as i finish this dungeon.) theres not all that much to do.

climbed up a volcano earlier which was pretty fun. not too tough despite the enemies all being 3-8 lvls above me at the time. so, while limited, theres some nice places to explore.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
yeah, i guess so. they might want to work on this "open world" thing a bit more before trying it again though as this one isn't simply an open world but rather an open world with walls and white walls.

it's also not as big as skyrim's quite a bit. i think this games map is somewhere around 10-20 miles across and a bit less going north to south. kinda small for what's said to be a continent early in the game. theres some interesting locations of course but exploration is rather limited with so much blocked by white walls. it'll likely open up as i progress of course but as of chapter 3 (before unlocking the chocobo which i actually forgot about. O_O; OOPS, sorry, my cute birdy friends! i'll rescue you just as soon as i finish this dungeon.) theres not all that much to do.

climbed up a volcano earlier which was pretty fun. not too tough despite the enemies all being 3-8 lvls above me at the time. so, while limited, theres some nice places to explore.

Well, maybe they're pulling a Roxas and giving you a really huge tutorial.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Well, maybe they're pulling a Roxas and giving you a really huge tutorial.

i rather doubt that to be the case as i'm now around 1/3 through the game if i'm not mistaken. o_O or you may be right. just did a quick ctrl+F (skipping spoilers and whatnot) on a guide and it looks like you eventually get an airship so maybe the map does expand at some point. and if it doesn't even after getting the airship i will be quite disappointed. :/

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
just did a quick ctrl+F (skipping spoilers and whatnot) on a guide

Looking up walkthroughs instead of discovering it for yourself. Naughty naughty.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
i rather doubt that to be the case as i'm now around 1/3 through the game if i'm not mistaken. o_O or you may be right. just did a quick ctrl+F (skipping spoilers and whatnot) on a guide and it looks like you eventually get an airship so maybe the map does expand at some point. and if it doesn't even after getting the airship i will be quite disappointed. :/

"One third" doesn't say much, it's Final Fantasy. Take Final Fantasy 6, "One third" is actually the entire world, and yet you still have two full worlds unexplored.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
"One third" doesn't say much, it's Final Fantasy. Take Final Fantasy 6, "One third" is actually the entire world, and yet you still have two full worlds unexplored.

Not to mention the antagonist destroys 4/5 of the entire universe, thereby succeeding in his evil plot less than halfway through the game.

Updated by anonymous

Idiots who believe drinking milk is a symbol of white supremacy. Now, if you'll excuse me...

post #380292

Furrin_Gok said:
Take Final Fantasy 6, "One third" is actually the entire world, and yet you still have two full worlds unexplored.

That's FF5. FF5 is 1/3 world 1, 1/3 world 2, 1/3 world 1+2. FF6 is 2/3 world 1, 1/3 world 2.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Idiots who believe drinking milk is a symbol of white supremacy. Now, if you'll excuse me...

I have literally never heard of that from anyone who claims to believe it's true.

Updated by anonymous

LumenSageAlexander said:
I have literally never heard of that from anyone who claims to believe it's true.

It helps you build strong white bones so you can make salute.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
"One third" doesn't say much, it's Final Fantasy. Take Final Fantasy 6, "One third" is actually the entire world, and yet you still have two full worlds unexplored.

was at 5/15 chapters, now at 10/15 i think

good riddance to XIII's 2d (that paper thin thing is NOT a dragon!) and deformed (those are SO not turtles) monsters of XIII. XV's monsters look more like a 3d version of more traditional FF monsters. well, most of them.

Gigantoads are giant frogs. Flans are nasty blobs of evil ooze. imps and goblins look like imps and goblins. and the esper/eidolon/gods/etc. are freaking EPIC! but i can't say much about that last bit due to plot related spoilers.

mindflayers (you keep those squid tentacles away from me, you freaks. ಠ_ಠ and STOP CONFUSING ME AND SCREWING WITH THE CONTROL SCHEME!), necromancers (10 minutes into the fight: ugh, MORE skeletons to kill? seriously?!), haven't seen any dragons yet that i'm aware of.

and of course, we have the MA-X line of Magitech Armor models courtesy of the Niflheim Empire.

the monsters look like they should, the status effects work as one would expect (bring a LOT of golden needles when fighting necros. ;))

and...altissia (2nd continent) is a pain to navigate. just arrived at the 3rd continent before calling it a night earlier.

Updated by anonymous

some of the things these guys say in combat (FFXV). for example...

while fighting a giant snake...naga...thing: *gladiolus gets petrified*

Ignus: Gladiolus is as hard as a rock.

Noctis: The hell are you talking about?

lol it doesn't get much better when they star getting confused or turned into frogs either. well, it certainly keeps things interesting, that's for sure.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
some of the things these guys say in combat (FFXV). for example...

while fighting a giant snake...naga...thing: *gladiolus gets petrified*

Ignus: Gladiolus is as hard as a rock.

Noctis: The hell are you talking about?

lol it doesn't get much better when they star getting confused or turned into frogs either. well, it certainly keeps things interesting, that's for sure.

Ignus mentions rock... Igneous rock?

As long as it's not like Xenoblade Chronicles where they almost never shut up in battle. Three characters saying something every single time they attack or get attacked gets really annoying after a while.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Ignus mentions rock... Igneous rock?

As long as it's not like Xenoblade Chronicles where they almost never shut up in battle. Three characters saying something every single time they attack or get attacked gets really annoying after a while.

It's the one game I get people complaining to turn it down. I like listening to them, though, so I just use headphones.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Ignus mentions rock... Igneous rock?

As long as it's not like Xenoblade Chronicles where they almost never shut up in battle. Three characters saying something every single time they attack or get attacked gets really annoying after a while.

well, not on every attack. it's more along the lines of commentary here and there...and whining about whatever environment your exploring or the weather outside of combat. it's not too bad though.

Furrin_Gok said:
It's the one game I get people complaining to turn it down. I like listening to them, though, so I just use headphones.

i rather like how i can plug my headphone or ear buds into this controller. :) you can hear the audio clearly without having to turn the tv up really loud. that and these noise cancelling ones i've got are really nice when you take into consideration the fact i now keep a fan blowing at the back of the console.

the boss battle at Formouth Garrison had the console running so hot i was afraid something might burn out in it. :( thankfully, this fan seems to be helping keep that under control rather nicely. the video card or something in this console did NOT like that graphically intensive battle at all.

:/ hope i can just take it to a repair shop or something if the internal cooling fan ever burns out as a result of that one day. that's pretty much the only problem i've had with the PS4 PRO so far though.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
well, not on every attack. it's more along the lines of commentary here and there...and whining about whatever environment your exploring or the weather outside of combat. it's not too bad though.

i rather like how i can plug my headphone or ear buds into this controller. :) you can hear the audio clearly without having to turn the tv up really loud. that and these noise cancelling ones i've got are really nice when you take into consideration the fact i now keep a fan blowing at the back of the console.

the boss battle at Formouth Garrison had the console running so hot i was afraid something might burn out in it. :( thankfully, this fan seems to be helping keep that under control rather nicely. the video card or something in this console did NOT like that graphically intensive battle at all.

:/ hope i can just take it to a repair shop or something if the internal cooling fan ever burns out as a result of that one day. that's pretty much the only problem i've had with the PS4 PRO so far though.

Is your console sitting on top of an egg tray? Helps the vents actually get rid of the hot air. You can also set a refreezable ice-gel pack over the top of the side that's overheating, though you'll probably want a thin rag between the two in case of condensation.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
Flans are nasty blobs of evil ooze.

Funnily enough, in the Ivalice setting, the dessert of the same name was named after them, rather than the other way around like in our universe.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
Funnily enough, in the Ivalice setting, the dessert of the same name was named after them, rather than the other way around like in our universe.

o.O interesting tidbit and goodbye XV (back to gamefly it goes tomorrow). pretty much finished all i cared to do after beating the final boss.

Furrin_Gok said:
Is your console sitting on top of an egg tray? Helps the vents actually get rid of the hot air. You can also set a refreezable ice-gel pack over the top of the side that's overheating, though you'll probably want a thin rag between the two in case of condensation.

no, it's on a coffee table but having the fan pointed at the back side of it helped plenty. still gets a little warm nowhere near as hot as that one time.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Is your console sitting on top of an egg tray? Helps the vents actually get rid of the hot air. You can also set a refreezable ice-gel pack over the top of the side that's overheating, though you'll probably want a thin rag between the two in case of condensation.

I remember the good old days when video game consoles didn't double as convection heaters.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
I remember the good old days when video game consoles didn't double as convection heaters.

lost my wii (not sure what part burned out) and my xbox360 to that problem.

in the 360's case, the cooling fan died. the amount of heat that console would generate within seconds was nothing short of amazing. it'd probably get closer to the heat of a stove eye if left on for several minutes like that. once that fan goes the console basically commits suicide via heat. which is why i want to see if a repair shop or someone can fix it if it ever happens to this PS4. i don't want another dead console.

o_O why are video game companies making consoles with such shitty cooling systems after the PS2 era? microsoft KNEW the 360 had severe cooling problems but they sold it anyway (gotta get as much $ as possible from us little people, right, Micro$? greedy bastards...). might be the video card in this case. think i read somewhere that the ps4 pro uses an AMD card that's notoriously inefficient when it comes to cooling.

edit: oh and i would advise against using the backside USB port. the heat output on that side is so hot, even when it isn't overheating, that it could cause serious problems.

put your hand over a vent when you have your heater running. that's how hot it normally is back there. x2 or x3 that temperature, if not higher, when overheating.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
lost my wii (not sure what part burned out) and my xbox360 to that problem.

in the 360's case, the cooling fan died. the amount of heat that console would generate within seconds was nothing short of amazing. it'd probably get closer to the heat of a stove eye if left on for several minutes like that. once that fan goes the console basically commits suicide via heat. which is why i want to see if a repair shop or someone can fix it if it ever happens to this PS4. i don't want another dead console.

At least this problem doesn't affect handhelds. Imagine a 3DS or PSV heating up like that. I've heard stories of laptops doing it, though.

treos said:
o_O why are video game companies making consoles with such shitty cooling systems after the PS2 era? microsoft KNEW the 360 had severe cooling problems but they sold it anyway (gotta get as much $ as possible from us little people, right, Micro$? greedy bastards...). might be the video card in this case. think i read somewhere that the ps4 pro uses an AMD card that's notoriously inefficient when it comes to cooling.

Probably the same reason they make fragile controller parts, to make us buy more of them. I remember the time I accidentally stepped on the controller cord and slammed my N64 cartridge first into a hard wooden floor, zero damage to the game and console. I've had a Game Boy thrown off a second story balcony and land on the edge of a curb, cracked it but still worked just fine. I've had a GameCube running for 9 days straight without overheating.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
At least this problem doesn't affect handhelds. Imagine a 3DS or PSV heating up like that. I've heard stories of laptops doing it, though.

Probably the same reason they make fragile controller parts, to make us buy more of them. I remember the time I accidentally stepped on the controller cord and slammed my N64 cartridge first into a hard wooden floor, zero damage to the game and console. I've had a Game Boy thrown off a second story balcony and land on the edge of a curb, cracked it but still worked just fine. I've had a GameCube running for 9 days straight without overheating.

dude, you could probably pick up an original gameboy with some prongs and hold it in a fire for several seconds, let it cool fully and it still might work. assuming the plastic case held back most of the heat.

behold, pics of a yellowed SNES!

of course, back then consoles were basically a circuit board, some wires, and a large plastic case (maybe some other parts). a highly durable fire resistant plastic case in nintendo's case (especially with the NDS. that handheld is incredibly solid for a video game device.).

i think that's enough derailing this thread. how about a thread about video game stuff in general?

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
dude, you could probably pick up an original gameboy with some prongs and hold it in a fire for several seconds, let it cool fully and it still might work. assuming the plastic case held back most of the heat.

Or bomb blasts.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
(especially with the NDS. that handheld is incredibly solid for a video game device.).

Actually, my DS lost its touchscreen capability from being used once, permanently throwing off the calibrations past anything the settings could fix. Beyond even the help of Garrus.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
I remember the good old days when video game consoles didn't double as convection heaters.

Yeah, instead your graphics would suddenly glitch out and the game would freeze, so that it stopped heating up. Prevented you from getting to a save/password point.

Updated by anonymous

HypnoBitch said:
Dragon Ball Z Abridged. Favorite character? Nappa.

Or Lord Guru's Party Pooper song XD

Nell....don't take his coat...

Updated by anonymous

When the blacklist is used as an excuse for terrible tagging to not see something you don't like. Not going to call out any names, but there's a huge difference between what's chubby and 'obese'.

Just saying.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Ratte's comments tend to make me laugh.
Other than that, I can't think of anything specific. I know I laugh at some jokes, but only the first time I hear them. Which makes it hard to recall what was 'laugh out loud'-funny, and what was merely amusing.

Updated by anonymous

Tucker Carlson Tonight: He has been utterly destroying liberal professors, students and SJW's

The Young Turks: I like their honest and objective reportin........hahahahahaha

4chan /pol/ these people are just misunderstood, praise kek.

Updated by anonymous

ThoughtCrime said:
Tucker Carlson Tonight: He has been utterly destroying liberal professors, students and SJW's

The Young Turks: I like their honest and objective reportin........hahahahahaha

4chan /pol/ these people are just misunderstood, praise kek.


Updated by anonymous

Ash_Gashum said:
Tucker Carlson Tonight: He has been utterly destroying liberal professors, students and SJW's

I wouldn't call them liberal. Their views seem to be closer to a once-dead party that referred to itself as "National Socialist".

Updated by anonymous

ThoughtCrime said:
The Young Turks: I like their honest and objective reportin........hahahahahaha

right...honest and objective...

edit: while exploring the raven rock mines on solstheim (skyrim special edition)...

*kills a giant spider* 5 seconds later in a hall *the air spontaneously combusts on me* wth did I do?! o_O oh, must've been a gas leak and me with my torch out. oops lol

least it killed another spider and barely singed my hp.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
while exploring the raven rock mines on solstheim (skyrim special edition)...

*kills a giant spider* 5 seconds later in a hall *the air spontaneously combusts on me* wth did I do?! o_O oh, must've been a gas leak and me with my torch out. oops lol

least it killed another spider and barely singed my hp.

That's one way to look at the bright side of a heated situation which would be every side given the situation. "Sure, I just got incinerated 'coz I had my torch out in a room full of gas, but at least that spider got what was comin' to 'em."

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
I wouldn't call them liberal. Their views seem to be closer to a once-dead party that referred to itself as "National Socialist".

Meh. More communist than anything, really. There isn't a shred of nationalism between the lot of them. They do crib a lot of moves from the NatSoc/Fascist playbook, though.

"The fascists of the future will call themselves antifascists." - Winston Churchill

On that note, Winston Churchill makes me laugh. Funny guy.

EDIT: Actually, what makes me laugh even harder is when deranged people post shit on Twitter about how a rock dropped from the moon has the power of 100 nuclear bombs. And this deranged person is running for office soon. On a Democratic ticket. Tippity top kek.

Updated by anonymous

Fenrick said:
The thrilling sequel to Half-Life 2

Someone actually made "Quarter-Life: Halfway to Destruction" into a short game with RPG Maker.

I'm personally hoping to make a parody in the form of a well-written rewrite from Jim's annoyed point of view managing the Physicist that somehow got a Ph.D. Gordan Freement's lines will remain unchanged.

Updated by anonymous

Just had some guy in a hoodie come up and try the lock on my apartment's front door, then give a halfhearted knock.

Claims he was here to pick someone up.

Haha, you think I'm dumb? That's funny. I know when I just got cased.

Updated by anonymous

So apparently President Trump has declared March 2017 Irish-American History Month.

This is sending Twitter feminists into conniptions. Holy shit, I can't stop laughing. It's great.

Updated by anonymous

YouWereNeverMyFriend said:
So apparently President Trump has declared March 2017 Irish-American History Month.

This is sending Twitter feminists into conniptions. Holy shit, I can't stop laughing. It's great.

Out of all the gifts I imagined I would get for my birthday, a month on the calendar was not one of them. It's early, but appreciated. It doesn't make up for everything else, but it's still appreciated.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
That's one way to look at the bright side of a heated situation which would be every side given the situation. "Sure, I just got incinerated 'coz I had my torch out in a room full of gas, but at least that spider got what was comin' to 'em."

lol at least it didn't trigger a cave-in. gas pockets, cave-ins, gotta be careful when exploring caves and mines in skyrim.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
lol at least it didn't trigger a cave-in. gas pockets, cave-ins, gotta be careful when exploring caves and mines in skyrim.

Or real life, where there's no extra lives or reset button. Being trapped in a pitch black hole with a limited air supply laced with coal dust is a good way to give someone claustrophobia.

Updated by anonymous

(watchdogs) potential crime in progress...

me: *hacks a nearby camera to watch the victim* few seconds later... *stops watching and walks away a bit*

victim: GET OUT OF MY HEAD! *attacks nearby woman* YOU ATE MY KIDS!

me: o_O wtf just happened?! lol damn

that was right out of left field. he was a victim alright, a victim of some form of mental problem.

Updated by anonymous

treos said:
(watchdogs) potential crime in progress...

me: *hacks a nearby camera to watch the victim* few seconds later... *stops watching and walks away a bit*

victim: GET OUT OF MY HEAD! *attacks nearby woman* YOU ATE MY KIDS!

me: o_O wtf just happened?! lol damn

that was right out of left field. he was a victim alright, a victim of some form of mental problem.

I've seen others like that.

"Alien! It's an alien!"
"You can't eat my soul!"
"She's a witch!"
"Robots! Robots everywhere!"

Updated by anonymous