Topic: What makes you laugh?

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Furrin_Gok said:
And how can you watch the sub for DBZ? Goku sounds absolutely retarded in the Japanese voice acting. That's a million times more cringy than anything in the dub.

At least it's different. The majority of japanese cartoon characters sound like they're being voiced by the same four people. I remember when I watched the X-Men anime and I swear, half of the japanese voice actors sound almost the same while the english voices are all distinct.

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ElctrcBoogalord said:
Pretty similar to the threads on happiness, sadness, and anger. Anything that makes you laugh, you're welcome to share.

But here's a list of things to consider (oh the horror, there's nuance):

-Religious humor: I think poking fun at religions that are dead or not mainstream is acceptable. Best to avoid jokes about mainstream religions, even if you know how to make a joke without offending anyone.
-Political humor: This is another sensitive subject. The best I can suggest is to things that everyone can agree on.
-Dark humor: Tragedies that happened at least 5-10 years ago are probably okay, but don't quote me on that.

If any of the mods/admins think I am encouraging things that are against the site's guidelines, I'll take responsibility for my ignorance.

What makes me laugh is when the last couple seconds of one clip does something funny, then suddenly cuts to a different clip that's completely serious.

Filthy Frank, Pink Guy

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s1e5 of Z Nation, Home Sweet Zombie

a tornado filled with zombies you say? lol WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?!

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Patton Oswald's new comedy special "Annihilation" on Netflix was really quite a good laugh from that. That's pretty much the only reason I'm keeping Netflix at this point is because they're getting so many amazing comedians to do specials.

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BlueDingo said:

> Holds the Guinness World Record as the best selling female recording artist of all time.
> Half the kids have no idea who the fuck she is.

Fuckin' gold! More kids recognise Queen, Guns 'n' Roses and Mötley Crüe than her.

You want real fun? Ask them what object the "Save" icon is supposed to resemble.

Even better, mention the Game Boy and watch the kid not know what it is, and the parent have no idea they just said it's something else.

Or ask someone what the 64 in Commodore 64 means. (I guarantee if they do know what the N64 was, they'll say that one.)

Or what site had an Internet celebrity lipsync a song dramatically. (Newgrounds, Numa Numa. They will say Vine.

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kamimatsu said:
You want real fun? Ask them what object the "Save" icon is supposed to resemble.

Even better, mention the Game Boy and watch the kid not know what it is, and the parent have no idea they just said it's something else.

Or ask someone what the 64 in Commodore 64 means. (I guarantee if they do know what the N64 was, they'll say that one.)

Or what site had an Internet celebrity lipsync a song dramatically. (Newgrounds, Numa Numa. They will say Vine.


I want them to do an episode on a candlestick telephone. I've seen kids see this in old Mickey Mouse cartoons and not recognise it as a phone.

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Ah, yes. Children and young people are more likely to recognize things that were prevalent and relevant during THEIR formative years. Quite the phenomenon. I wonder why that would be.

... Why is this funny, exactly?

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MoonlitSoul said:
Ah, yes. Children and young people are more likely to recognize things that were prevalent and relevant during THEIR formative years. Quite the phenomenon.

Except Queen, Guns 'n' Roses and Mötley Crüe are not from their formative years, and they had no problems recognising them.

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The amount of people saying Ajit Pai is worse than Charles Manson after he tweeted about Manson’s death. It’s amazing how hated he’s become.

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Chameloshi said:
Non-game-breaking glitches, like when you shoot a bad guy, they die, then their body starts spazzing out into impossible positions and getting stuck in solid objects.

I adore these oddities. Me and my best friend seem to have what we called our "electromagnetic pulse" where if we're in the same room more of these crazy glitches occur. Hilarity ensues.

I had the guy in stitches when I failed the seemingly impossible to lose GTA IV six-axis tutorial for Playstation 3. I steered the motorbike so abysmally it got jammed on a kerb and I achieved the message "The bike got stuck".

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IndigoHeat said:
I have a weakness for shitty puns.

In case you know anything about math: why is it so hard to understand infinite derivative in the beginning?

Answer: it’s a steep learning curve:)

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Pc_Genie said:
I adore these oddities. Me and my best friend seem to have what we called our "electromagnetic pulse" where if we're in the same room more of these crazy glitches occur. Hilarity ensues.

I had the guy in stitches when I failed the seemingly impossible to lose GTA IV six-axis tutorial for Playstation 3. I steered the motorbike so abysmally it got jammed on a kerb and I achieved the message "The bike got stuck".

I'm not quite sure how, but I kind of find it funny how I never seem to find glitches unless it was something minor, like two conflicting minecraft structure/biome mods making towers spawn on a certain near-death barrier of an indev build of a mod called Aether II.

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Hilarious looking faces, ridiculous sarcastic jokes, Bart Baker, etc.

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