Topic: Tag Alias: sol -> sol_(disambiguation)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing sol → sol_(disambiguation)
Link to alias


"Sol" has some possibly problematic meanings:

  • It is a roman deity (Sol Invictus)
  • It is another roman deity (Sol Indiges).
  • It is a norse deity (Sol, Sól or Sunna).
  • It is the name of multiple other characters (list)
  • It possibly is a typo for 'solo'.
Related suggestions:

Note 1: It also is a musical note, but I doubt this meaning would be problematic.

Note 2: I don't know if that is relevant, but 'sol' means 'sun' in spanish, portuguese and latin.

EDIT: The tag alias sol -> sol_(disambiguation) (forum #239478) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

Sol is also the name of our star, so somebody may decide to be "smart" and tag that instead of sun.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

O16 said:
Note 2: I don't know if that is relevant, but 'sol' means 'sun' in spanish, portuguese and latin.

Latin is the root for most of those. Sol Invictus = 'unconquered sun', etc.

Anyway, plus one. At least it's not used much, will be easy to sort.

Updated by anonymous

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