Topic: disembodied_penis tag help

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

Hello, I'm REALLY new here so, please forgive me if I'm going about this wrong.. I posted this post #1292991 the other day. And upon posting it I discovered the male tag is strictly tied to the disembodied_penis tag.. And I think it's plain to see it doesn't belong in the male tag. how should I fix this?

I also make it clear that I am not on some moral gender tagging warpath. I personally don't mind however this gets tagged. I just thought this is tagged wrong... Thanks!



Former Staff

Augh. Unimplicating it would mean that we'd have to tag those manually from now on, just because of a single post.

...this is precisely why we need some kind of 'ignore implications for this post'-feature.

Updated by anonymous

With that aside, I don't think it counts as anything but a penis with an altered urethra opening, under argument that it's more penis than pussy. So, there is at least a male and a female character.

Updated by anonymous

Genjar said:
Augh. Unimplicating it would mean that we'd have to tag those manually from now on, just because of a single post.

...this is precisely why we need some kind of 'ignore implications for this post'-feature.

Wouldn't that be equally and oppositely irritating?

Updated by anonymous

Siral_Exan said:
Wouldn't that be equally and oppositely irritating?

If it was something we only needed to set when it came into play, I don't think it'd be that bad.

Updated by anonymous

Strikerman said:
If it was something we only needed to set when it came into play, I don't think it'd be that bad.

Well, if a thread is made for this feature, I'll list why it would be just as annoying (but I'm not saying I'm against it, yet).

Back on topic, is it beyond logic to say that genitals are exclusive towards each other, as are sex toys and genitals are exclusive. We don't tag penes on dildos, nor pussies on penetrable sex toys, we have more evidence that it's a sex toy than it's a genital; there would be no combination of a penis, pussy, and/or ovipositor, and has to be tagged with the tag that matches the most. This isn't to say there can't be multiple, just that one genital can be tagged as one penis, pussy, or ovipositor, not any combination or all.

Updated by anonymous

Thanks for the responses! I kind of figured fixing this would be a pain in the ass no one would want to go into unless there were many posts where this was a problem.

So my question now is: should I leave it tagged (incorrectly) as is, or remove the disembodied penis tag altogether?

By the whole "if I search for ___ I wanna see what appears to be ___" logic I get the feeling it'd be better to just not tag this with the disembodied penis tag to avoid this issue... Is it worse to not tag something that's there or add a tag that's incorrect?

Updated by anonymous

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