Topic: FurryBooru

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What is this? Is this a known rip-off?
I know, it's another danbooru, but this one is extremely similar to e621.
They have almost as many images as we do, even the upload order is the same. compare the post frontpage.
I believe they copy our uploads, if not the server.
correct me if I'm wrong

Updated by Donovan DMC

And now for a comment that definitely adds to the topic:


Updated by anonymous

What...the...fuck? It's like a bizarro version of e6 where all the users who comment are named anonymous and all the uploaders are named furry.

Updated by anonymous

Reported it for failing to follow booru's rules :/

Updated by anonymous

Wait... reported it to whom? What rules did it break?

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Okay... but their TOS seems to state that they're following this rule.

I haven't actually looked through the site, though. I guess it's up to the domain then.

That's the only thing I could find that broke the booru's TOS... unless Aurali is thinking of some other rule they're breaking.

Updated by anonymous

Don't get me wrong, I don't really see what the point of FurryBooru is, and I don't want some knock-off leeching off of e621.

But it doesn't look like they've done anything technically wrong.

Updated by anonymous

And this is any of our business...why? Seems OP just wanted to stir up some drama, or somesuch.

I see no relation to e621 here. !=

KloH0und said:
I don't want some knock-off leeching off of e621.

What's your interest? Why do you care if they have the same pictures e6 does? News Flash: all the art on e6 comes from somewhere that is not e6. There is very little if any original content on e6.

Updated by anonymous

As I recall this is one of the sites that sprung up to help the community when it looked like e6 was going to be closed forever after the last owners shut it down. Now I'm a huge fan of e6, unless you count tumblr its just about the only furry site I go to on a regular basis. But if you're attacking or trying to shut down other sites *just because they're similar or share a lot of content* then you're not acting rationally. Put down the pitchforks and actually think about this. -Do you really want to have all your eggs in one basket? The more copies of this content there are out there, the longer and more likely it is to survive. Isn't that one of the big justifications for e6- preserving and promoting artists work even if they don't know about it/give consent? Trying to say "No, mine!" about the concept (not original) and content (definitely not original) of e6 not only goes against everything this site stands for, it doesn't even make any sense.

Updated by anonymous

Ratty said:

Aurali didn't report it for having similar content. They were using the same exact content taken directly from e621. It's fine if they want to be another furry image board, but they have to actually contribute something at least a little different from what's already available.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Aurali didn't report it for having similar content. They were using the same exact content taken directly from e621. It's fine if they want to be another furry image board, but they have to actually contribute something at least a little different from what's already available.

Well she reported them for something else which was a very valid complaint. But blocking content going out from e6 to others sites and/or attacking, putting down or attempting to find ways to sabotage other websites just for taking a lot of content from e6** is still silly, and misquoting me/misrepresenting or interpreting what I was saying doesn't change that.

**And I'm not saying that's not what Aurali did with the pic(s) she reported that could just be that she saw it/them and naturally felt she should report it. Only that a general mob/video game console style protective fan turn appeared to be starting to be expressed in the threads posts. And trying to block outgoing content from a site which has little or no original content and purportedly aims to "preserve" what it does have makes less sense.

Updated by anonymous

^ i don't think you get it. from what i understand they have a bot that copies every change on this site to that site.

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
^ i don't think you get it. from what i understand they have a bot that copies every change on this site to that site.

I get that. What I don't understand is how having an extra copy of the site in case this one goes down (that we don't have to pay for) is a bad thing. Unless it's possibly harming our bandwidth or something?

Updated by anonymous

I actually knew about that site a while ago when I was searching google for work by the artist Buhshid and found an image I'd uploaded on here a long time back on that site. I just figure it was a back up booru that e621 had made. :/

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
^ i don't think you get it. from what i understand they have a bot that copies every change on this site to that site.


Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
...So? You think e6 has a monopoly on being a furry image-dump site?

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:

i guess what bugs me is it not mentioning it anywhere on the site, and how the site has like three times the ads as e6, but WAY more flashy. seems like the site was just put up to make money, by copying some other site.

Updated by anonymous

luvdaporn said:
i guess what bugs me is it not mentioning it anywhere on the site, and how the site has like three times the ads as e6, but WAY more flashy. seems like the site was just put up to make money, by copying some other site.

That doesn't even make any sense. Why does this bother you so severely that you've got to complain about it? Not all sites are owned by someone who makes a business in selling dragon dildos. Ads = revenue = money to support the site. Someone out there isn't makin' LOADSA MONEY by 'ripping off' your precious e621. I just don't see the vested interest you have. Is it the latent 'poser' fear today's society has?

Updated by anonymous

i meant in combination. the ads by itself doesn't bother me. (please forgive me as i am not very talented at typing what i mean to say) if i was the owner of e6, it would make me pretty mad that someones using a bot to copy my sites content, and host it on a free URL.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I think FurryBooru is a cool guy. Eh provides redundancy(e621 unavailable/deleted posts/etc.) and doesn't afraid anything.

Updated by anonymous

KloH0und said:
Aurali didn't report it for having similar content. They were using the same exact content taken directly from e621. It's fine if they want to be another furry image board, but they have to actually contribute something at least a little different from what's already available.

Actually, I was on the site earlier and I'm pretty sure I saw content that hadn't been posted here. They are not only bot-copying e621's posts, but somebody IS manually uploading some stuff. If you'll look back a few days, you'll see that there's a break in the comparison between sites where FurryBooru uploaded some stuff that wasn't posted at the same time here.

EDIT: Aaaand by "a few days" I meant a day or two.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

If it sucks e6's bandwidth, then it needs to be nuked with the strenght of a thousand fiery suns.

Updated by anonymous

Kald said:
If it sucks e6's bandwidth, then it needs to be nuked with the strenght of a thousand fiery suns.

I totally agree to this, but if it DOES suck any noticeable amount of bandwidth, then wouldn't it have been noticed sooner?

Updated by anonymous

ExplosiveBlaziken said:
That doesn't even make any sense. Why does this bother you so severely that you've got to complain about it? Not all sites are owned by someone who makes a business in selling dragon dildos. Ads = revenue = money to support the site. Someone out there isn't makin' LOADSA MONEY by 'ripping off' your precious e621. I just don't see the vested interest you have. Is it the latent 'poser' fear today's society has?

the difference is that it leeches off of us, and I'm working on counter measures.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
the difference is that it leeches off of us, and I'm working on counter measures.

And e621 "leeches" off furaffinity by manually uploads. Should they take counter measures to?

It does not consume more b/w then any user who looks at pictures on e621 daily.

Updated by anonymous

defcon1 said:
And e621 "leeches" off furaffinity by manually uploads. Should they take counter measures to?

It does not consume more b/w then any user who looks at pictures on e621 daily.

This. How is FurryBooru any different from e621, except that users here put more "effort" by having to -gasp- go find the porn on inkbunny, FA, etc. The whole site is an image dump, what's the big deal if they take that one step further by making a dump for the dump?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

RedOctober said:
This. How is FurryBooru any different from e621, except that users here put more "effort" by having to -gasp- go find the porn on inkbunny, FA, etc. The whole site is an image dump, what's the big deal if they take that one step further by making a dump for the dump?

One word : bots.

You can't compare a few users browsing a site and PONCTUALLY taking a picture from FA to post it here, to a bot that probably do frequent and ressources consuming queries in order to calculate a delta between e6 and another site.

That's why we use the word "leech", and if e6 had been leeching FA in the same proportions, Dragoneer and his crew would have taken countermeasures since long time...

Updated by anonymous

Kald said:
One word : bots.
frequent and ressources consuming queries in order to calculate a delta between e6 and another site.

All they have to do is look at the last uploaded image ID and compare it with their current image ID and thats it. A single post on the forum consumes 20X more resources then that.

Updated by anonymous

I checked furrybooru last night and they had about 360 images total. Also, when I logged into it I had an intrusion attempt detected. Something tried to inject a trojan into my system when I accessed that site. Fyi.

Updated by anonymous

swamprootwolf said:
I checked furrybooru last night and they had about 360 images total. Also, when I logged into it I had an intrusion attempt detected. Something tried to inject a trojan into my system when I accessed that site. Fyi.

you missed the real one then. also defcon1: would you happen to know who is doing this? We honestly don't mind as long as the sources get credited. Cause I'm telling you after the next update their scrubber is gonna have trouble looking for anything <3

RedOctober: the big difference is, the users here ASK (or at least are SUPPOSED to) the artists before uploading their works, a bot ain't gonna do that.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
RedOctober: the big difference is, the users here ASK (or at least are SUPPOSED to) the artists before uploading their works, a bot ain't gonna do that.

Ah, there we have a valid reason. All right.

Updated by anonymous

I have spoken to the user of furry booru and we have come to an agreement, hopefully soon you'll start seeing link backs to here.

Updated by anonymous

hey guys?
they ARE leeching cus i can login on that site and i didnt make a user :I

Updated by anonymous

You must have an account with one of their other subdomains then. There is no way they could have duplicated our database that thoroughly.

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
You must have an account with one of their other subdomains then. There is no way they could have duplicated our database that thoroughly.

Yeah, I tried to log in with my login info from here, and it didn't work.

Updated by anonymous

Digital_Kindness said:
Yeah, I tried to log in with my login info from here, and it didn't work.

I wouldn't even attempt it, who knows what kind of.. data retention that site might be trying to do.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
you just got hacked yo.

Good thing the only place I use that login information is here. Also, I tried to log in through my cellphone, which contains no sensitive data of any kind.

Updated by anonymous

If I recall correctly, I saw another bot leeching from e621 on

There's probably plenty of leeching boorus about. Somebody should kill them all.

Updated by anonymous

"Whats that sandvich?"

720p said:
Kill them all.


Updated by anonymous

(Jayfeather) said:
"Whats that sandvich?"

720p said:
Kill them all.




Updated by anonymous

They make 1:1 copys of posts that exist here...
They even copied "googles" before I learned how to properly spell what I mean, "goggles".
Check it out.

And over there no one bothered to correct it. Stupid dame dame bakas.

Uploader "furry" is probably the username of the tool they use to copy e621 uploads.

And it's not a mirror/duplicate. It's an inferior "fork" at best. With our uploads they copy all our mistakes and never update them because of their inferior "userbase"

Updated by anonymous

I'm sure that any direct mirror (or derivative fork) needs to be hosted with permission from the original site's admins. Since they now have permission, I suppose we have ourselves a mirror. It's nice to have a 'cache' of sorts.
If someone discovers anything there that was DNP at some point but is now allowed by its artist, do upload it here.

Updated by anonymous

ArdesCadaver said:
I'm sure that any direct mirror (or derivative fork) needs to be hosted with permission from the original site's admins. Since they now have permission, I suppose we have ourselves a mirror. It's nice to have a 'cache' of sorts.
If someone discovers anything there that was DNP at some point but is now allowed by its artist, do upload it here.


If somebody retracts his DNP on this site the images just get undeleted here.
There is nothing lost forever on this site.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
There is nothing lost forever on this site.

Whoops, I'm a little too used to the imageboard format.

Updated by anonymous

720p said:
If I recall correctly, I saw another bot leeching from e621 on

There's probably plenty of leeching boorus about. Somebody should kill them all.

same guy, just different address.

Updated by anonymous


Lol i kid, just landed here while checking referrals.

Updated by anonymous

excuse me, does anyone know the address of another e621, family safe, without sex is called "" forgot the numbers. Thank you.
(I am from Germany so use G-translator)

Updated by anonymous

Vlad27 said:
excuse me, does anyone know the address of another e621, family safe, without sex is called "" forgot the numbers. Thank you.
(I am from Germany so use G-translator)

Updated by anonymous

slayerduck said:

Lol i kid, just landed here while checking referrals.

oh btw, if anyone cares.. this is the guy who's doing the cloning. ~<3

Updated by anonymous

Aurali said:
oh btw, if anyone cares.. this is the guy who's doing the cloning. ~<3


Thought his name looked familiar

Updated by anonymous

slayerduck said:

Lol i kid, just landed here while checking referrals.

Aurali said:
oh btw, if anyone cares.. this is the guy who's doing the cloning. ~<3


Updated by anonymous

frylop said:
What is this? Is this a known rip-off?
I know, it's another danbooru, but this one is extremely similar to e621.
They have almost as many images as we do, even the upload order is the same. compare the post frontpage.
I believe they copy our uploads, if not the server.
correct me if I'm wrong

This site is alive, i uploaded my newest post and then my post are copied from FurryBooru. What the actual fuck.

Updated by anonymous

The site is essentially used to automatically upload all the art e6 uploads onto it's site but more importantly keep all the art that e6 deletes. u18chan, 4chan and 8chan refer to it heavily since it doesn't capitulate to artist take-down demands and DMCA's for better or worse.

Updated by anonymous

hebleh said:
And now its gone forever apparently, rip

So much art lost

99% of the content is still available here, and then 80% of that 1% is probably still available at the original source it came from. Not much of value has really been lost.

faucet said:
99% of the content is still available here, and then 80% of that 1% is probably still available at the original source it came from. Not much of value has really been lost.

you’re partially wrong because there is a huge amount of deleted submissions are transferred and preserved in furrybooru. many of which are rated safe and questionable that isn’t taken by other boorus like , but also explicit that are deleted because of the request, quality of work, or etc, more so this also automatically removes from rule 34 if it’s not bulk deletion.
this is genuinely a lot of history and internet pieces has been lost.

inb4 the lock

Maybe need to add a thing that says "this thread is old AF, you sure you want to resurrect granny?"


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