Topic: [Bug] Blacklist still takes effect after logging out

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Bug overview description.
Logging out from an account with blacklist will still blacklist images when browsing images without an account logged in. Not sure if this is an intentional feature or not.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Any page where posts are shown.

What is the expected behavior?
Blacklist should no longer take effect after logging out.

What actual behavior is given instead?
Blacklist still persists after logging out.

Can you reproduce the bug every time?

Updated by Siral Exan

Not a bug, I brought this up to Kira before. It uses your cookies, disabling them disables the whole thing; enabling them memorizes the blacklist even when logged off.

I can't remember what they said completely, I'm paraphrasing.

Updated by anonymous

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