Topic: where_is_your_god_now -> aberration

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Since most of the images tagged with this seem to be pointing to the fact that whatever is pictured should/could not exist in a world with "God" I think "aberration" is an easier, shorter, and more understandable substitute for this tag.

Updated by SnowWolf

Mario583 said:

Your opinion is noted, but not considered relevant.

Updated by anonymous

null0010 said:
where_is_your_god_now is a funny and traditional tag and is unlikely to be changed.

its ludicrously it ever even searched...this is just ridiculous

Updated by anonymous

Vixxxine69 said:
its ludicrously it ever even searched...this is just ridiculous

I'm sorry you feel that way, but that's been the tag for a long time. It describes a very specific sort of image and it's also funny.

Updated by anonymous

It's along the same lines as what_has_science_done and pinkie_pie_out_of_fucking_nowhere

The tags have a purpose that would be compromised by renaming them.

Updated by anonymous

Vixxxine69 said:
its ludicrously it ever even searched...this is just ridiculous

I'm sorry you feel that way.

Updated by anonymous

It's more of a viewer reaction tag than having anything to do with religion. It's a flag that the majority of viewers will find that particular picture highly disturbing in an extremely over the top way. It is a subjective tag, but it describes an extreme and not just any old image a few viewers might not like. The extreme part is important as some viewers may wish to avoid and/or blacklist such images.

While it may be long, it's also easy to remember and understand the message it's conveying, partly due to the humor in it.

Updated by anonymous

Actually I think having to type it out makes people slow down and think "Wait, is this tag really appropriate on this post?"

Updated by anonymous

Rainbow_Crash said:
Actually I think having to type it out makes people slow down and think "Wait, is this tag really appropriate on this post?"

Think about it: Porn + Thinking...

Updated by anonymous

slyroon said:
nope this is the longest

This tag could be replaced with cock_push-up since both only have one image. And the long tag is more of the wiki explanation of cock push-up than a useful tag for finding it.

Or it could go under boner_pushup or cock_pushup since these also seemed to be tagged to the one its_when_etc etc image.

Updated by anonymous

Blaziken said:
Damn, now I have to watch that tag and make sure it doesn't get nuked. GEE THANKS

That tag... even mellis liked it.

Updated by anonymous

Enigmatic_WolfXIII said:
This tag, to be honest (I'm a day late for this, furgive me) coincides with nightmare_fuel and what_has_science_done.

Shouldn't we just remove this tag and fit it into one of those two tags?
Or is it too much work to do?

Totally different tags.

Updated by anonymous

Hammie said:
Totally different tags.

Well, they seem pretty close to me, but this is coming from a 3 month old somewhat fresh user.
COULD they, however, be aliased in any way, or are they still galaxies apart?

Updated by anonymous

Oh they're similar-ish.
But not in any way that I would say to alias them, or have any inferred tags either way.

Updated by anonymous

Enigmatic_WolfXIII said:
This tag, to be honest (I'm a day late for this, furgive me) coincides with nightmare_fuel and what_has_science_done.

Shouldn't we just remove this tag and fit it into one of those two tags?
Or is it too much work to do?

There is some difference between them, I think.

Where_is_your_god_now goes with pictures that are highly disturbing in an extremely over the top way. Like someone trying to cram as many bizarre fetishes in one picture just for the heck of it.

Nightmare_fuel goes with pictures that could be downright scary and perturbing using intentional horror. The type of picture you don't want to look at before bedtime because it'll give you nightmares.

What_has_science_done seems to me similar to where_is_your_god_now but isn't exactly the same. What_has_science_done also seems to be over the top, but in a way that's like the result of a bizarre mad scientist's experiment. It need not be disturbing, just weird.

I'm sure someone will correct me where I'm wrong.

Updated by anonymous

Enigmatic_WolfXIII said:
Well, they seem pretty close to me, but this is coming from a 3 month old somewhat fresh user.
COULD they, however, be aliased in any way, or are they still galaxies apart?

The bottom line on this one is... generally.. we've got a very small handful of "fun" tags that we, the staff, like and support. They cover a set of.. strange and often bizarre or uncomfortable images. These 'fun' tags allow users to blacklist the things that really disturb them. These images often have no common tags other then the 'fun' tags we put on them. So.. while "where is your god now" may seem like a frivolous tag, it has it's purpose <3

Updated by anonymous

It's awesome to know that I could get my question answered, especially without being put in the spotlight (ex. "you noob").
I just really didn't know that they were all unique in SOME way.

Updated by anonymous

Enigmatic_WolfXIII said:
It's awesome to know that I could get my question answered, especially without being put in the spotlight (ex. "you noob").
I just really didn't know that they were all unique in SOME way.

It really should be made a little more clear in some respects I think... but don't be afraid to send an admin (like me!) a message to ask any "newbie" questions you have :)

Updated by anonymous

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