Would be pretty cool to enter a search and then be surrounded by furry pics completely around you lol
Updated by Lance Armstrong
Posted under e621 Tools and Applications
Would be pretty cool to enter a search and then be surrounded by furry pics completely around you lol
Updated by Lance Armstrong
I got A-Frame to load one of our only panoramic images, post #1275519. That 6002x3000 image looks a lot better in 360 degrees than the 1280x640 version it replaced. Thanks, tumblr raws.
This HTML should do it:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>E360</title> <meta name="description" content="E360"> <script src="https://aframe.io/aframe/dist/aframe-master.min.js"></script> </head> <body> <a-scene> <a-sky src="http://media.tumblr.com/1ca9057951d6fe20c6b70a7636f82991/tumblr_og4gjvTvls1rp72fko1_raw.jpg" rotation="0 -130 0"></a-sky> </a-scene> </body> </html>
I manually set the rotation to -130 which looks best for this specific image.
You can replace the tumblr src with the path for the 9 MB file located on your hard drive.
You don't need a VR headset to use this. If you don't have one you can just click and drag to rotate the view, or hold a phone in front of your face.
Suitable panoramic videos can also work with A-Frame.
I want e621 to support VR content, possibly with a special locked tag that activates A-Frame or native WebVR code. However, there is very little of this content and even less of it is furry/anthro.
Updated by anonymous
I'm not going to say it's impossible to create the VR search client. It may be very easy.
One way to do it: project 3 rows of thumbnails at the horizon, wrapping in the 180 degrees in front of you. That way you could lay down on a bed face up and still be able to see all the thumbnails. Some UI elements could be above and below the thumbnails. I don't know about input. Maybe a head nod to scroll up and down rows, the thumbnail in the very middle of your view is highlighted, and then use a VR remote to open the image. Or just use the VR remote to do all of it, and don't even move your head to the left or right.
Instead of opening a post page, the client could load the full size image and pop it out from the thumbnail.
How do you search tags? Voice recognition? That might be tough for complicated searches and think of all the tags with underscores in them. That leaves using the remote. Using an on-screen keyboard would suck, so selecting tag options from a list might be better. Pick a gender, species, solo/group/etc and other frequently used tags. Only type a tag as a last resort.
Updated by anonymous
Lance_Armstrong said:
How do you search tags?
Updated by anonymous
You do not see real life e.g. your keyboard and you have to have hell of a muscle memory to not misspell on that kind of tiny keyboard.
Pretty sure regular modern game controller has been proven useable.
Regardless, I see this the same way as mobile phone apps. Why does every little single thing need seperate app? Just use browser or image viewer made specifically for VR and you are done.
Updated by anonymous
Mario69 said:
Regardless, I see this the same way as mobile phone apps. Why does every little single thing need seperate app? Just use browser or image viewer made specifically for VR and you are done.
Let's say you view the e621 website using a VR headset. Without additional CSS and/or JavaScript, it won't look great.
We also don't have a CSS media type for VR yet:
It would be great to write a stylesheet that handled everything for VR viewers with no JavaScript necessary.
Updated by anonymous