Topic: [Bug/Fixed] Error in: Help: Cheatsheet, Range Syntax

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

This topic has been locked.

Bug overview description.
in the Help: Cheatsheet the favorites:<=100 should be changed to favcount:<=100
What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Help: Cheatsheet, and search page
What is the expected behavior?
favorites:<=100 should show Posts with 100 or less favorites (0-100)
What actual behavior is given instead?
it shows: No posts matched your search.
Time of incident (if applicable).
today 8/28/2017
Can you reproduce the bug every time?
What steps did you take to replicate this bug?
searched favorites:<=100 with any number or math operator
Errors or other messages returned (if any).
just: No posts matched your search.

Updated by NotMeNotYou

Checks out, I've fixed the help page.

Thank you for letting us know!

Updated by anonymous

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