Topic: [NOT A BUG] Unable to create/edit tag subscriptions

Posted under General

A while back I decided to add a tag subscription for the comics I follow, but realized after a while that I could just search for the pools when I have the urge to read them instead of having new pages shoved in my face whenever I login to make some tag maintence and removed the subscription.

Recently I came up with the clever idea to add a subscription for the disambiguation pages I want to tag. The problem? I cannot find where I create or edit tag subscriptions.

After searching around, it seems like I'm supposed to be able to edit the subscriptions in my settings, but it's nowhere to be found. Searching for "subscription" within the page gives no results.

When I go to sub:sdrawkcaB I can see a single post, so it seems like I just managed to hid my subscriptions on my user page, but lost the ability to manage them.

Did I screw up my one and only chance to have tag subscriptions or am I just being a doofus and there is way to manage them?

Updated by Genjar

the subscriptions feature has not worked for years and quite long time ago all visuals of it was removed completely

Updated by anonymous

Searches have RSS feeds you can subscribe to, which, I think at least, would function similarly.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

That reminds me - still lists the metatags for subs (sub:Bob, etc). Those should be removed, since they no longer do anything and only serve to confuse users.

Edit: Thanks for the fix.

Updated by anonymous

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