How would you fix a character
Mostly the ones that didn't had a chance
or that were ok, to bad to awful.
or a bad one off, or that seems he, she or it
was a experimental made character that didn't work.
If it was from a cartoon, a film, a comic, etc etc.
Here's my example
Venus de Milo aka Mei Pieh Chi (from the TMNT series)
She wasn't a bad idea,
just poorly executed.
So how I think she could been
fixed and saved or be better?
1: Personality.
Mostly the main issue
that could been much better
being the oblivious western culture
is kinda cliched, but written will
she could been good.
2: Make her evil
kinda a cliche
but some how it works for characters
that are good but end up not being likable for it.
but somehow when they turn evil they are great.
I think Venus could be good villain
but tmnt did it so much it could be a cliche now,
female baddie turn good later on...
but what if she never turn good?
3: Design
well did have put alot of sex appeal on her,
but I think that should been tone down just abit
I mean you still can give her feminine look
and not being to jawing.
Her "outfit" could been better too
the braided mask is pretty good.
But I always picture her in a Princess Kitana
like outfit but with silk bell-bottoms leg design instead,
Or a scarf ninja outfit like design.
4: Just keep her name simple
make to Mei Pieh Chi
or a mix of both of her names like
"Venus Pieh Chi" or just Venus.