Topic: How would you fix/better a Character?

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How would you fix a character

Mostly the ones that didn't had a chance
or that were ok, to bad to awful.
or a bad one off, or that seems he, she or it
was a experimental made character that didn't work.

If it was from a cartoon, a film, a comic, etc etc.

Here's my example

Venus de Milo aka Mei Pieh Chi (from the TMNT series)

She wasn't a bad idea,
just poorly executed.

So how I think she could been
fixed and saved or be better?

1: Personality.
Mostly the main issue
that could been much better
being the oblivious western culture
is kinda cliched, but written will
she could been good.

2: Make her evil
kinda a cliche
but some how it works for characters
that are good but end up not being likable for it.
but somehow when they turn evil they are great.

I think Venus could be good villain
but tmnt did it so much it could be a cliche now,
female baddie turn good later on...
but what if she never turn good?

3: Design
well did have put alot of sex appeal on her,
but I think that should been tone down just abit
I mean you still can give her feminine look
and not being to jawing.

Her "outfit" could been better too
the braided mask is pretty good.
But I always picture her in a Princess Kitana
like outfit but with silk bell-bottoms leg design instead,
Or a scarf ninja outfit like design.

4: Just keep her name simple
make to Mei Pieh Chi
or a mix of both of her names like
"Venus Pieh Chi" or just Venus.


Usually when a character is bad, it's because they lack depth.

Best way to fix that is to look for contradictions in their behavior. If you get a sense of who they are, and then they do something that contradicts your idea of them, and that contradiction is explained - suddenly, there's more depth to the character. You need to know more about them to have a sense of how they'll act.

Think about it this way: If you get to know an engineer in a television show, if they're a flat character, chances are you can predict a lot of the rest of their behavior from that one detail.

Get to know an engineer in real life, you're not going to be able to predict their behavior well at all. Will have to learn more about them in order to refine your understanding.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
Usually when a character is bad, it's because they lack depth.

Best way to fix that is to look for contradictions in their behavior. If you get a sense of who they are, and then they do something that contradicts your idea of them, and that contradiction is explained - suddenly, there's more depth to the character. You need to know more about them to have a sense of how they'll act.

Think about it this way: If you get to know an engineer in a television show, if they're a flat character, chances are you can predict a lot of the rest of their behavior from that one detail.

Get to know an engineer in real life, you're not going to be able to predict their behavior well at all. Will have to learn more about them in order to refine your understanding.

Yeah... I been years I've watched the live action TMNT tv show,
so Venus was kinda forgettable.
I mean I remember her name and design
and she's "sexy"... and that's about it...
(so like a Dead or Alive character)
"you look interesting but at the same time your not interesting"
But at the same time I only watched like 6 episodes
of the series because I lost interest...

So the whole show was kinda itself was not interested,
with neat ideas like the female turtle that wasn't really interesting.

Updated by anonymous