Topic: Is this community really that horrible?

Posted under General

I understand there're a lot of really terrible people here who cause a good deal of the problems this website has. But other than that, do you guys really believe this community is just that awful and not worth the time?

Updated by treos

The big "problem" I see people mention is the fact that we use TWYS so that people unaware of a product can find images they'll like. Some artists and fans of said artists hate that the lore gets ignored.

Updated by anonymous

I can genuinely say without question that this is one of the most well run sites that I've ever been on. The staff here are more than competent enough and the people here are generally tolerable.

I have been in places where the staff don't care about the quality of their sites and it shows, with people in the community being horrific scat crusted assholes that simply get ignored by the administration. Believe me when I say that this site is a hell of a lot better than most sites I've come across.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
The big "problem" I see people mention is the fact that we use TWYS so that people unaware of a product can find images they'll like. Some artists and fans of said artists hate that the lore gets ignored.

And TWYS is what, exactly?

Updated by anonymous

Aanyi said:
I can genuinely say without question that this is one of the most well run sites that I've ever been on. The staff here are more than competent enough and the people here are generally tolerable.

I have been in places where the staff don't care about the quality of their sites and it shows, with people in the community being horrific scat crusted assholes that simply get ignored by the administration. Believe me when I say that this site is a hell of a lot better than most sites I've come across.

I agree there. DeviantArt, for instance, is one of those site where the staff could give a damn less about the quality of their own website.

And that's exactly why DA's on the verge of death.

Updated by anonymous

Aanyi said:
I can genuinely say without question that this is one of the most well run sites that I've ever been on. The staff here are more than competent enough and the people here are generally tolerable.


absolutely no idea what you're talking about. took me by surprise, but this has been the dopest site i've been on in terms of that shit

Updated by anonymous

The attitude here tends to be slightly more sarcastic than friendly, which is a breath of fresh air compared to other sites, but is far from outright hostility at most times. People do get along here. Where the fuck is our Friends List feature?!

"Terrible people causing problems" actually don't last long here:

It's not "everything goes":

GreatKingToro said:
do you guys really believe this community is just that awful and not worth the time?

Do you believe we would be hanging around here if it was just that awful and not worth the time?

Updated by anonymous

GreatKingToro said:
I understand there're a lot of really terrible people here who cause a good deal of the problems this website has.

Which problems are you referring to? And was this thread created in response to this post?

GreatKingToro said:
But other than that, do you guys really believe this community is just that awful and not worth the time?

Some parts, yes, but I simply don't associate with them.

Updated by anonymous

Sometimes when everyone is against you there's a slight chance the others aren't the problem, you are.

Updated by anonymous

I just got dmail from this user, which stated that I should, quote, "watch my mouth". Reason stated to be this, comment #3463233.

My comments like this are never meant to be personal to uploaders btw, these are usually meant as quick shout about the uploads themselves.

Replaced the post myself now as original uploader and this particular user are both now banned. The thing is, even I don't have time to explain everything every single time and I don't want to put too much time on stuff I write just because someone could get offended or wrong image of me. I do try to correct myself if someone takes something I write the wrong way tho.

But if this is the level of stuff you cling onto as being horrible, then I have some seriously bad news for you.

Updated by anonymous

this website has a horrific reputation in artist circles for retarded and insulting comments. like its considered sub-youtube level.
People seem to treat it like a chan board and think they are shitposting anonymously so they spew whatever.
you basically never receive the kinds of comments you receive on this website on furaffinity, tumblr, twitter because people here think the artist wont look at the comment unlike those other sites that are profile based.

Updated by anonymous

wolvalix said:
this website has a horrific reputation in artist circles for retarded and insulting comments. like its considered sub-youtube level.
People seem to treat it like a chan board and think they are shitposting anonymously so they spew whatever.
you basically never receive the kinds of comments you receive on this website on furaffinity, tumblr, twitter because people here think the artist wont look at the comment unlike those other sites that are profile based.

nah fam we know the artist may or may not read comments; no one even thinks/cares about that. we just don't pussyfoot around. and save the hilarious JFX shitstorm, artists rarely get criticized here to begin with. someone's more than a little sensitive, gonna guess you posted some art here and got ass-blasted lol

Updated by anonymous

wolvalix said:
this website has a horrific reputation in artist circles for retarded and insulting comments. like its considered sub-youtube level.
People seem to treat it like a chan board and think they are shitposting anonymously so they spew whatever.
you basically never receive the kinds of comments you receive on this website on furaffinity, tumblr, twitter because people here think the artist wont look at the comment unlike those other sites that are profile based.

FA has a hugbox, Not a comment section.

Updated by anonymous

wolvalix said:
this website has a horrific reputation in artist circles for retarded and insulting comments. like its considered sub-youtube level.
People seem to treat it like a chan board and think they are shitposting anonymously so they spew whatever.
you basically never receive the kinds of comments you receive on this website on furaffinity, tumblr, twitter because people here think the artist wont look at the comment unlike those other sites that are profile based.

retarded, yes, but not insulting. if an artist is going out and looking for insulting comments, they shouldn't be surprised if they end up finding some. this particular website doesn't encourage that type of behavior because it tends to cause drama, even when it relates to the site itself (such as a particular artist ending up on the avoid posting list right as i was planning to upload all of their works, an event that one must hold their tongue over).

the modern artist is used to a deluge of neverending positivity that does nothing but reaffirm their own faulty opinions about themselves, a problem compounded when everyone on FA knows everyone else and has a reputation to protect, and so can't say anything out of line or else they will be blown away with the force of a thousand neckbeards.

indeed, if what it takes to be the devils advocates of the furry art community is this semi-anonymous anti-profile infrastructure, then one must support it, or else we would continue to face neverending positivity and nobody would ever be told that their work, if such is the case, is just plain awful.

Updated by anonymous

If you can't brush off being called an idiot, say, then I doubt that you are capable of receiving constructive criticism.
Not that people should be calling you an idiot as part of constructive criticism, but criticism generally causes some feeling of offense even when it's really carefully worded. If you can't take it, you can't listen intelligently.

I think e621 is a little better than youtube -- eg. the amount of people who have a pet grudge and attempt to air it in every remotely-related post, are small. Youtube itself also varies a lot -- there are usually some stupid comments, but the more intelligent the content, the more intelligent the comments.

Updated by anonymous

fewrahuxo said:
indeed, if what it takes to be the devils advocates of the furry art community is this semi-anonymous anti-profile infrastructure, then one must support it, or else we would continue to face neverending positivity and nobody would ever be told that their work, if such is the case, is just plain awful.

THIS. If some "Artist" posts a 5-second MSPaint trace of another's character, A horrible photomorph or SFM "Scenes" that's fine and dandy. If they post it AND comment how it's their best work ever and slap a Patreon logo on it, Well.. That's a paddlin'.

Updated by anonymous

post #1276852

The clash between creators and content consumers is real and the comment section does sometimes become this weird mixture of seriousness and users jumping on hate wagons and shouting memes.

But from what I have seen, as long as creators aren't taking every single negative comment personally, even just ignore the most obvious ones and users start to realize that creators usually are reading the comments (pretty sure they area also on chans), there's usually the middle road where everyone can communicate nicely.

I would genuinely hope better understanding of both sides, instead of what I have seen with kabier comics where users were commenting nicely on FA, just to come here to bash them immidiately. The disconnection between creator and followers to point where only lying on direct sources is accepted and then only place where they can voice what they really mean is sites like this.

Alternatively it continues being shitshow, you should consider disabling comments from your user settings and consider the website as archival only. I almost never scroll down on youtube videos past description.

Updated by anonymous

savageorange said:
If you can't brush off being called an idiot, say, then I doubt that you are capable of receiving constructive criticism.
Not that people should be calling you an idiot as part of constructive criticism, but criticism generally causes some feeling of offense even when it's really carefully worded. If you can't take it, you can't listen intelligently.

I think e621 is a little better than youtube -- eg. the amount of people who have a pet grudge and attempt to air it in every remotely-related post, are small. Youtube itself also varies a lot -- there are usually some stupid comments, but the more intelligent the content, the more intelligent the comments.

Ive listened to plenty of very very brutal criticism, i pay people for very harsh critique, that is of/c how you grow as an artist.
I'm talking about the stuff where people are just being nasty and have no intention of being constructive like at all. calling something you made shit and nothing else ain't gonna do jack for you.
It seems to happen far more on this site than sites like twitter, tumblr, fa, inkbunny, sofurry, weasyl and furrynetwork.
My theory is that because its often not posted directly
by the artist the comment giver feels it wont be seen by the creator and is otherwise to cowardly to post on one of those other sites where its much more likely to be seen by the creator.

I'm not really to sure how to change that type of culture on a site, but anyway thats my pov for this threads title

Updated by anonymous

I'd say that the inverse happens far too often on the other sites (besides Tumblr, where are you even looking?): people who are far too accomodating and let everything pass by without saying a word.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
The disconnection between creator and followers to point where only lying on direct sources is accepted and then only place where they can voice what they really mean is sites like this.

i think there's a fundamental problem with the culture of a website which encourages bold-face lying such as this, even if accidentally. perhaps it's because there is a significant set of artists who take any criticism of their work particularly personally. perhaps it's because of the sense of entitlement that some artists have, saying that you cannot criticize their work because:

a) they didn't ask for your opinion
b) they're providing it for free
c) they can do whatever they want with their work,

among other equally flawed arguments. or perhaps it's just because the nature of funny animal cute feral sites stifles any actual discussion in favor of calling everything cute and cool, a problem not faced on this site because everyone is either jacking off or trying to upload posts without getting bonked by the admins.

Updated by anonymous

i've met the dark side of this site several times over the years.

delusions...a certain fetish that iirc tends to be more disliked than even pedophilia (most people actually DON'T approve of circumcision)... i think the most recent one was a public shaming attempt that didn't really amount to much of anything in the end.

i would say most of this sites negative rep comes from certain vocal minorities and maybe some artists who can't handle critique of any kind at all. oh the drama some artists can create...

Aanyi said:
I can genuinely say without question that this is one of the most well run sites that I've ever been on. The staff here are more than competent enough and the people here are generally tolerable.

I have been in places where the staff don't care about the quality of their sites and it shows, with people in the community being horrific scat crusted assholes that simply get ignored by the administration. Believe me when I say that this site is a hell of a lot better than most sites I've come across.

quite true... i could name at least 3 sites offhand that are FAR worse than e621 in some way.

kongregate is like the internet's youtube of video games. in other words, it's a trash heap you have to rummage through to find anything decent and it still relies on that very outdated 5-star rating system which just worsens ones ability to find good games there.

oh and uh...don't bother searching the internet for similar sites. just check if a site you like has an account on kong (they usually use the website name as the username). i could sit around reporting sites dumping their content on kong all day long (100+ sites easily) and still be nowhere remotely close to finding them all.

gamefaqs... it depends on the game whose forum you're visiting. some can be nice and have helpful people who visit that games forum and some... well, i don't see much point in visiting anything FPS or moba related. :/ those kinds of games have a less than pleasant reputation.

and the 3rd wouldn't be youtube as a whole but rather the comments section on youtube videos. you can find some downright toxic people and some who make the phrase "stubborn as a mule" seem like a compliment. but it's not all bad. depends on the channel and video...usually.

Updated by anonymous

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