Topic: Ask for Permission (Userscript for Fur Affinity)

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

Before you repost something to e621, it's nice to ask the artist for permission.

"Ask for Permission" helps you do this on Fur Affinity:
Direct link to the file, so you can install it even if you're not logged in on
Link to the AfP page on (you must be logged in)

After installing the userscript:

1) Go to

2) In the "Ask for Permission" context menu, click "Settings"

3) If you change the subject/message texts, click "Save Settings"

4) Go to a post on Fur Affinity, like (safe for work)

5) In the "Ask for Permission" context menu, click "Ask User Only" or "Ask User and Others"

6a) Ask User Only
Opens a note with all fields already filled in.
You can change the fields before sending the note.

6b) Ask User and Others
Opens a page where you can set multiple recipients.

- Manually add a new recipient:
Click "Add Row" and fill in the "Note URL" and "Recipient Name" fields.

- Automatically add a new recipient:
Open a Fur Affinity user page in a new tab, like
In the "Ask for Permission" context menu, click "Copy User Information"

When you've added all new recipients, go back to the "Ask User and Others" tab and click "Create Messages".
You can change the fields before sending the notes.

After sending a note, you have to wait 15 seconds before Fur Affinity lets you send another.


TheGreatWolfgang said:
Would be nice to also have a feature to CC to another person involved.

I'm sure you can just change the recipient field.

Updated by anonymous

Version 1.0.1, released on 2022-December-17

- AfP can determine the sender name on* pages again.
- Clicking the "Settings" context menu item on the "Ask User and Others" page opens the Settings page again.
- Clicking the "Copy User Information" context menu item on a* page copies the user information to the "Ask User and Others" page again.