Topic: anyone here actually a virgin?

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When you're younger, you can go to house parties and back yard shows. All you really have to do show up or bring "party supplies" too get laid. When you're older, you have a lot more options. IDK how anyone can be one nowadays unless it's a personal choice.

Updated by anonymous

tbh i really wish i was still a virgin... but to answer to the question: probably.

Updated by anonymous

ThoughtCrime said:
IDK how anyone can be one nowadays unless it's a personal choice.

Being poor and isolated would make it a bit easier.

notawerewolf said:
just curious. discuss

Usually, "just curious" is a lie. Are you collecting this info for anything or is this just a time-wasting thread?

Updated by anonymous

I'd be willing to bet that between 50% to 60% of our userbase are virgins.

ThoughtCrime said:
IDK how anyone can be one nowadays unless it's a personal choice.

There can be a lot of factors at play when it comes to virginity. Not nearly as many teens have sex as one might expect, in fact, it's fairly uncommon (not rare, just uncommon), especially regularly.

For example, when I was teen, I had some pretty domineering parents. My average day was going to school and coming home to do chores and homework for the rest of the day. I didn't have much of a social life since my parents rarely let me leave their company expect when it was required for me. It sucked, but I'm not so conceited to think that I had bad parents or that I had it worse than other teens, I just wasn't given the freedom to even consider, let alone attempt, to explore sex or romantic relationships. (On a sidenote, my parents' stance was justified since my dad was a teen parent.) But by the time I was 18 I had no clue on how to arrange a hook-up, go on a date, or even casually flirt beyond what I had watched or read in media. It wasn't until a year ago that I lost my virginity in a friends-with-benefits scenario with my roommate.

Point is, whether someone's a virgin or not is based on several different factors like experience (socially and romantically), proximity to your desired individual/gender, their views on sex, opportunity, and even health and financial considerations. It can be a choice, but it doesn't have to be one, sometimes the opportunity doesn't come until later or at all.

That all being said, I think a more interesting conversation would be why virginity is both admirable and embarrassing to different groups. Some religions insist on abstinence until marriage as a sign of purity while more liberal groups are more casual about sex in general. Why is virginity often seen as a good thing in women, but a mark of shame for men? And stuff like that.

Updated by anonymous

I mean, what's the point of asking? It doesn't actually mean anything, my life is basically the profile of a stereotypical lifelong virgin's but I'm not. I've just had a few (3) girlfriends in past years and we got that far. I'd like sex, but between STDs, unwanted pregnancy, and not being a very social person, finding prospects I'd trust enough to enjoy it with isn't easy and I don't care enough to overcome that difficulty instead of focusing on things I'd rather do instead.

Besides, if I had to pick between a relationship but no sex and sex but no relationship, I'd take the relationship without even thinking about it. Your hands know your body better than anyone else ever will, and toys can give sensations on levels past human. But a Hitachi wand can't kiss you good morning, and no fleshlight will hold you and rub your back after a hard day.

Updated by anonymous

Well since the beans are being spilled (and we're anonymous) I'd share my story too, for the first time.
I had /girlfriends/ when I was a child, but I have been single for a decade (around the corner) since then, it's not that I'm not interested.
I just didn't have a chance and I didn't really go out of my way to make them either (I'm actually talking about relationships here rather than sex, even though its off topic a bit).
And at this time I would prefer, I guess people would call it a soulmate, or just someone really good, a friend. I'm not really interested in sex now, at least not the (purely) physical part of it.
I can get my dopamine shots by myself just fine.

Updated by anonymous

Yep, still got mine. Believe it or not, losing it is not my main priority.

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
Usually, "just curious" is a lie. Are you collecting this info for anything or is this just a time-wasting thread?

okay, you got me. i'm working for a secret sect of the reptile government which needs the statistics on how often the users on this site get laid.

Updated by anonymous

ThoughtCrime said:
When you're younger, you can go to house parties and back yard shows. All you really have to do show up or bring "party supplies" too get laid. When you're older, you have a lot more options. IDK how anyone can be one nowadays unless it's a personal choice.

Growing up has kind of taught me that there are a lot of people who hate you or want to use you, so getting laid really wasn't a concern or a thought to me at the time. The house parties were generally in blighted neighborhoods were there were known gangs/junkies, and the city that I live in isn't the most hospitable one to live in. I never really had any friends growing up, and relationships to me seemed like a completely impossible thing to happen for me when I was younger. To be honest, sex is really overrated and kind of dumb. I still have urges to have sex when the mood hits, but most of the time I just see it in a very negative light.

Updated by anonymous

i am a virgin but honestly dont understand why so many people would be up in arms about it... is it really that important?

Updated by anonymous

The question is not specific enough.
You should've asked "Are you still an oral/anal/penile|vaginal virgin? Please check the appropriate boxes."

edit: this forum needs anonymous polls

Updated by anonymous

Munkelzahn said:
The question is not specific enough.
You should've asked "Are you still an oral/anal/penile|vaginal virgin? Please check the appropriate boxes."

What about urethral, aural, nasal and orbital virgins?

Updated by anonymous

BlueDingo said:
orbital virgins

the "mile high club" inversed and taken to a new level
yes, i know you're talking about eye sockets

Updated by anonymous

Knotty_Curls said:
it doesn't count if it's anal

Then I guess lawyers don't count.
Because they are very anal.[/spoiler][/sub]

Updated by anonymous

If I could care about something so minor, then I would be far better off than I am now. Instead, I have the luxury of being blighted with extreme apathy. If that's too cryptic, then know I have never cared enough to seek out such things.

I think I've been flirted with a few times, but I've only ever been interested in my original purpose during those conversations, which kept me from noticing or even considering a conversation within the conversation. I think I was still 17 when a girl in my compulsory 1000-level English course asked me if I would "study" with her at her place, which confused me because I wasn't exactly a good student at the time. Is it an important detail that she may have been the "prettiest" girl in the room by my standards? In seriously trying to answer the request, my lack of autonomy made the logistics seem too much of an imposition or too risky, so I deflected. Just like that, nothing. And repeat. Years later did I decide that "studying" made the most sense as a euphemism. In all seriousness, I would for once in my life like to actually study with someone to learn something a little faster.

tldr idc

Updated by anonymous

Losing virginity feels like similar thing to finally being 18 years old adult. Before it happens, it feels like something that will change your life, that you have reached some massive life goal.

Then, it just happens, you are just there thinking, that that wasn't as life changing. Of course it's still pretty awesome thing and now you have more life experience and knowledge, but there wasn't fireworks and you don't know whole universes secrets.

So just as hint, don't focus too much on just losing virginity as you might lose more in the process.

Aanyi said:
The house parties were generally in blighted neighborhoods were there were known gangs/junkies, and the city that I live in isn't the most hospitable one to live in. I never really had any friends growing up, and relationships to me seemed like a completely impossible thing to happen for me when I was younger.

House parties most definitely sound something that can mean completely differend things in seperate parts of the world, so that doesn't surprise me.

As for friends, pretty much the same. I only had couple friends during whole elementary but changed schools after couple years so they always got left behind, but somehow there were always bullies. At least got toughen up by them to not be such huge nerd all the time. Having no friends, means less social contacts, which does make it really hard to socialize in general, let alone getting into romantic and sexual relationship.

Knotty_Curls said:
it doesn't count if it's anal

post #1323880

Oh, then I'm still... wait, nope :|

DelurC said:
And at this time I would prefer, I guess people would call it a soulmate, or just someone really good, a friend.

I live in a city full of grandmas and prefer to stay at home, so I really wouldn't mind idea of having player 2 to play games with hanging around either. Just that I really can't fill out dating site information to find someone like that.

Updated by anonymous

Mario69 said:
Losing virginity feels like similar thing to finally being 18 years old adult. Before it happens, it feels like something that will change your life, that you have reached some massive life goal.

Then, it just happens, you are just there thinking, that that wasn't as life changing. Of course it's still pretty awesome thing and now you have more life experience and knowledge, but there wasn't fireworks and you don't know whole universes secrets.

So just as hint, don't focus too much on just losing virginity as you might lose more in the process.

That's actually a pretty good analogy. Although turning 18 was kind of life-changing for me. I was unceremoniously dumped out of the nest and into the cold and unforgiving world. It was probably by pure luck that I didn't end up in a city park with a needle in my arm. However, turning 18 for most people doesn't come with any new responsibilities or life-changing circumstances.

Same goes losing ones virginity. Most people don't find it particularly life defining. The few cases where it does change one's life tend to involve rape, pregnancy, or stds.

Updated by anonymous

I'm well on my way to becoming a lifelong virgin, even though that virginity has lost any real value to me. I could offer a multitude of reasons (or at least excuses) that's come about, but instead let's just say I'm probably abnormal and it would probably take a lot of effort to overcome my insular habits. In the end, it makes me wish I lived in a society where sex was less sacred, or that I had social contacts into such communities.

I can't really do much for the former, but as far as the latter is concerned, "trust" is a real hangup for me. Adverts for sex-oriented websites, furry or otherwise, always strike me as sketchy and risky. Even the ones advertised here: as much as I'd like to believe in them, a furry hookup site is just too much personal exposure for me, too much risk that someone is going to troll me or out me - only worse because "furry". Bordellos would be an option, in the sense that its their business to provide safe sex as a service, except that I live nowhere near any. Oh well. Maybe if I'm ever in New Mexico, or society pulls an unexpected 180 on the subject of sex services.

Updated by anonymous

I never had any say in the matter and even my closest real life friends and family don't know because It's not something I'm proud of, but no. I am not.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not interested in sex. It's honestly a huge turn-off.

Updated by anonymous

Yep, I'm still a virgin and I'll probably be one until I die. I'd like to have sex and a relationship though, but I doubt that will ever happen.

Updated by anonymous

I'm not (I had sex one time in my life). Also, I would say that it's not a big deal to have had it, and it's certainly not a "sad" thing if someone has never had sex in their life.

Updated by anonymous

kamimatsu said:
I never had any say in the matter and even my closest real life friends and family don't know because It's not something I'm proud of, but no. I am not.

I'm sorry. I'd tell you that it's not something you should be ashamed of, but I know that emotions doesn't worth that way, and I'm sorry that someone did that to you.

Updated by anonymous

Yes I am but truth be told, sex isn't something that I've ever been interested in or have ever really desired.

Updated by anonymous

Dusk_To_Dawn said:
Yes I am but truth be told, sex isn't something that I've ever been interested in or have ever really desired.

*looks at avatar

but... but...

Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
*looks at avatar

but... but...

Hey, sex as a human being is never going to touch the perfection of fantasy. I mean, I like mating as an expression of emotion and bonding, but purely in a physical sense, it's not that special.

Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
*looks at avatar

but... but...

enjoying porn does not equate to being interested in having sex.

for example in general i find sex repulsive because i get easily sensory overloads in situations like that and all that sweat and bodily fluids is just.. gross as hell. feels bad.
but i dont mind looking at porn at all since i dont need to experience the sensations i dislike if i just look at pictures or videos.

Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
*looks at avatar

but... but...

Can't speak for them, I'm in the same boat. I still look at porn, even though most of it doesn't do much for me in a traditional sense. I find some things aesthetically pleasing and I find porn just inherently funny. I also have some kinks but there's a disconnect between "what appeals to me in fantasy" and "what appeals to me in real life".

Updated by anonymous

Violet_Rose said:
Hey, sex as a human being is never going to touch the perfection of fantasy. I mean, I like mating as an expression of emotion and bonding, but purely in a physical sense, it's not that special.

i'm just gonna save myself the obvious of guessing you're a virgin lol

ain't no one who gets laid sayin it's even comparable to fantasy lmao

Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
i'm just gonna save myself the obvious of guessing you're a virgin lol

ain't no one who gets laid sayin it's even comparable to fantasy lmao

As I said on the first page, I'm not. There really just wasn't a whole lot of sensation going on, to the point where "Is it in yet?" would be a legit question to ask, though of course I didn't. It wasn't a size issue either, at least, judging by statistical averages for length and girth, just.. a lot of warm, wet total lack of palpable texture. *shrug* Might be medical, I haven't checked, and it's also possible I just haven't had skilled partners, considering it was just three and with the second one we did stuff like.. once, awkwardly, ever. But I've had other people back me up on this too, so if it is a niche experience of sex, it's at least not a totally unique one.

Updated by anonymous

Violet_Rose said:
As I said on the first page, I'm not. There really just wasn't a whole lot of sensation going on, to the point where "Is it in yet?" would be a legit question to ask, though of course I didn't. It wasn't a size issue either, at least, judging by statistical averages for length and girth, just.. a lot of warm, wet total lack of palpable texture. *shrug* Might be medical, I haven't checked, and it's also possible I just haven't had skilled partners, considering it was just three and with the second one we did stuff like.. once, awkwardly, ever. But I've had other people back me up on this too, so if it is a niche experience of sex, it's at least not a totally unique one.

I have to agree. It's also pretty embarrassing if you do it with someone who has had more experience, and you're just awkwardly trying to make something work.

That's what my only experience was like. Still nice, but it's not as awkward to indulge in fantasies than the real thing.

Updated by anonymous

notawerewolf said:
i'm just gonna save myself the obvious of guessing you're a virgin lol

ain't no one who gets laid sayin it's even comparable to fantasy lmao

My fantasies actually tend to be better. Maybe your imagination isn't so good? :)

Violet_Rose said:
Might be medical, I haven't checked, and it's also possible I just haven't had skilled partners, considering it was just three and with the second one we did stuff like.. once, awkwardly, ever. But I've had other people back me up on this too, so if it is a niche experience of sex, it's at least not a totally unique one.

Honestly, probably a partner issue. Sex-in-the-media (movies, porn, etc) gives people a lot of incorrect ideas about how sex works. A lot of movies tend to show the male and female lead kissing heated (probably in the rain) then thumping in the front door, ripping each other's clothing off, then falling onto the bed together, then they like,. wiggle around together and it's like the ULTIMATE CULMINATION of sex, like his penis somehow has three extra hands and the magic ability to make every thrust feel like god himself is going down on you.

But that isn't the case. A penis going in and out doesn't "do" much for a lot of people (but not everyone!!) and you've gotta get fingers involved, and talk about what's going on (besides "harder" and "faster".. that doesn't count.) to try and figure out what takes things from "eh" to "EPIC". ... but movies generally make us feel like smooches, then penis-in-vagina is the be all end all of sexual pleasure. If we're needing to do more than that.... maybe something's wrong with us?

Porn's worse, though. Labia being strummed like a guitar, beaten like a drum, awkward positions designed to show off sex bits and faces at the same time, the fact that none of these ladies mind being grabbed by the hair, or slapped and endless pistoning in and out of a only-kinda-wet hole and the word "yeah" repeated over and over, mixed in only with "fuck my pussy" on occasion. (I mean, not all porn, but SO much porn.)

It takes a while to 'learn' how to have good sex.

And sometimes. well, there ain't nothign wrong with not liking sex, either. we're all human and different <3

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:

Just a clarification - you're talking like I was the receptive partner. I wasn't, I was giving, and they were generally enjoying themselves to a realistic, if not porno degree, it was me who didn't get much stimulation. But I lack sensation in a lot of ways to be honest. I would be no more than slightly annoyed by being slapped or having my hair pulled because I just don't feel more than pressure and a mild, forgettable sting, and my roommate is constantly worried that one of these days I might just grab a pan from the oven (which I won't, but it's almost a plausible concern). xD

I like how you're practically trying to give sex education in one of the more frivolous threads I've ever seen, though. And that's not sarcasm, I think it's kind of cool, especially with your positive attitude! I guess who would need to hear the real story more than virgins would, huh? =P

Updated by anonymous

Violet_Rose said:
Just a clarification - you're talking like I was the receptive partner. I wasn't, I was giving,

Terribly sorry! I've normally got a pretty decent 'gender sense' but it leads me astray sometimes :) I'll blame the very sweet name and the adorable pony for my mistake. (as well as the fact that "is it in yet" is something you'd expect a receptive partner to say. ^^; )

and they were generally enjoying themselves to a realistic, if not porno degree, it was me who didn't get much stimulation. But I lack sensation in a lot of ways to be honest. I would be no more than slightly annoyed by being slapped or having my hair pulled because I just don't feel more than pressure and a mild, forgettable sting,

That actually may be a medical concern, then... I know that it can be a symptom of some other things--so I would mention it when you see your doctor next. Especially if this is a more recent development, rather than a long standing personal truth. I know that people with more severe lack-of-sensation need to be more careful due to not always being able to tell when they've caused injury to themselves until after the fact.

and my roommate is constantly worried that one of these days I might just grab a pan from the oven (which I won't, but it's almost a plausible concern). xD

Hahaha, well, between you and me, I have absolutely done that when I was having an utterly dumbshitted moment, and *I* am the one who stuck my hand on a burner as a kid to see if it was hot. ^^;

I like how you're practically trying to give sex education in one of the more frivolous threads I've ever seen, though. And that's not sarcasm, I think it's kind of cool, especially with your positive attitude! I guess who would need to hear the real story more than virgins would, huh? =P

I try to be friendly and upbeat when I can :) For everyone posting, there are a couple lurkers just.. reading, and I like to think that if I help out even one person with some gentle advise, then I've done a good thing. :) Ignorance isn't a crime, and can be cured with a bit of attention <3

Also, yeah.. virgins totally need to hear this stuff. Virgins... and people who've only had mediocre sex. (I know that sounds rude, but, like... I know a lot of people who were "I guess sex is nice" until they actually had *good* sex with an experienced partner then they actually got what the fuss is about. (and of course, asexuals are TOTALLY a thing. Some people just don't enjoy sex or the idea of sex, and that's okay! They don't need to change :)

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:

Also, yeah.. virgins totally need to hear this stuff. Virgins... and people who've only had mediocre sex. (I know that sounds rude, but, like... I know a lot of people who were "I guess sex is nice" until they actually had *good* sex with an experienced partner then they actually got what the fuss is about. (and of course, asexuals are TOTALLY a thing. Some people just don't enjoy sex or the idea of sex, and that's okay! They don't need to change :)

Another thing that's really important is attraction. I may not do anything penetrative, but even then there's a world of difference based on how much you like who you're with.

Updated by anonymous

regsmutt said:
Another thing that's really important is attraction. I may not do anything penetrative, but even then there's a world of difference based on how much you like who you're with.

this is 100% true. And attraction isn't always physical. And emotional attraction also makes a lot of difference. <3

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Also, yeah.. virgins totally need to hear this stuff. Virgins... and people who've only had mediocre sex. (I know that sounds rude, but, like... I know a lot of people who were "I guess sex is nice" until they actually had *good* sex with an experienced partner then they actually got what the fuss is about.

Replied to a couple of other things in PM so as not to derail the thread with my personal life, but this part is on topic: even when you feel sex strongly, I still maintain that it's not as good as fantasy. If it is, then you need better fantasies, because in your mind you can do so much insane stuff and always have it go across perfectly. In real life, there might be the odd people who never have problems like position fatigue, misthrusting and having it slip out of the hole, size mismatches with partner (whether in an intimate sense or just having it be hard to hug them properly).. if we're talking oral there's teeth and gag reflex (which is a lot less sexy IRL than it is in porn), if it's not oral then the cleanliness of the sheets becomes a factor and there's nothing sexy about doing laundry, anal has its own.. set of issues.. Point is, it's awkward and there are a lot of things to take you out of the moment. What makes things worse is that I'm into bondage and that comes with easily twice as much potential for things being awkward and stupid when you compare RL to fantasy/RP.

Combine that with the fact that humans won't ever have things like knots, or tentacles, or the magical ability to take something in up to their ribcage.. well, I don't necessarily expect others to share my outlook, but that's why I say that I only see sex as good for bonding and not for physical pleasure. Because that's the only thing it's not seriously flawed at, helping two (or more if you can spread your focus that well) people feel more connected to each other.

Updated by anonymous

Violet_Rose said:
Replied to a couple of other things in PM so as not to derail the thread with my personal life, but this part is on topic: even when you feel sex strongly, I still maintain that it's not as good as fantasy. If it is, then you need better fantasies, because in your mind you can do so much insane stuff and always have it go across perfectly. In real life, there might be the odd people who never have problems like position fatigue, misthrusting and having it slip out of the hole, size mismatches with partner (whether in an intimate sense or just having it be hard to hug them properly).. if we're talking oral there's teeth and gag reflex (which is a lot less sexy IRL than it is in porn), if it's not oral then the cleanliness of the sheets becomes a factor and there's nothing sexy about doing laundry, anal has its own.. set of issues.. Point is, it's awkward and there are a lot of things to take you out of the moment. What makes things worse is that I'm into bondage and that comes with easily twice as much potential for things being awkward and stupid when you compare RL to fantasy/RP.

Combine that with the fact that humans won't ever have things like knots, or tentacles, or the magical ability to take something in up to their ribcage.. well, I don't necessarily expect others to share my outlook, but that's why I say that I only see sex as good for bonding and not for physical pleasure. Because that's the only thing it's not seriously flawed at, helping two (or more if you can spread your focus that well) people feel more connected to each other.

I totally agree with that. The only thing that would compensate such stuff for me is a strong relationship with a person I really care about, otherwise it's completely not worth it as it is not able to compete with what I can achieve on my own. Even if it would, the amount of stuff you have to take care about makes it not really worth it without any motivation. Real world is not a porn art where everything is always clean and perfect down there, and the whole thing is just a matter of "put it in and push".

<a bit offtop and more thoughts below>

I always see sex to be an emotional thing that doesn't work without a strong relationship. I'm 23 and never cared about it much. I may die a virgin and I don't care. No matter how good sex can be, for me, it will never compensate what it takes to get there. I'm not interested in "friends with benefits" type of thing or fucking random girls on parties, also a typical sexual intercourse is a huge turn-off for me. A sexual intercourse to relieve a sexual need is like using a

For me, sex should be a consequence of a relationship, other way around you will end up with another pathetic relationship or even a family, where you all don't care about each other, constantly fighting over bullshit. Sexual attraction will fade away sooner or later and what you gonna do if there will be nothing left that connects you with you partner anymore?

Even if we focus on the sex itself, the amount of things you have to take care of makes it completely not worth it for me. Even something as simple as having to wear a condom is a huge turn-off for me, not even mentioning that 90% of real life porn is rather... disgusting may be too much but just "ugh..." for me. I have no motivation to even try at all. It's just boring and not worth it, real life sex seems rather disgusting for me. I'm not saying it's not possible to make it good but finding a good partner seems to be almost impossible for me, since I can't even find a friend that could share my outlook and values.

Nothing will beat a fantasy I can imagine in my head or even write down. When I started drawing I quickly realized, that I'm capable of making my own, perfectly fit fap material – even with shitty skills, it's still a portion of my imagination written down which helps to visualize things in my mind even better, everything perfectly fit, something that I'll never see anywhere else. With a good mood your mind can do amazing things – but that is not going to work for everyone obviously, when I was doing research on tulpa thing, I realized, that a lot of people can't even visualize anything in their minds – even something as simple as a rotating cube.

An actual sex seems really poor with all of this, so to compensate it, I'd need a strong relationship, so we got a simple calculation: ok, this is not as good as fantasies in my imagination and what I can achieve on my own, also I need to take care about a lot of things BUT I'm doing it with someone I love and care about which compensates that, so now it's actually worth it even if you'll have some laundry to do after that and it won't be as good as you would like it.

And then you can push it even further if the partner actually shares your outlook and understands this shit. Just get over the fact that you will never beat the perfect fantasy of your partner, so maybe you can work together to make your sex life more interesting by exploiting that field. But good job finding a partner like that...

A much more realistic outcome would be having that person who cares about you and you stay together but leave the sexual activities for your own.

SnowWolf said:
Honestly, probably a partner issue. Sex-in-the-media (movies, porn, etc) gives people a lot of incorrect ideas about how sex works. A lot of movies tend to show the male and female lead kissing heated (probably in the rain) then thumping in the front door, ripping each other's clothing off, then falling onto the bed together, then they like,. wiggle around together and it's like the ULTIMATE CULMINATION of sex, like his penis somehow has three extra hands and the magic ability to make every thrust feel like god himself is going down on you.

But that isn't the case. A penis going in and out doesn't "do" much for a lot of people (but not everyone!!) and you've gotta get fingers involved, and talk about what's going on (besides "harder" and "faster".. that doesn't count.) to try and figure out what takes things from "eh" to "EPIC". ... but movies generally make us feel like smooches, then penis-in-vagina is the be all end all of sexual pleasure. If we're needing to do more than that.... maybe something's wrong with us?

Porn's worse, though. Labia being strummed like a guitar, beaten like a drum, awkward positions designed to show off sex bits and faces at the same time, the fact that none of these ladies mind being grabbed by the hair, or slapped and endless pistoning in and out of a only-kinda-wet hole and the word "yeah" repeated over and over, mixed in only with "fuck my pussy" on occasion. (I mean, not all porn, but SO much porn.)

It takes a while to 'learn' how to have good sex.

And this is exactly why I don't care about it. That's exactly why it's not worth it for me at all. If there's no one I could do it for, and nothing more than a pure sexual need, I don't see a point in bothering with it at all, when I can get an amazing result right here, right now, with a pen and a piece of virtual paper.

Sure you may say that I have completely unrealistic expectations, waiting for a perfect princess or being selfish, pathetic and afraid of real world – that's nothing I wouldn't know already, yet I don't care, it's not like I'm sitting here, whining or crying, it's not a big deal for me.

Updated by anonymous

I'm still a virgin. I never have sex like a penetration of a blowjob, nor I did to anyone.

I like to masturbate, but i don't like humans female or male. I don't know if I would like to do it with a animal since I don't have access to animals, beside cats. In human I don't like boobs or pubic hair. I find that repulsive. But if furry where real, well it would depend of the species and look.

I don't like porn movie or magazine because its not real. there is nothing about a sexual activity, a sexual documentary on how sex is suppose to be, to feel like.

Having a fantasy what so ever will not mean that you will try to replicate it IRL.

I'm 51 and I never really have any desire to do it. I have no friend IRL or on the net and I have no contact with anyone. Its not like you can find friends on the yellow pages. Activity required money and money is one thing I don't have.

I don't feel having a mate or anyone for a one time stuff. I'm not lone and I just not attracted in anything.

Updated by anonymous

MrFox1 said:
I'm still a virgin. I never have sex like a penetration of a blowjob, nor I did to anyone.

I like to masturbate, but i don't like humans female or male. I don't know if I would like to do it with a animal since I don't have access to animals, beside cats. In human I don't like boobs or pubic hair. I find that repulsive. But if furry where real, well it would depend of the species and look.

I don't like porn movie or magazine because its not real. there is nothing about a sexual activity, a sexual documentary on how sex is suppose to be, to feel like.

Having a fantasy what so ever will not mean that you will try to replicate it IRL.

I'm 51 and I never really have any desire to do it. I have no friend IRL or on the net and I have no contact with anyone. Its not like you can find friends on the yellow pages. Activity required money and money is one thing I don't have.

I don't feel having a mate or anyone for a one time stuff. I'm not lone and I just not attracted in anything.

That's okay. Being asexual is perfectly legitimate. There is nothing in the world wrong with that. <3

Updated by anonymous

I've always liked physical contact (hugs etc.) but even though I'm not great-looking (got the most stubborn acne in history :/) I think it's more my complete lack of social skills (a u t i s m) that keeps me from having a girlfriend not quite true, but they live in a different town and I rarely meet them

Updated by anonymous

auroraminora said:
why are you replying to the comment that is replying to another comment from 4 years ago?

Because necroing a dead thread with non-constructive comments is frowned upon here.

I lost my virginity with my female boss in the job at the age of 25. And then the thing ended in a catastrophe, as you maybe may guess.

Before that I wanted very much to have sex, but I was too coward / proud to just give in to my sexual needs ... it had to be just as I wanted... the whole package of love, desire and intimacy...

After that, that I think was too late ... I began to have my sex life. I had a lot of sex, and to be honest, most of it I didn't liked very much... but sometimes, it was really hot, and some girls and me made it just like beasts, giving everithing, with explosive simultaneous orgasms and all.... and just for that, you keep trying and trying again, withstanding all the other substandard horrible sex... hoping that the nex one, will be a good one.

I want, like other users, rescue this...

Mario69 said:
Losing virginity feels like similar thing to finally being 18 years old adult. Before it happens, it feels like something that will change your life, that you have reached some massive life goal.

Then, it just happens, you are just there thinking, that that wasn't as life changing. Of course it's still pretty awesome thing and now you have more life experience and knowledge, but there wasn't fireworks and you don't know whole universes secrets.

So just as hint, don't focus too much on just losing virginity as you might lose more in the process.

Pure Wisedom.

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