Topic: Pics not available?

Posted under Art Talk

I wanted to see some of the 'werewuffie' art in the tag from LOQO, but I think there's some sort of THING happening? On a pic with the tag, it'll say there's ten bits of art sharing the tag, but clicking it only brings up five. Am I just missing something?

Updated by Mairo

Tag count will always also count deleted posts, you can see all posts including those if you put status:any in your search. Deleted posts are still there, but they are just by default hidden with search and content itself cannot be viewed at all.

Neo_Lunes said:
Oh, so they were just lower quality versions of the ones already up? Guess the 10 is just a numbers glitch. Thanks.

Lower quality is pretty much putting it slightly. You can still see the content from source link, it's essentially like someone just opened the image in photoshot, turned contrast to max, used sharpening filter and posted the image online again. I was actually cleaning these up for several days and kinda glad that the user who was uploading these in masses can't do that anymore.

As for screencaps, you can see those by downloading and playing the game - or just decompiling the assets directly.

Updated by anonymous

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