Topic: How do you become an admin?

Posted under General

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Many members have dreams of their own, but my dream is to become an admin. How do you become an admin and how long does it take to become one?

Updated by Cinder

You could rob a bank, steal millions and then perform a hostile takeover of Bad Dragon.

Updated by anonymous

First rule of becoming a member of admin club.
Don't talk about admin club.

Updated by anonymous

Saffron said:
You could rob a bank, steal millions and then perform a hostile takeover of Bad Dragon.

We chose our location carefully. I mean, why the hell else would you want to actually live in Phoenix during the summer?

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
We chose our location carefully. I mean, why the hell else would you want to actually live in Phoenix during the summer?

The food is pretty amazing, particularly if you like Mexican, and Tex Mex.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
We chose our location carefully. I mean, why the hell else would you want to actually live in Phoenix during the summer?

Halite said:
The food is pretty amazing, particularly if you like Mexican, and Tex Mex. did we go from answering my forum to talking about the food in Phoenix?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Arcaninetales said: did we go from answering my forum to talking about the food in Phoenix?

Because edidaf answered your question already:

edidaf said:
see mod section

So now that there's nothing really left to answer in regards to the original question, I wish to also mention that I had some very tasty food in Phoenix not long ago. Chino Bandido: It's a fusion of Asian and Mexican, and it is fucking good. Highly recommended. Get the everything.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
So now that there's nothing really left to answer in regards to the original question, I wish to also mention that I had some very tasty food in Phoenix not long ago. Chino Bandido: It's a fusion of Asian and Mexican, and it is fucking good. Highly recommended. Get the everything.

There is also Richardson's, which is by and far one of the greatest secrets Phoenix has in my opinion. Amazing new-mexican cuisine with plenty of unique differences to really add to it. There is also that little Bosnian place that looks shady as hell (and I'm convinced its a total front for some organized crime) but the food is spectacular and amazingly cheap.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Because edidaf answered your question already. So now that there's nothing really left to answer in regards to the original question, I wish to also mention that I had some very tasty food in Phoenix not long ago. Chino Bandido: It's a fusion of Asian and Mexican, and it is fucking good. Highly recommended. Get the everything.

1: I'm sorry, I forgot about edidaf answering my forum.
2: Their menu looks like it has some good food. I might go there one day, Char.

Updated by anonymous

Char said:
Because edidaf answered your question already:
So now that there's nothing really left to answer in regards to the original question, I wish to also mention that I had some very tasty food in Phoenix not long ago. Chino Bandido: It's a fusion of Asian and Mexican, and it is fucking good. Highly recommended. Get the everything.

Ok, I have to ask, what is a "Hen Grenade"?

Updated by anonymous

90% of the time on forums, people who ask how they can become a mod never become a mod.

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
90% of the time on forums, people who ask how they can become a mod never become a mod.

Guess what? I am in that 10% range. I will become an admin. Just wait and see.

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
90% of the time on forums, people who ask how they can become a mod never become a mod.

So far that's actually been 100%.

Updated by anonymous

Arcaninetales said:
Guess what? I am in that 10% range. I will become an admin. Just wait and see.

sure bro

Updated by anonymous

Arcaninetales said:
Guess what? I am in that 10% range. I will become an admin. Just wait and see.

With less than 10 uploads, and less than 50 tag edits?

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
With less than 10 uploads, and less than 50 tag edits?

Hmm, cause you made privileged in under two months, right?
Sure he's off to a bit of a slow start, but let's not discourage him from making a strong effort. unless you're trying reverse psychology, then it's all good

Updated by anonymous

edidaf said:
Hmm, cause you made privileged in under two months, right?
Sure he's off to a bit of a slow start, but let's not discourage him from making a strong effort. unless you're trying reverse psychology, then it's all good

I'm just saying that declaring that you will become an admin before you even do anything on the site is a bit over the top.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
I'm just saying that declaring that you will become an admin before you even do anything on the site is a bit over the top.

I did the same thing when I was new here :I

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I did the same thing when I was new here :I

Quiet you.

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
I did the same thing when I was new here :I

Didn't you make priv within your first month, though?

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
Didn't you make priv within your first month, though?

My first month, I didn't do anything or even talked to anyone. I got priv 4 months after I joined and then it escalated from there

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:
My first month, I didn't do anything or even talked to anyone. I got priv 4 months after I joined and then it escalated from there

This rustles my jimmies. I thought I was going to the top, but at the top was only disappointment.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
We chose our location carefully. I mean, why the hell else would you want to actually live in Phoenix during the summer?


Updated by anonymous

It's basically resumed in these points:

  • Get known in the community.

Earn a bit of (good) reputation, by one or most of:

    • Tagging a lot

Posting a lot
Being helpful to other users
Not being a nuisance

  • Get to know the administration

Wish and hope an upgrade

As you can see here I got my upgrade not too long ago.

Also, apologies for stepping in the grounds of backseating, sorry but I feel a bit of arrogance with your comment :/

Arcaninetales said:
Guess what? I am in that 10% range. I will become an admin. Just wait and see.

. . .

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
We chose our location carefully. I mean, why the hell else would you want to actually live in Phoenix during the summer?

I've survived up to 43ºC (about 105ºF), what could go wrong?

Updated by anonymous

Arcaninetales said:
Guess what? I am in that 10% range. I will become an admin. Just wait and see.

post #237983

I remember back when I was an admin on another site, this guy was like you, said he would become an admin and so on.

For months, I strung him along, making him work his ass off to try and impress me. It was when I upgraded someone else did he go ballistic and went insane with rage. He spammed my email with 'WHY DID YOU UPGRADE HIM AND NOT ME, RAH RAH RAH'

I let him have his tantrum for a week until he decided to post child pornography on the site. I deleted the images, and quietly reported his shit to authorities.

He's probably getting fucked in the ass in jail now.

Life is funny.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Ok, I have to ask, what is a "Hen Grenade"?

It's what you get when you feed a chicken gunpowder. jk

Updated by anonymous

Arcaninetales said:
Many members have dreams of their own, but my dream is to become an admin.

For me, I'd never want to be a mod/admin. For all the privileges, there's a load more stress, and that's just not for me. Even at member level it's possible to support the site on a large scale, so I'm curious: Why do you want to be an admin?

Queen_Tyr'ahnee said:
It's what you get when you feed a chicken gunpowder. jk

A ticking egg?

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
It's basically resumed in these points:

  • Get known in the community.

Earn a bit of (good) reputation, by one or most of:

    • Tagging a lot

Posting a lot
Being helpful to other users
Not being a nuisance

  • Get to know the administration

Wish and hope an upgrade

As you can see here I got my upgrade not too long ago.

Also, apologies for stepping in the grounds of backseating, sorry but I feel a bit of arrogance with your comment :/
. . .

I've survived up to 43ºC (about 105ºF), what could go wrong?

Last summer, my thermostat read 126 degrees in the sun, and about 112 in the shade. Making the air conditioners part of public services was a thing of mercy.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Last summer, my thermostat read 126 degrees in the sun, and about 112 in the shade. Making the air conditioners part of public services was a thing of mercy.

Yikes! That's pretty much inhumane. On the plus side, you could cook anything on the street without needing to use your stove. (Not that I'd recommend it except for the novelty of it all.)

Updated by anonymous

furrypickle said:
Yikes! That's pretty much inhumane. On the plus side, you could cook anything on the street without needing to use your stove. (Not that I'd recommend it except for the novelty of it all.)

There are dozens of pictures of people baking cookies in their car while they go to work. I think one person even did bacon, but I'm skeptical on that.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
There are dozens of pictures of people baking cookies in their car while they go to work. I think one person even did bacon, but I'm skeptical on that.

If you had a cast iron skillet on the dash of the car getting hot in the sun, I could see it.
Right on the dash though, not likely.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
There are dozens of pictures of people baking cookies in their car while they go to work. I think one person even did bacon, but I'm skeptical on that.

Halite said:
If you had a cast iron skillet on the dash of the car getting hot in the sun, I could see it.
Right on the dash though, not likely.

This I could see working. Cast iron cookware is right up there with duct tape as one of mankind's greatest inventions.

Cookies on a car could also work, provided there are no opportunistic seagulls. Or opportunistic co-workers. (Same result, only with less bird poop).

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Last summer, my thermostat read 126 degrees in the sun, and about 112 in the shade. Making the air conditioners part of public services was a thing of mercy.

Two weeks ago, we had a snowstorm in 28ºF weather.

It was 90º within two days.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Last summer, my thermostat read 126 degrees in the sun, and about 112 in the shade. Making the air conditioners part of public services was a thing of mercy.

Yeeeeaahh... I'll survive! Now, I just need my passport to get to the U.S. :I

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Peekaboo said:
First rule of becoming a member of admin club.
Don't talk about admin club.

Arcaninetales said:
Guess what? I am in that 10% range. I will become an admin. Just wait and see.

Sorry. You can't be in admin club. You've got too many tails.

Updated by anonymous

spight said:
Sorry. You can't be in admin club. You've got too many tails.

Should I rip them off?

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
There are dozens of pictures of people baking cookies in their car while they go to work. I think one person even did bacon, but I'm skeptical on that.

Last person I met that tried to do that ended with explosive diarrhea for 3 days. If you are gonna do that, better mke sure everything is clean.

Updated by anonymous

EDFDarkAngel1 said:
Last summer, my thermostat read 126 degrees in the sun, and about 112 in the shade. Making the air conditioners part of public services was a thing of mercy.

last winter we had almost a solid month of -20F to -30F temperature, not including wind chill. I remember our first above freezing day after that, with people outside with only t-shirts on.

Updated by anonymous

pc-king said:
last winter we had almost a solid month of -20F to -30F temperature, not including wind chill. I remember our first above freezing day after that, with people outside with only t-shirts on.

I'm in NC, last winter we went from 5F and 18 inches of snow (a ton in NC) to over 70F in under 24 hours.
The snow was melting so fast the roads were like rivers.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
[...]The snow was melting so fast the roads were like rivers.

That must had to be an awesome view... leaving aside the part where stuff was in the road, of course.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
I'm in NC, last winter we went from 5F and 18 inches of snow (a ton in NC) to over 70F in under 24 hours.
The snow was melting so fast the roads were like rivers.

Yeah we had about 5-6 feet of total snow as well here in MN. When it was all melting, our poor sump pump was running none stop for about a week, but back to that cold month, It was so cold, that my car's wheels contracted enough to loosen the lug-nuts. I almost completely lost a wheel that morning

Updated by anonymous

pc-king said:
Yeah we had about 5-6 feet of total snow as well here in MN. When it was all melting, our poor sump pump was running none stop for about a week, but back to that cold month, It was so cold, that my car's wheels contracted enough to loosen the lug-nuts. I almost completely lost a wheel that morning

Always check your nuts.

No one here in NC has sump pumps, too high on the water table to need one usually.
Lot of property damage from flooding, even though it was only 2 days of snow.

Updated by anonymous

spight said:
Sorry. You can't be in admin club. You've got too many tails.

*looks at avatar*
post #491537

Yet here we are, what do ya know...

Updated by anonymous

Mdf said:
*looks at avatar*
post #491537

Yet here we are, what do ya know...

Vulpix only has 6 tails, Ninetails has 9.
So apparently up to 6 tails is ok, 9 or more is too many.
Who knows if 7 or 8 is too many or not.

Updated by anonymous

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