Topic: Random error when editing posts

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Bug overview description.

Bug happens on random after trying to save an edit to a post. Has happened to me several times so far.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?

All editable sections of a post; description, source, tags, etc.

What is the expected behavior?

Changes you make should be saved

What actual behavior is given instead?

Error occurs and error page shows up instead of the edited post, and none of your changes are saved at all. Acts as if you never interacted with the post whatsoever.

Can you reproduce the bug every time?

No; it seems to be random. However, it does seem to occur more often when I am quickly tagging things, especially when applying missing tags to quite a few posts at once.

What steps did you take to replicate this bug?

Can't 100% replicate it, but I assume if I try and edit tags or descriptions or something it'll come up randomly again. Perhaps more often if rapidly editing things.

Errors or other messages returned (if any).

Something went horribly wrong...

Unexpected error (e0e8aa00b28ecbf6745d8a5754596988)

Give this to an admin to report the issue: e0e8aa00b28ecbf6745d8a5754596988


Happens if you double submit a post edit before the previous edit finishes.

Updated by anonymous

KiraNoot said:
Happens if you double submit a post edit before the previous edit finishes.

ahhh ok that makes sense! thanks for solving the mystery

Updated by anonymous

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