Topic: Resize images not working half the time.

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

This image here post #1624958 was posted earlier with a smaller image. I'm not sure how resize works, but shouldn't it make it smaller like the post it replaced? Half the time it doesn't work.And I know there's an option to have the website have all images scale to monitor, but some images are better slightly larger than the monitor. (for example, if the feet were ugly. Or you don't care to see the chair they're sitting on.)

Updated by darryus

You can turn on dynamic resize or reduced samples (which will always make images smaller than 800x800, which is generally smaller than what you'll get with the dynamic resize) on here and then press the "Full Size" button underneath the post to make it bigger.

That post was probably already too small compared to your monitor size to get dynamic resize so you can also just use "ctrl + =" or "ctrl + -" to zoom in and out on the entire page.

Updated by anonymous

darryus said:
You can turn on dynamic resize or reduced samples (which will always make images smaller than 800x800, which is generally smaller than what you'll get with the dynamic resize) on here and then press the "Full Size" button underneath the post to make it bigger.

That post was probably already too small compared to your monitor size to get dynamic resize so you can also just use "ctrl + =" or "ctrl + -" to zoom in and out on the entire page.

I've tested out the dynamic resize, all that does is make the picture smaller as if I clicked the "resize image" button. But if the resize image button doesn't do anything in the first place, it does nothing. and zooming in and out effects all the tabs, not just that one picture, so it causes problems when looking at other, not so large pictures.

What i'm wondering, is why the resize button itself won't work. Especially since there was a smaller version that it replaced 2 days before.

Updated by anonymous

Dynamic resize doesn't upscale stuff it'll only ever make images smaller. The Full Size button should always bring the image up to the full resolution if it isn't already. If you have Reduced Samples turned on it'll take a little while after clicking for the full resolution version to fully load (longer for larger and/or higher quality pictures) while on dynamic resize it'll be instant.

Ultimately if you want a smaller version of pictures turn on reduced samples and then they'll be smaller and you can then click the full size button for a bigger version for anything in between those sizes there's the zoom function of your browser.

There's literally nothing else you can do.

Old versions of images that were deleted for BVAS reasons aren't used for making the larger versions smaller they're entirely different posts. I don't even know how they would implement something like that or, to be honest, if they'd even want to when the current system works well enough for most users and if it didn't there'd be more efficient ways to deal with it.

Updated by anonymous

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