Okay, super fast post, I promise.
So, we have taur. We have centaur, deertaur, foxtaur and more. Then we have equine_taur, avian_taur, canine_taur and others.
Of course taur and centaur will stay the same... but why is it deertaur and not deer_taur? why is it equine_taur and not equinetaur?
I feel like there is some inconsistency here that would be nice to tidy up!
(also, there are some redundant_taurs too, but I'll sort those out when we figure out the reason behind foxtaur and fox_taur :)
My opinion: Deertaur and foxtaur are easy to read, while equinetaur is a bit of an eye-jumble. so ... ... I think it should be fox_taur?
Whatchy'all think?