Aliasing translation_check → translation_request
Link to alias
Same as partially_translated, this gives no extra information, but as I'm finding more and more, does serve as a flag that someone has done something wrong. We all screw up, and no supposedly completed piece of translation work wouldn't do well to be reviewed by another competent person to check for forehead-slappers or general agreeability. But if you know what you're doing, you shouldn't feel especially compelled to point out the need for review. And if you don't know what you're doing, chances are you're not helping anything at all with your efforts. This tag solely occupies the non-existent space in between those points. I'm almost done eliminating it now, but it would be better if it weren't encouraged in the future. When you have an image with a handful of notes already on it, it's slightly annoying keeping track of which ones you still need to fix that make no sense, and which ones you've already gotten to.
EDIT: The tag alias translation_check -> translation_request (forum #248273) has been rejected by @Millcore.
Updated by auto moderator