Topic: Tag Alias: cheating -> adultery

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing cheating → adultery
Link to alias


The current usage of cheating is completely mis-tagged under its current poor wiki definition. It would make far more sense to be aliased to adultery in order to better fit the context of this website.

Who here is looking to use cheating to look for someone with an extra card in their sleeve rather than, you know, cheating?

Updated by Uploaderxxx

gaphiltfish said:
post #987360

We could keep going back and forth if you want, but your supply of examples would run out much faster than mine. Instead, the tag should be reserved for the colloquial term for adultery rather than a few instances of an act that doesn't really demand differentiation (but could still be done so with other tags eg. copying_answers, card_trick).

They fact he has any examples to give is already enough reason against. -1.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
They fact he has any examples to give is already enough reason against. -1.

BlueDingo said:
From what I can see, the earliest images more or less follow the wiki definition. -1 and cleanup.

These posts you mention are generally just foot_job with video_games or poker and can be found like so. cheating is better served as an alias with the wiki definition being changed to fit that alias rather than fitting few posts that fit the current definition. People tagging and searchers will continue to make the mistake, as the colloquial cheating comes to mind before adultery. I'm all for cleanup, but in the other direction.

Updated by anonymous

gaphiltfish said:
These posts you mention are generally just foot_job with video_games or poker and can be found like so.

Also known as cheating via distraction. Ever tried focusing on something or keeping a straight face while someone's tossing you off?

gaphiltfish said:
cheating is better served as an alias with the wiki definition being changed to fit that alias rather than fitting few posts that fit the current definition.

Unless you're one of those who searches cheating to look for images of characters cheating. What about them?

gaphiltfish said:
People tagging and searchers will continue to make the mistake, as the colloquial cheating comes to mind before adultery. I'm all for cleanup, but in the other direction.

People mistag shit all the time. You can't alias terms together just because some people can't be bothered using the correct one.

For example, people keep tagging bridal_carry as either cradling or holding_character despite clear difference between all three, but we're not going to alias any of those together because they are different. We correct them and if we find someone repeatedly mistagging it, we send them a message to stop doing it.

And for those who can't tell the difference:

post #1087214 <- bridal carry. Note the arm positions.

post #1005868 <- cradling. Again, note the arm positions.

post #200281 <- holding_character. Notice the carrier is only using his hands to support the carried.

Updated by anonymous

It's only adultery if you're married. Cheating is sort of ambiguous, sure, but if we're going to use a better term, that isn't the right one. Infidelity, maybe, or something else. But adultery is too specific to qualify as an alias.

Updated by anonymous

gaphiltfish said:

Did you seriously compare Furrin's statement to that, even if to jest? How serious are you in this alias thread?

Regardless: aliases and implications do not work if there is a 1% fail rate, nor a .1%, et cetera. The only error "allowed" with tags is user error, because that is fixable by other users; site based errors cannot be fixed by anyone but the admins, so they try to make sure that said errors do not occur.

Updated by anonymous

notnobody said:
It's only adultery if you're married. Cheating is sort of ambiguous, sure, but if we're going to use a better term, that isn't the right one. Infidelity, maybe, or something else. But adultery is too specific to qualify as an alias.

Suggestion of aliasing adultery TO infidelity sounds good to me.

Currently the wiki for infidelity says "Images or animations depicting a character who is married to another character, engaging in an extramarital affair with a third character. ..."

which sounds like duplication of adultery
so how about that infidelity wiki page be changed to something like
"To be used when there are sexual action(s) between someone who is in a marriage or other intimate relationship (where there is an agreement of sexual exclusivity) and someone not in that relationship."

(Didn't use "third character" since I assume someone could be in a polyamorous relationship and then be unfaithful.)

(Including "sexual exclusivity" since someone could again upload art tagged as open_relationship. Apparently one upload had open_relationship tag but has been deleted)

Updated by anonymous

One year later, whatever cleanup was performed apparently did not hold.

Out of 179 posts tagged cheating, only 31 (17%) were proper according to the wiki definition. I've gathered those into set #11885.

Knotty_Curls said:

would rather disambiguate

Could we have that disambiguation, then?

Updated by anonymous

all the other major boorus and galleries i know of use the tag cheating in the "sexually unfaithful" context, and they use something like cheating_(competitive) for the other context. something to consider

Updated by anonymous

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