Topic: [Bug] Tag script reverts tag changes

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Bug overview description.
Using tag script to edit tags will revert tag changes that are done while the tab used for tag script editing is open.
Basically i have two tabs open: on tab 1 i add dog to a post. next i use tag script feature on tab 2 to add cat on same image, this will revert the changes i did on tab 1 (removes dog from the tags) and any possible changes other users have done meanwhile.

This is the exact same issue we had with basic tagging couple years(?) ago. edit: I think its the tag edit bug mentioned as second in the fixes over here. im not sure if its the same bug that was just never fixed on the script's side or something else.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
The tags

Can you reproduce the bug every time?

What steps did you take to replicate this bug?
Tried on another browser and device.

Updated by savageorange

Is it possible to get this fixed at some point? Im stuck on mobile and being able to use tag script without having to worry abt reverting other people's changes would make things a lot faster..

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Oh shit. This is a big issue. I use tag scripts a lot c_c

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Oh shit. This is a big issue. I use tag scripts a lot c_c

And it seems that this issue has been around for years. Im honestly surprised that nobody has noticed it earlier

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Commander_Eggplant said:
And it seems that this issue has been around for years. Im honestly surprised that nobody has noticed it earlier

geeze, yeah, I woulda thought so too--I mean.. yeah. Especially for some of these bigger tagging projects *scratches head* It'd explain a few things I've seen, honestly. I just figured I was a bit crazy and failing to tag stuff when I thought I was. human error, etc.

Updated by anonymous

bumping because this still continues to be a problem and mess up my edits.

Updated by anonymous

is this bug going to ever get fixed because it continues being pain in ass and screwing up tagging

Updated by anonymous

siikaprinssi said:
is this bug going to ever get fixed because it continues being pain in ass and screwing up tagging

It means writing an entirely new system to apply tags to posts using the tag script syntax instead of the current system, and then rewriting the entire in page editor functions. It's not a small project.

Updated by anonymous

KiraNoot said:
It means writing an entirely new system to apply tags to posts using the tag script syntax instead of the current system, and then rewriting the entire in page editor functions. It's not a small project.

ah damn :(

Updated by anonymous

Yeah as an avid mass tagger I apologize in advance for this, cause often I'll come back to pieces tagged and realize the tag script removed some tags. Rip.

Oh well, it can't be helped right now. Hopefully in the future we'll have it fixed

Updated by anonymous

This is actually not as big of a problem as this makes it sound.

Because most of it can be prevented by refreshing the page first.

There is a reason why this bug, despite being around so long, hasn't actually broken the whole site yet. But the site has over a million images on it. The odds that anyone is going to be tagging the same exact image AND during the same exact minute that you are tagging it is extremely rare for everything except the first few pages of uploads.

The odds that you're going to accidentally cancel out some of your own edits because you're tag scripting in one tab and adding a few more detailed tags on a handful of the same images in individual windows... is far more common. However, that is completely preventable if you just refresh the other window before editing any tags on it. You know the window is out of date because you were just tag scripting them or just finished tagging some of the same images. If you refresh first, then tag, it gets the updated tag list for all the image(s) you're about to tag first, and nothing gets canceled out.

The same is true if you have left an image or search results open for a few hours. On the off chance someone has been through while you were away, refresh it first before tagging what you were planning to. That way it updates to any changes that were made in your absence and your changes won't cancel anyone else's tag edits when you submit them.

The first few pages of uploads are the most tricky. Or when you know someone else is working on the same tag project as you are at the same time. But again, frequent refreshes and working quickly are usually sufficient to keep anyone from canceling out anyone else's tag edits that overlap. And maybe give uploaders a few hours to sort out their tags (if there's no blacklist emergency) since there's a chance they uploaded it and then immediately went into editing tags. If they're new or dealing with unusual situations, that could involve a bit of unplanned research to fix tags or find the right ones. So the chance of them or someone else submitting a tag edit while other people pop in and out is much higher. On the other hand, if you refresh first, edit quick, it is still amazingly low chance of canceling out any tag edits made by someone else at the same time.

I count it as miraculous how rarely this bug actually causes damage. But excessive and conscientious refreshing really brings the chances of it occurring down to almost never. Refreshing: it saves lives.

Updated by anonymous

^ That makes me think.

Suppose that tagscripting actions were to set a cookie containing the timestamp of the last tagscripting action, and Edit actions[1] were modified to check this timestamp against the age of the tab and refresh the tab if it's too old (20 minutes, say)?
AFAICS that would be a simple change which would reduce the room for user error.

[1] Edit actions being : A) the action of clicking on a post/index/* thumbnail when in Mode=Edit_Posts, B) the action of clicking the Edit button in a post/show/* page.. and probably C) tagscripting actions, though I don't have access to them to make sure of that one.


Reducing the need to edit quickly also seems desirable, but less obvious how to address it usably (checking for updated tags periodically, or checking when the user attempts to submit changes, seems like it could be annoying)

Updated by anonymous

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