So I came across a number of images currently or at one point tagged cub due to, I assume, small breasts/penis, cuntboy status, or in some cases just a mild-to-moderate size difference. This may be a misunderstanding on my part, but I was under the impression that cub is mostly used for prepubescent characters.
After a brief forum search, the only clarification I found was a two year old thread in which a former admin implied that there are taggable distinctions under the young umbrella. However, the wording of the cub page insinuates that any underaged character may be tagged cub.
Is there an official admin stance on this?
(Semi-edit: I've also found this, which still doesn't bring up the cub wiki wording.)
Now for the YS in twys. It is my belief that the following posts may have been tagged cub due to the wording of the wiki entry, combined with personal opinions and preferences. I am currently not touching these tags due to conflicting admin responses in a similar situation.
"Cub" Examples:
post #1098949 post #1098948 post #1094411 post #985374
post #525550 post #661101 post #1058258 post #1048119
post #900782 post #957976 post #808512
post #962111 post #866943 post #229814 post #878608
post #917543 post #887913 post #737334 post #712749
post #698106 post #809672 post #677534
Honourable mentions,
post #1047410 post #1053534 post #926871 post #887582
post #812574 were tagged cub and already flipped back
Bonus round: The young tag is a bit more subjective, but here's a few I think could be arguable. Again included because the wiki implies that teenager as a tag should extend all the way to 19, and TWYS biases.
The young tag also seems to rarely go away in the same manner as cub once added, likely due to it being plausible for teenager to apply to characters who appear to be young adults.
"Young" Examples:
In conclusion, I believe that the wording of the cub wiki should change to avoid taggers taking its current wording at face value and unnecessarily placing young adult posts on cub blacklists. Similarly there could be some clarification on the entry for teenager that it should not apply to late teen/young adults, with a matching edit on young. The current teenager definition is technically correct, but doesn't match the function of separating underage characters for anyone who specifically does or doesn't want to find such posts.