I don't know if this fits in the category, I'm semi-new to the site and even newer to the forum.
There is a character tag that I found, it is "night_(character)" it has two posts. The character is by WhiteChimera on FurAffinity, and the character's full name is Night Akula. I searched the night_akula tag, and there's one post on that tag. I'm 99.9999999% sure this is the same character, because even though it's only a line drawing (no colors) and it has the "conjoined" tag, the FA source mentions that Night Akula is WhiteChimera's character.
Now to the point of this post. The same character is in two different tags. night_akula has one post and night_(character) has two posts. Should I change the night_akula tag to night_(character) so it's all in one place, or vice versa?
Updated by SnowWolf