Topic: What do you think Gore Furries think about Happy Tree Friends?

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it's an interesting question and one I've
been thinking about for a long time now myself.

I mean when you really get down to it, it's about
personal interests and I can understand that.
If you don't like the show you don't like the
show but you have to admit. Given the shows about
cute anthropomorphic animals taking slapstick to
a bloody degree. Peeps apart of that community
would at least have something to say about it.

Varying from that's my jam or explaining that there's
a difference between the two types of gore and that something
like that wouldn't do it for them in the same way like
something professionally made by a gore artist.

Just seems like such an interesting question to ask ya know?
So if your apart of that community of furries, Leave a comment
I'd love to hear what you have to say about this! ◠‿◠)

Not apart of the community but still have something to say on the topic?
Go right ahead m8, All responses are welcome.

Also, let me just say, I have nothing against gore furs;
I don't judge, I'm just curious. ╹‿╹)

Updated by Mantikor

HTF is eh IMO, not a fan of the art style.

Updated by anonymous

I thought it was funny when I was like 14 and I don't understand how it has a srs bsns fandom.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

When I was a teen, I didn't get it. Y'know, I still don't get it.

I'm not that old. I was still in high school when that show started coming out, so it's not that i'm "too old" for it...

But I've never really understood why people can find gore/watching people get hurt to be funny. I mean. Yeah, I've giggled at America's funniest Home videos where the baby throws the ball and it bounces up into dad's crotch, or where the enthusiastic puppy knocks the toddler over, but the moment you start crawling into "look at this guy fall off this roof LOL" or "skateboarder slips and SLAMS a metal car into his nuts!" or "look at this probable spinal injury and hospital bill!" ... I don't get it.

It's, like, wrong in my brain. you don't laugh at other's pain.

It's the same kinda reason I"ve never got into South Park, or any of the other stuff like that.

(I also have a lot I could say about gorefurries and sexual fetishes, but I'm rambling. -- tl;dr would be that sexual fetishism is weird and you don't always control what you're turned on to, and illustrated/written fantasy is different than real world stuff... )

Updated by anonymous

Gotta say it's weird, Really picked up this show around my teens too.
And it's not that the show really died out for me at any point;
just that I found better things to watch.
(Not that the show isn't good, still able to watch
it and pretty much get the same thing out of it from
the first time I watched it, Just changing interest and
all that T‿T)

Though just got me thinking what if someone who was into
gore and apart of the furry fandom who hasn't seen the
show yet would think of it. Would they get into watching
it like someone else would when they discover a new series
(Anime or other wise) would?

Updated by anonymous

okay uhhhh im kinda into gore (mainly bcs i enjoy painting the textures and colors etc)

i started watching it when i was preteen. i had not been exposed to gore or extreme violence at all and mom had explicitly told me that im not allowed to watch such things.. so i found it extremely intriguing because it was forbidden from me. i got this weird thrill from watching it because it was something i was not allowed to watch. i kinda stopped watching it when the whole thrill of doing something forbidden died down.

now i find it mainly just kinda... tacky and Edgy™. its extremely exaggerated stuff, it relies heavily on really cheap shock value and the entire point of the whole thing is that boring "something really cute and cartoony that is actually really bloody and dark!!1" thing that i hate a lot.

Updated by anonymous

Commander_Eggplant said:
now i find it mainly just kinda... tacky and Edgy™. its extremely exaggerated stuff, it relies heavily on really cheap shock value and the entire point of the whole thing is that boring "something really cute and cartoony that is actually really bloody and dark!!1" thing that i hate a lot.

Basically this. It’s so cheap and super stereotypical “Cute And Psycho™️“ shit that’s so overdone it’s not even edgy anymore it’s just a joke.

Updated by anonymous

BlackLicorice said:
Basically this. It’s so cheap and super stereotypical “Cute And Psycho™️“ shit that’s so overdone it’s not even edgy anymore it’s just a joke.

If you want cuteness coupled with violence, I suggest this:
Cat Shit One trailer

Updated by anonymous

I have gore and blood blacklisted, but I can stomach thematic, "tasteful" gore, even if that will never be in my porn. Movie gore isn't so bad, but the moment of puncturing and some highly focused harm are still uncomfortable. Good gore artists are able to convey malice and cruelty, which bother me a lot. Similarly, clinical, highly-detailed, lovingly rendered yet sterile gore upsets me.

Having said that, pokemonfromhell draws cool, bloody, "cute" stuff, which reminds of the "artists that deserve some love" thread.

post #346880

HTF is blagh.

regsmutt said:
I thought it was funny when I was like 14 and I don't understand how it has a srs bsns fandom.

I was a fan of Retarded Animal Babies, an "HTF ripoff" except not all, but now I can only feel a flash of embarrassment for my former self and any mature persons who may have checked out RAB because of me.

Updated by anonymous

abadbird said:
I was a fan of Retarded Animal Babies, an "HTF ripoff" except not all, but now I can only feel a flash of embarrassment for my former self and any mature persons who may have checked out RAB because of me.

thank you for introducing me
i already love it
there are even subtitles for my non-english brain

Updated by anonymous

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