Topic: Pokemon: Feral/family list?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions


Former Staff

So, I've uploaded a few pokemon pictures lately and I've had some trouble tagging things. This has been kinda ruminating around in my head for a while...

I've seen several people ask things like "is pokemonX anthro or feral?" and confusion over how to tag pokemon from a taxonomy perspective.

The rule, for the curious:

October 18th: Since it has come up recently: Please do not tag Pokémon or Digimon as their real world counterparts, but only as the family. Eg persian is not a cat but a feline, renamon is not a fox but a canine, etc.

So, my goal here is to put together a list of everything to answer these questions. :) At least in as much as a character drawn to canon proportions and design. Obviously, things will vary by the individual artist, but I'm hoping to give people a 'starting point.' :)

Anyway! I am not declaring these to be the correct answers! Just my best guesses. Please help me fill in empty spaces, or change and adjust information as needed!

I've only listed 15 to start with--I don't have a ton of time today and it seems easier to do this in bursts, both as far as my effort and yours both go. :) Also, if people think it's an awful idea, I'd rather not waste my time :P

It also just occurred to me that editing this would probably be easier on the wiki than a forum post, but I'd rather have an admin's blessing before I make a wikipage for this.

But, onward:

NumberNameBody TypeAnimal FamilySignificant feature tags
pkmn004CharmanderFlaming_tail, claw_digits
pkmn005CharmeleondragonFlaming_tail, claw_digits
pkmn006CharizarddragonFlaming_tail, claw_digits, membranous_wings, horn
pkmn008WartortleTurtleturtle_shell head_wings, claw_digits
pkmn009BlastoiseTurtleturtle_shell, claw_digits (something for his cannon?)
pkmn012ButterfreeInsectinsect_wings, antennae
pkmn013Weedleferalinsect/caterpillar?horn, stinger
pkmn015Beedrillanthroinsectinsect_wings, antennae, stinger

Also, ideally, everything is a link, but I am lazy today.

...I would also like to propose also setting up some aliases to help non-pokemaniacs tag pokemon. A lot of artists only write the pokedex number on their pictures, so it might be helpful if people could tag, say pkmn001, and get bulbasaur. But that's a lot of aliasing work...!

Okay yeah, I'm done for now. <3

Updated by abadbird


Former Staff

Since anthro/feral tagging is based on the real life counterparts, that makes Pokemon such as Blastoise, Lucario, Delphox etc anthro. And Butterfree seems clearly anthro to me: biped butterfly with hands. But I've never been sure about what to do with non-pokemorph Charmander evo line.

Dragon-like creatures are always tough to fit in feral/anthro. There aren't many good indicators, except for shoulders and neck. Example:
post #1425296 post #1451940

Right one is more anthro than the one on the left. But I don't know where exactly they fall on the scale. I'd tag the right one as anthro, and... not sure about the other one. I'm inclined to say feral, but generally I just leave those untagged.

And there's a lot of pokemon species that are ambiguous like that. Such as the ones that abadbird listed in the other thread: mienshao, chespin, floatzel... Most of those need to be tagged case-by-case, so I'm not sure that it's possible to make guidelines for the forms.

Oh, and technically these would be pupa, though we have no tags for that:

NumberNameBody TypeAnimal FamilySignificant feature tags

Cocoon is the casing (typically silk), which those lack.

Here's my take on the next 15:

NumberNameBody TypeAnimal FamilySignificant feature tags
pkmn016Pidgeyferalbirdbeak, tail_feathers, talons
pkmn017Pidgeottoferalbirdbeak, tail_feathers, talons
pkmn018Pidgeotferalbirdbeak, tail_feathers, talons
pkmn021Spearowferalbirdbeak, tail_feathers, talons
pkmn022Fearowferalbirdbeak, long_beak, tail_feathers, talons
pkmn023Ekansferalsnakeserpentine, forked_tongue
pkmn024Arbokferalsnakeserpentine, forked_tongue, snake_hood
pkmn025Pikachuferal+semi_anthro?long_ears, [cheek marking tag]
pkmn026Raichu??long_tail, big_ears, [cheek marking tag]
pkmn029Nidoran♀feral?big_ears, whiskers

Meh. That started easy, then got tough quickly. Pikachu don't look much like rodents to me, despite being called 'Mouse' pokemon. And sandshrew look more like pangolin than shrews...

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

(slightly out of order because reasons)

And there's a lot of pokemon species that are ambiguous like that. Such as the ones that abadbird listed in the other thread: mienshao, chespin, floatzel... Most of those need to be tagged case-by-case, so I'm not sure that it's possible to make guidelines for the forms.

Well, we can judge the original canon form. The idea's a bit more about giving people a baseline... y'know, kinda a "Pikachu, as drawn by nintendo, we considered to be feral".. a place to start, rahter than a declaration.

Genjar said:
Since anthro/feral tagging is based on the real life counterparts, that makes Pokemon such as Blastoise, Lucario, Delphox etc anthro. And Butterfree seems clearly anthro to me: biped butterfly with hands.

Sure, but there's no real torso definition. or arms. or legs. ... I'd say maybe.. semi-anthro. Or, whatever pikachu is.

But I've never been sure about what to do with non-pokemorph Charmander evo line.

Dragon-like creatures are always tough to fit in feral/anthro. There aren't many good indicators, except for shoulders and neck. Example:
post #1425296 post #1451940

Right one is more anthro than the one on the left. But I don't know where exactly they fall on the scale. I'd tag the right one as anthro, and... not sure about the other one. I'm inclined to say feral, but generally I just leave those untagged.

I'd agree with you-- feral, then anthro. It can be pretty tricky though.

hmm.. especially looking at charizard more-- his arms (which also says something. I have no hesitation calling those arms) are rather skinny, suggesting he rarely, if ever, uses them for anything like bearing his .. uh... canon says 200lbs, but he's very wide, so let's say 300, and that's not even counting the tail...) ... arms not used for beating weight ever if often. Those are tools for manipulating objects. .... I'm over thinking this, aren't I?

wiki says :

Anthros are usually bipedal and have human-like arms and feet, but some may use a tail for locomotion. ... In borderline cases between feral and anthro, if the character couldn't pass off as a feral animal, it should be tagged as anthro. Use the overall body shape and posture when determining which tag is more appropriate.


Well, he's bipedal--but so are ostriches, kangaroos and lotsa other things.
Body shape? Well, not by canon. He's got more of a fat triangle shape, rather than a humanoid shape, with a wide amount of space between his thighs. couldn't push them together if he tried.

Arms are not especially humanoid--but are more humanoid then 'feral'

...I think I'd call charizard feral more often than not.

Of course, by my arguement, the rest of the char-line is feral as is the squirtle line... but, charmeleon is pretty close to anthro? he's kind oval in body shape.

Chibi things count as anthro, and a charmeleon isn't that really... different than a chibi character


See, this is why I think it needs discussing :)

Oh, and technically these would be pupa, though we have no tags for that:

Cocoon is the casing (typically silk), which those lack.

Well, technically...

Pupa are the stage between larva and adult. A Chrysalis is generally butterflies-only: the caterpillar sheds it's skin and under it is a much harder skin called a chrysalis. A cocoon is a silk casing that the larva spins around itself before it turns into a pupa.

So... in all technicality, a metapod--growing into a butterfly/free would be a chrysalis, while the kakuna... well, if you go to the page for 'pupa' on wikipedia, the top image is basically kakuna's RL counterpart. XD


*quietly corrects to Raticate* <3

I'd say feral-- he's basically a big hamster/rat/thing, and they spend a lot of time on hind legs, using their forepaws for stuff.

Also, fangs? what about buckteeth? Hmm.. maybe not quite right either...

pkmn025Pikachuferal+semi_anthro?long_ears, [cheek marking tag]
pkmn026Raichu??long_tail, big_ears, [cheek marking tag]
pkmn029Nidoran♀feral?big_ears, whiskers

Meh. That started easy, then got tough quickly. Pikachu don't look much like rodents to me, despite being called 'Mouse' pokemon. And sandshrew look more like pangolin than shrews...

I know, right? I keep running into this problem when I upload pokemon, haha.

I'd say what whatever pikachu is, is what radicate is. they have roughly the same body type and structure.. and sandshrew and sandslash are pretty similar too.

Gosh, Sandshrew was my favorite back when I played red/blue... STILL ADORABLE

Sandshrew resembles an armadillo... sandslash is all kinds of pangolin.

Pangolins are off in their own little branch of the tree of life-- not really closely related to anything. Ditto armadillos (really, nearest branches are anteaters and sloths.. So nope.

Nidoran/a also have buckteeth, claw_digits ... horn, maybe?... I'd say they're both feral, not semi-anthro. Looks like she does some kinda mouse-like 'sit on haunches and use front paws' thang.

... ... OH! Nidoran♀/♂ are rodents. They have buckteeth, and that kinda suggests that they have growing incisors. Of course.. that might be me stretching.

anyway... Fifteen more!

NumberNameBody TypeAnimal FamilySignificant feature tags
pkmn031Nidoqueen?noneclaw_digits, horn?
pkmn032Nidoran♂feralRodent big_ears, buckteeth, claw_digits, horn, ("backspikes")
pkmn033Nidorinoferalnonebig_ears, buckteeth, claw_digits, horn, ("backspikes"), fangs
pkmn034Nidoking?nonehorn, big_ears, claw_digits, sharp_teeth
pkmn035Clefairy...round?(cheek marking), ear_markings? claw_digits
pkmn036Clefableear_markings claw_digits, ("wings")
pkmn037Vulpixferalcaninemultiple_tails, socks_(marking), potentially fire_breathing
pkmn038Ninetalesferalcaninemultiple_tails, dipstick_tail, potentially fire_breathing
pkmn041Zubatferal....bat?membranous_wings? fangs, eyeless?
pkmn042Golbatgiant mouthbat?membranous_wings, fangs

Nidoqueen/king has the same charizard problem.

for Clefairy/jigglypuff, I wanna say I remember a tag for round character but I have NO idea what it was.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

SnowWolf said:
Sure, but there's no real torso definition. or arms. or legs. ... I'd say maybe.. semi-anthro. Or, whatever pikachu is.

The base form is a butterfly, and Butterfree couldn't possibly pass off as a feral one, since it's biped and has hands. More anthro than feral, I'd say.

hmm.. especially looking at charizard more--

So 'feral' for the canon Charizard? I concur. Though it is very close to the feral/anthro divide, doesn't require major changes to push it into anthro.

Chibi things count as anthro, and a charmeleon isn't that really... different than a chibi character


See, this is why I think it needs discussing :)

I've thought about those for a couple of years, still haven't figured out where ones such as Charmeleon and Mienshao should fit in. So I don't have much to contribute.

Pupa are the stage between larva and adult. A Chrysalis is generally butterflies-only: the caterpillar sheds it's skin and under it is a much harder skin called a chrysalis. A cocoon is a silk casing that the larva spins around itself before it turns into a pupa.

Chrysalis is to pupa as caterpillar is to larva. Sure, butterfly pupa is called chrysalis, but it's still a pupa. Been photographing Lepidoptera for decades, couldn't identify either of those Pokemon as chrysalides by twys. But they are clearly pupa.

I'd say feral-- he's basically a big hamster/rat/thing, and they spend a lot of time on hind legs, using their forepaws for stuff.

Re: Raticade - Yep, close enough.

Nidoran/a also have buckteeth, claw_digits ... horn, maybe?... I'd say they're both feral, not semi-anthro. Looks like she does some kinda mouse-like 'sit on haunches and use front paws' thang.

... ... OH! Nidoran♀/♂ are rodents. They have buckteeth, and that kinda suggests that they have growing incisors. Of course.. that might be me stretching.

I dunno, I don't really see that: no tail at all. I'd almost think that they're based on Al-mi'raj (horn, teeth, ears, poison), but that'd be so obscure that it's probably just a coincidence.

for Clefairy/jigglypuff, I wanna say I remember a tag for round character but I have NO idea what it was.

Waddling_head (named after TVTropes), made specifically for that body type. So those are easy to tag, at least.

anyway... Fifteen more!

Yeah, feral bat seems close enough for Zubat.
Golbat is also clearly based on bat, but the form might be taggable as waddling_head: basic feet, Pacman-like body...

Nidoqueen/king has the same charizard problem.

Tough to determine from some poses, but the build is dinosaur-like in the official art. I'd go with feral for the canon form.

Updated by anonymous

After I made my post about this in the other thread, I basically came to the same conclusion: ID'ing all on-model pokemon body types would be very instructive and helpful. Simply making the effort helps isolate easier cases from troublesome cases. This is something that needs to happen if we're ever going to pin down these body type classifications, which is my main concern for now.

I recommend putting this work in a publicly editable Google Sheets document. This link should take you to the right place. Egh, I copied the tables in this thread so far, the list of Pokemon off bulbapedia, and made a Sheet


I think the ideal finished product would use official art in the table/whatever as reference. Someone would have to spend... a week (?) collecting adequate reference art. I don't know where all that would be hosted--I don't think E621 thumbs are adequate unless we rip a full set of official reference art--and I don't know how the final formatting should look. But reference art is a must.

For Charizard/dragons/scalies, I generally lean toward anthro if the characters seems comfortable and effective walking on two legs, especially if they have hands. But that logic crumbles with small bipedal Pokemon. Technically, a scaled dragon that walks on two legs is already an anthropomorphized reptile, right? Later, I might try classifying the first 50 pokemon's body types to show where I stand.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

abadbird said:
I think the ideal finished product would use official art in the table/whatever as reference. Someone would have to spend... a week (?) collecting adequate reference art.

Official art can be downloaded as a pack from Veekun. The Dream World art pack is especially nice, since it's scalable. ...but unfortunately it lacks the newer generations.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Genjar said:
The base form is a butterfly, and Butterfree couldn't possibly pass off as a feral one, since it's biped and has hands. More anthro than feral, I'd say.

It's not really human-shaped though. When I imagine Butterfree walking, it has more in common with waddling_head than anthro.

I mean, semi-anthro at best.

So 'feral' for the canon Charizard? I concur. Though it is very close to the feral/anthro divide, doesn't require major changes to push it into anthro.

I dunno. The answer is--he's not really either. semi-anthro? does.. does that apply? I'm REALLY fuzzy on what semi anthro is supsoed to be precisely.

I've thought about those for a couple of years, still haven't figured out where ones such as Charmeleon and Mienshao should fit in. So I don't have much to contribute.

I'd say anthro... but..

Chrysalis is to pupa as caterpillar is to larva. Sure, butterfly pupa is called chrysalis, but it's still a pupa. Been photographing Lepidoptera for decades, couldn't identify either of those Pokemon as chrysalides by twys. But they are clearly pupa.

I'll bow to you are your butterknowledge then :)

I dunno, I don't really see that: no tail at all. I'd almost think that they're based on Al-mi'raj (horn, teeth, ears, poison), but that'd be so obscure that it's probably just a coincidence.

That's pretty awesome :D I'd never head of those.

That said, rodents aren't only rats and mice. Rodents are also: squirrels, prairie dogs, porcupines, beavers, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils and capybaras. Like, 40% of mammals are rodents.

that said.. SHOULD? they be tagged as rodent? I dunno. I think that they share a lot of traits with rodents and are meant to look like a rodent of some sort... but should they be tagged as rodent?

Obviously, not everything should have an 'animal family'... . clefairy, for example, isn't any animal type. Maybe that's the case with Nidoran too.

Waddling_head (named after TVTropes), made specifically for that body type. So those are easy to tag, at least.
Yeah, feral bat seems close enough for Zubat.
Golbat is also clearly based on bat, but the form might be taggable as waddling_head: basic feet, Pacman-like body...

Y'know, I agree. Ah.. wait, there are canon images of closed-mouth golbats: here

I think... I dunno.

Tough to determine from some poses, but the build is dinosaur-like in the official art. I'd go with feral for the canon form.

abadbird said:
For Charizard/dragons/scalies, I generally lean toward anthro if the characters seems comfortable and effective walking on two legs, especially if they have hands. But that logic crumbles with small bipedal Pokemon. Technically, a scaled dragon that walks on two legs is already an anthropomorphized reptile, right?

Maybe we should define what anthro is or isn't.

I mean, if 'anthro' is walking on 2 legs, then is a kangaroo anthro? reptiles already regularly walk around on 2 legs. it's a common lizard thing (note: The 'thing' ling is a youtube video and shows someone handling a lizard in a way that scares them and makes them run away. He's not vicious, but if you're sensitive to any sort of potential abuse, he's not really treating his animal with respect...) ... not to mention, the dinosaurs.

I mean.. the "right" answer would be the creation of chibi_body and and something for "anthro, but with some heavy feral features. I mean.. would that be semi-anthro?

Are charizard, charmeleon etc 'semi anthro'?

After I made my post about this in the other thread, I basically came to the same conclusion: ID'ing all on-model pokemon body types would be very instructive and helpful. Simply making the effort helps isolate easier cases from troublesome cases. This is something that needs to happen if we're ever going to pin down these body type classifications, which is my main concern for now.

I recommend putting this work in a publicly editable Google Sheets document. This link should take you to the right place. Egh, I copied the tables in this thread so far, the list of Pokemon off bulbapedia, and made a Sheet


I think the ideal finished product would use official art in the table/whatever as reference. Someone would have to spend... a week (?) collecting adequate reference art. I don't know where all that would be hosted--I don't think E621 thumbs are adequate unless we rip a full set of official reference art--and I don't know how the final formatting should look. But reference art is a must.

you and I are totally on the same page and I love that :)

Google sheets is a great idea :) Thanks!!

AS for formatting... my thought would be a table like we were using before:

PictureNumberNameBody TypeAnimal FamilySignificant feature tags
post #672995 pkmn016Pidgeyferalbirdbeak, tail_feathers, talons

Maybe something like that. But not exactly. Starting point and all.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Genjar said:
Official art can be downloaded as a pack from Veekun. The Dream World art pack is especially nice, since it's scalable. ...but unfortunately it lacks the newer generations.


The Pokémon Dream World was a browser-based massively single-player online game that connected to Pokémon Black and White and Pokémon Black 2 and White 2. ... The Dream World was shut down on January 14, 2014, alongside all other services for Generation V games.

So, we'll never get more dream world images... Scalable is nice! But e621, to me knowledge, doesn't support SVG files, so we'd have to do more work per image.

I kinda like the sugimori images.

Comparisons: No. 003 No. 032

I feel like the sugimori images are more interesting to look at... and there will always be more produced as there are more pokemon made.

I mean.. I admit, I don't like the dream world art style--it reminds me a lot of the... 90's cash-grab coloring book clip art. It sends me right back to being a kid, looking around in the store at all the pokemon merchandise that uses the exact same 3 images.

So, my vote's for the sugimori images.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Some scattered thoughts:

We should probably also include alolan variants as they COULD be different, as well as mega variants. (mega alakazam, for example, has a beard.)

Since we have a google sheet now (thank you again abadboy!) We should probably establish some rules of thumb for discussion on this...

like... considering the sheer scope of this, we should probably use the built in commenting system to comment on specific ideas.

Just in case, here's how that works -- click on any cell and right click. Look for 'insert comment and it'll give you a little box that allows you to comment. There will be a tiny yellow mark in the corner of that cell, and if you hover over that cell, any connects will become visible. If you have Opinions Regarding Comments, you can click on the popped up box, and there's a reply feature. Boom.

In the upper right corner, there's a "comments" button that, I believe will show you all the comments made. Including any that have been resolved. Resolving a comment means that it will be deleted (mostly) and no little yellow mark will display. So, probably shouldn't do that until we reach a consensus.

we should... probably focus on this in sections.

like: keep filling out more cells/pokemon, but limit major conversation about "No, Psyduck's not an avian, are you crazy"? to sectiosn of pokemon--like 50 at a time or something, that way we're not over whelmed by conversation all over the place.

Or something. i don't know. my 2 cents.

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
Maybe we should define what anthro is or isn't.

That's all I want.

I mean, if 'anthro' is walking on 2 legs, then is a kangaroo anthro? reptiles already regularly walk around on 2 legs. it's a common lizard thing (note: The 'thing' ling is a youtube video and shows someone handling a lizard in a way that scares them and makes them run away. He's not vicious, but if you're sensitive to any sort of potential abuse, he's not really treating his animal with respect...) ... not to mention, the dinosaurs.

One thing anthros aren't are real animals, so a faithfully depicted kangaroo should never be anthro. All real animals drawn roughly as they appear in nature should be feral. However, start changing the kangaroo's joints to look more like a human's and that character is probably an anthro.

Dinosaurs, particularly raptors, are harder to classify. Should they be treated the same as pokemon (i.e., as a fictitious species) or as true ferals? I think a safe default is to assume they are all ferals but to then look hard for anthro features that disqualify a given character as feral. Fortunately, a lot on the first page of raptor are obviously anthros.

I don't think these have enough positively anthro features to disqualify them as ferals, so they should be tagged feral:

post #1429605 post #1412220 post #1420313

I dunno. The answer is--he's not really either. semi-anthro? does.. does that apply? I'm REALLY fuzzy on what semi anthro is supsoed to be precisely.

I mean.. the "right" answer would be the creation of chibi_body and and something for "anthro, but with some heavy feral features. I mean.. would that be semi-anthro?

I discussed my thoughts on that (and other stuff) in forum #250097. I probably said enough in there.

Are charizard, charmeleon etc 'semi anthro'?

Not especially, for me, but I can see how they might seem so to others. Depends on the art and the viewer.

Charmeleon has a strongly anthro body type. Snout, claws, and scalie skin keep it from being humanoid.

I put Charizard in the winged dragon/scalie anthro bucket. That type of character has to look like something, have some identity, because that is a type of anthro character, and so I count Charizard as one of them. There's really not much difference between pool #3255 and a size_difference human_on_anthro dragon post. Charizard's belly, very wide pelvis, and long neck are its more unique dragon features, but none of those are exclusively feral features (almost nothing is, except most quadrupeds -taur). Charizard's strongest claim to feral is canon affiliation.

etheross ~scalie ~dragon has some similar challenging dragon posts. In my book, useful, humanoid-looking arms should disqualify a character from feral.

Updated by anonymous

Double-posting for formatting...

I guess I wake up by ID'ing 151 pokemon's body types. Okay.

Pokemon 1-151
Pokemon Body Type Search Relevance
Bulbasaur feral high
Ivysaur feral high
Venusaur feral high
Charmander anthro medium
Charmeleon anthro high
Charizard anthro medium
Squirtle anthro medium
Wartortle anthro medium
Blastoise anthro medium
Caterpie feral high
Metapod feral high
Butterfree anthro low
Weedle feral high
Kakuna feral high
Beedrill feral medium
Pidgey feral high
Pidgeotto feral high
Pidgeot feral high
Rattata feral high
Raticate feral high
Spearow feral high
Fearow feral high
Ekans feral high
Arbok feral high
Pikachu feral medium
Raichu anthro low
Sandshrew anthro low
Sandslash anthro low
Nidoran♀ feral high
Nidorina feral high
Nidoqueen anthro medium
Nidoran♂ feral high
Nidorino feral high
Nidoking anthro medium
Clefairy humanoid low
Clefable humanoid low
Vulpix feral high
Ninetales feral high
Jigglypuff waddling head high
Wigglytuff humanoid low
Zubat feral high
Golbat waddling head medium
Oddish waddling head high
Gloom waddling head high
Vileplume waddling head medium
Paras feral medium
Parasect feral medium
Venonat waddling head high
Venomoth feral high
Diglett animate inanimate low
Dugtrio animate inanimate low
Meowth anthro medium
Persian feral high
Psyduck anthro low
Golduck anthro high
Mankey waddling head medium
Primeape waddling head medium
Growlithe feral high
Arcanine feral high
Poliwag waddling head high
Poliwhirl waddling head medium
Poliwrath waddling head medium
Abra humanoid medium
Kadabra humanoid medium
Alakazam humanoid medium
Machop humanoid medium
Machoke humanoid high
Machamp humanoid high
Bellsprout flora fauna, humanoid medium (f.f.), low (h.)
Weepinbell flora fauna, waddling head medium
Victreebel flora fauna medium
Tentacool feral medium
Tentacruel feral medium
Geodude mineral fauna, waddling head high
Graveler mineral fauna, waddling head high (m.f.), medium (w.h.)
Golem mineral fauna, humanoid high (m.f.), low (h.)
Ponyta feral high
Rapidash feral high
Slowpoke feral high
Slowbro anthro low
Magnemite animate inanimate high
Magneton animate inanimate high
Farfetch'd feral medium
Doduo feral high
Dodrio feral high
Seel feral high
Dewgong feral high
Grimer goo creature high
Muk goo creature high
Shellder feral medium
Cloyster feral medium
Gastly waddling head medium
Haunter waddling head medium
Gengar waddling head high
Onix mineral fauna, feral high (m.f.), medium (f.)
Drowzee anthro medium
Hypno humanoid medium
Krabby feral high
Kingler feral high
Voltorb animate inanimate, waddling head high
Electrode animate inanimate, waddling head high
Exeggcute animate inanimate, waddling head low
Exeggutor flora fauna, humanoid high (f.f.), medium (h.)
Cubone anthro medium
Marowak anthro medium
Hitmonlee humanoid high
Hitmonchan humanoid high
Lickitung anthro low
Koffing animate inanimate, waddling head medium
Weezing animate inanimate, waddling head medium
Rhyhorn mineral fauna, feral high
Rhydon anthro medium
Chansey humanoid low
Tangela flora fauna, waddling head high
Kangaskhan anthro medium
Horsea feral high
Seadra feral high
Goldeen feral high
Seaking feral high
Staryu mineral fauna, feral medium
Starmie mineral fauna, feral medium
Mr. Mime humanoid high
Scyther anthro high
Jynx humanoid high
Electabuzz humanoid medium
Magmar anthro medium
Pinsir anthro high
Tauros feral high
Magikarp feral high
Gyarados feral high
Lapras feral high
Ditto goo creature high
Eevee feral high
Vaporeon feral high
Jolteon feral high
Flareon feral high
Porygon glitch, feral medium (g.), low (f.)
Omanyte feral high
Omastar feral high
Kabuto feral high
Kabutops anthro medium
Aerodactyl feral high
Snorlax anthro medium
Articuno feral high
Zapdos feral high
Moltres feral high
Dratini feral high
Dragonair feral high
Dragonite anthro medium
Mewtwo anthro medium
Mew anthro low
Notes on specific pokemon

Diglett/Dugtrio - Whac-A-Mole
Geodude/Graveler/Golem - using mineral fauna in place of animate inanimate, even though these three are basically animated boulders
Gastly (+others) - perhaps disembodied head for legless, armless heads? (instead of waddling head)
Exeggcute - are eggs alive? going to say no, particularly because they don't normally count toward character count (to justify animate inanimate)
Lickitung - reptile/skink/chameleon/salamander... not what people will see, though
Electabuzz - tiger oni
Snorlax - bear

Wtf is "Search Relevance"

Search Relevance selectively asks...

  • If a user searches the listed body type, do they expect or want to see this pokemon?
  • How iconic is this pokemon for this body type?
  • How likely is a user to confuse this pokemon's body type for another (or avoid tagging a body type all together)?

Basically, this is a way of acknowledging that user consensus varies between pokemon. I'm obviously guessing how others may view these pokemon after they're paired with these tags. Low search relevance does not mean I'm not confident in these classifications; rather, those pokemon don't really fit the expected image of those tags.

Observations and Guidance

While some pokemon are based a single animal's form, others appear to draw inspiration from several species. I maintain that these hybrids be tagged as the body type they most closely resemble. I further extend this approach to pokemon that do not look positively like any animal but still possess several defining animal traits, like Lickitung.

Some pokemon stand at rest on two legs but run on all fours, Pikachu being the prime example. Their body types are especially difficult to categorize. I recommend comparing hindlimb and forelimb shapes: very similar limb sets should bias the pokemon toward feral whereas notably different limb sets should bias the pokemon toward anthro. Artist depictions will further bias this in either direction. Ultimately, depicted position (standing on two or four limbs, lying), forelimb vs hindlimb length, forepaw vs hindpaw differences, and torso skeletal structure may decide these pokemon's body type.

Pokemon standing at rest on all fours should always be feral.

Avians are special. Feral avians basically own their biped form, so anthro avians should require hands (not prescriptive) or perhaps feather hands.

Organized by Body Type, Search Relevance

Some consistencies and patterns may emerge when viewed from this perspective.

Just Anthros
Pokemon Body Type Search Relevance
Charmeleon anthro high
Golduck anthro high
Scyther anthro high
Pinsir anthro high
Charmander anthro medium
Charizard anthro medium
Squirtle anthro medium
Wartortle anthro medium
Blastoise anthro medium
Nidoqueen anthro medium
Nidoking anthro medium
Meowth anthro medium
Drowzee anthro medium
Cubone anthro medium
Marowak anthro medium
Rhydon anthro medium
Kangaskhan anthro medium
Magmar anthro medium
Kabutops anthro medium
Snorlax anthro medium
Dragonite anthro medium
Mewtwo anthro medium
Mew anthro low
Butterfree anthro low
Raichu anthro low
Sandshrew anthro low
Sandslash anthro low
Psyduck anthro low
Slowbro anthro low
Lickitung anthro low
Just Ferals

*special ferals excluded*

Pokemon Body Type Search Relevance
Bulbasaur feral high
Ivysaur feral high
Venusaur feral high
Caterpie feral high
Metapod feral high
Weedle feral high
Kakuna feral high
Pidgey feral high
Pidgeotto feral high
Pidgeot feral high
Rattata feral high
Raticate feral high
Spearow feral high
Fearow feral high
Ekans feral high
Arbok feral high
Nidoran♀ feral high
Nidorina feral high
Nidoran♂ feral high
Nidorino feral high
Vulpix feral high
Ninetales feral high
Zubat feral high
Venomoth feral high
Persian feral high
Growlithe feral high
Arcanine feral high
Ponyta feral high
Rapidash feral high
Slowpoke feral high
Doduo feral high
Dodrio feral high
Seel feral high
Dewgong feral high
Krabby feral high
Kingler feral high
Horsea feral high
Seadra feral high
Goldeen feral high
Seaking feral high
Tauros feral high
Magikarp feral high
Gyarados feral high
Lapras feral high
Eevee feral high
Vaporeon feral high
Jolteon feral high
Flareon feral high
Omanyte feral high
Omastar feral high
Kabuto feral high
Aerodactyl feral high
Articuno feral high
Zapdos feral high
Moltres feral high
Dratini feral high
Dragonair feral high
Beedrill feral medium
Pikachu feral medium
Paras feral medium
Parasect feral medium
Tentacool feral medium
Tentacruel feral medium
Farfetch'd feral medium
Shellder feral medium
Cloyster feral medium
Humanoids and Waddling Heads

*see Unusual Pokemon table for mixed varieties*

Pokemon Body Type Search Relevance
Machoke humanoid high
Machamp humanoid high
Hitmonlee humanoid high
Hitmonchan humanoid high
Mr. Mime humanoid high
Jynx humanoid high
Abra humanoid medium
Kadabra humanoid medium
Alakazam humanoid medium
Machop humanoid medium
Hypno humanoid medium
Electabuzz humanoid medium
Clefairy humanoid low
Clefable humanoid low
Wigglytuff humanoid low
Chansey humanoid low
Jigglypuff waddling head high
Oddish waddling head high
Gloom waddling head high
Venonat waddling head high
Poliwag waddling head high
Gengar waddling head high
Golbat waddling head medium
Vileplume waddling head medium
Mankey waddling head medium
Primeape waddling head medium
Poliwhirl waddling head medium
Poliwrath waddling head medium
Gastly waddling head medium
Haunter waddling head medium
Unusual Pokemon

high octane fap material for furries with cultured taste

Pokemon Body Type(s) Search Relevance(s)
Magnemite animate inanimate high
Magneton animate inanimate high
Diglett animate inanimate low
Dugtrio animate inanimate low
Voltorb animate inanimate, waddling head high
Electrode animate inanimate, waddling head high
Koffing animate inanimate, waddling head medium
Weezing animate inanimate, waddling head medium
Exeggcute animate inanimate, waddling head low
Victreebel flora fauna medium
Exeggutor flora fauna, humanoid high (f.f.), medium (h.)
Bellsprout flora fauna, humanoid medium (f.f.), low (h.)
Tangela flora fauna, waddling head high
Weepinbell flora fauna, waddling head medium
Porygon glitch, feral medium (g.), low (f.)
Grimer goo creature high
Muk goo creature high
Ditto goo creature high
Rhyhorn mineral fauna, feral high
Onix mineral fauna, feral high (m.f.), medium (f.)
Staryu mineral fauna, feral medium
Starmie mineral fauna, feral medium
Golem mineral fauna, humanoid high (m.f.), low (h.)
Geodude mineral fauna, waddling head high
Graveler mineral fauna, waddling head high (m.f.), medium (w.h.)
EVERYTHING BASED ON OFFICIAL ART!!! images were used for reference.

Does anything here seem very wrong or not make sense?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

abadbird said:
I guess I wake up by ID'ing 151 pokemon's body types. Okay.
Does anything here seem very wrong or not make sense?

Some Pokemon are very hard to pigeonhole, but I agree with most of your choices. Hadn't thought of including Kakuna/Metapod in feral, but that actually makes perfect sense.

There's a few that might need a second look:
- Golem. Definitely mineral_fauna, but nothing about it is a perfect match for humanoid. The head shape is reptilian, almost snake-like, no humanoid hands or feet, and the posture (not to mention the body) are non-human. Not a good fit for any category, maybe tagging it as mineral_fauna would suffice.
- Porygon. Unconventional usage of glitch, since those creatures tend to be distorted in some way. But I can kind of see how Porygon could fit there, considering its appearance.
- Abra. I have no idea what is based on (if anything), but Abra looks like some kind of animal to me. So I'd go with anthro instead of humanoid for that one.
- Electrabuzz. Although it's not clearly based on any real animal, the tail and (shallow) snout make it look anthroish to me. As I see it, the clearest division between humanoid and anthro are the facial structure and the tail (except for demons and monster girls, humanoids tend to lack a tail).

Though that brings up the problem with Snorlax. It lacks a tail and a snout, so is it actually humanoid instead of anthro...? I'm not sure how much weight should be put on animal-like ears when tagging anthro/humanoid. The most important distinction between humanoid and anthro is that the latter are animal-like, while the former aren't. Generally ears alone (as in animal_humanoid) aren't enough to make something anthro instead of humanoid.

And putting Pikachu and Sandshrew in separate categories still seems a bit iffy to me. That'd mean that Pikachu x Sandshrew would end up tagged as bestiality (because of anthro_on_feral), and I just don't see that.. It's kind of annoying that the mascot of the series is so hard to tag.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I"m having a really busy end of week *sigh* And replying here takes a lot of mental energy. I"ll get to the replies and looking over abadbird's agoodpokemonlist in the next little bit (read: anywhere from a few hours to a few days)

I did have a thought a few moments ago though.

the quadruped tag exists. There are approximately 3500 posts tagged with it. The biped tag also exists, with 15508 posts

Obviously some pokemon are clearly feral/anthro... but maybe adding in quad/biped tags will help?

I mean.. some of those anthros might be better described as feral bipeds..? Like Sandshrew or Sandslash... maybe that would be more 'accurate' than anthro?

Updated by anonymous

Golem, Porygon, Abra, Electabuzz, Snorlax

Genjar said:
There's a few that might need a second look:
- Golem. Definitely mineral_fauna, but nothing about it is a perfect match for humanoid. The head shape is reptilian, almost snake-like, no humanoid hands or feet, and the posture (not to mention the body) are non-human. Not a good fit for any category, maybe tagging it as mineral_fauna would suffice.

Golem is more anthro than I thought...

The way I see humanoid is (usually):

The leftovers from process of elimination.

- Porygon. Unconventional usage of glitch, since those creatures tend to be distorted in some way. But I can kind of see how Porygon could fit there, considering its appearance.

Do we have a true digital_being/digitized tag? Not computer_virus. That's what I was going for. glitch mentioned "geometrical shapes", which describes Porygon. By some interpretation, Porygon may be a #-bit, sprite-like character, some rough avian shape abandoned after five minutes' work. Or Porygon can be an avian model set to the lowest detail setting, probably simplified below the lowest setting.

- Abra. I have no idea what is based on (if anything), but Abra looks like some kind of animal to me. So I'd go with anthro instead of humanoid for that one.

Bulbapedia says...

It is likely based on a mystic or psychic. It also has similarities to goats and foxes, both animals with ties to magic.

...and its pages for Kadabra and Alakazam also mention goats and foxes.

I saw the animal features--the snout, the tail, the ears--but dismissed them because of that pokemon lines' hard, segmented bodies. I can go either way on these.

- Electrabuzz. Although it's not clearly based on any real animal, the tail and (shallow) snout make it look anthroish to me. As I see it, the clearest division between humanoid and anthro are the facial structure and the tail (except for demons and monster girls, humanoids tend to lack a tail).

When I read...

Electabuzz is likely based on the Japanese oni that was a horned ogre that wore tiger skin and was sometimes depicted as a god of lightning and thunder. Its tail looks like that of a tiger.

...I couldn't help but see a greater resemblance to an oni (Japanese ogre/troll yokai/demon) than to tigers or any other animals. Read the top portion of Wikipedia's oni article and Ctrl + F "oni" here. Electabuzz is an angry brute with tusks and antennae/not-horns, which I believe matches every depiction of oni that I've seen. The argument in favor of anthro is that Electabuzz just has too many anthro features for a humanoid.

Though that brings up the problem with Snorlax. It lacks a tail and a snout, so is it actually humanoid instead of anthro...? I'm not sure how much weight should be put on animal-like ears when tagging anthro/humanoid. The most important distinction between humanoid and anthro is that the latter are animal-like, while the former aren't. Generally ears alone (as in animal_humanoid) aren't enough to make something anthro instead of humanoid.

In addition to animal ears, Snorlax has fur (I see fur rather than blue & white skin, anyway), fangs, pawpads, and claws on its hands and feet.

And putting Pikachu and Sandshrew in separate categories still seems a bit iffy to me. That'd mean that Pikachu x Sandshrew would end up tagged as bestiality (because of anthro_on_feral), and I just don't see that.. It's kind of annoying that the mascot of the series is so hard to tag.

That is one of the reasons why I brought this up. I don't think people searching bestiality want to see pokemon-only posts, to say nothing of tagging on-model pokemon as anthro at all.

A compromise might be to move everything I deemed anthro with low search relevance to feral, even if they're really not. That's Mew, Butterfree, Raichu, Sandshrew, Sandslash, Psyduck, Slowbro, and Lickitung. Except I know that wouldn't be enough... every small pokemon would need to be feral to satisfy everyone, and I don't like that. Too much inconsistency. Why should small vs medium body size matter? Why should anthro exclude some anthropomorphized animals?

SnowWolf said:
I"m having a really busy end of week *sigh* And replying here takes a lot of mental energy. I"ll get to the replies and looking over abadbird's agoodpokemonlist in the next little bit (read: anywhere from a few hours to a few days)

Sounds familiar. I can post in the forums or tag. I really can't do both...

I did have a thought a few moments ago though.

the quadruped tag exists. There are approximately 3500 posts tagged with it. The biped tag also exists, with 15508 posts

Obviously some pokemon are clearly feral/anthro... but maybe adding in quad/biped tags will help?

I had posted something like that at some point... probably complaining about feral in the same breath.

I mean.. some of those anthros might be better described as feral bipeds..? Like Sandshrew or Sandslash... maybe that would be more 'accurate' than anthro?

Well, I'm halfway through Gen2, and it feels harder than Gen1. To better keep track of things, I started yet another list for pokemon that switch between biped and quadruped.


Most of these are confirmed from checking the anime or some other official animations. Upright or All Fours Only assumed true until proven otherwise, but I've still confirmed most of those from the anime. Probably doesn't matter much anyway because artists will do whatever the hell they want. See upright Rattata post #1426760.

MixedUpright or All Fours Only

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Ahah. I wish this forum had a better way to quote posts. I had a reply written, but it got completely mangled because of multiple sections, tables, and quotes. And then I ended up accidentally erasing most of it.

...lemme see if I can remember some of it.

* Porygon: fits well enough in glitch since we have no other tag for digital creatures, but Porygon2 will be tougher to fit anywhere. We might need a digital_creature tag, though I suspect that it'd get mistagged for Digimon, etc.

* I'd rather move Pikachu to anthro than move obvious anthros such as Mew to feral. Pokemon getting tagged as bestiality will remain a problem in any case, since humanoid x feral pokemon pairs will get tagged as such regardless.

* One thing to note about bipedalism: even though there are feral animals that naturally stand on two feet, most of them are unable to walk bipedally. For example, kangaroos and some birds hop instead of walking. There are lizards that run on two feet, but otherwise move on four. Many mammals squat on two feet while eating or stand up to look around, but again, usually move on four. So I'd propose this: if the creature looks like it walks on two feet (such as Pichu and Mienshao), it's anthro. (*With some exceptions, including feral birds and dinosaurs).

Updated by anonymous

Pokemon 152-251
Pokemon Body Type Search Relevance
Chikorita feral high
Bayleef feral high
Meganium feral high
Cyndaquil feral high
Quilava feral medium
Typhlosion anthro medium
Totodile anthro low
Croconaw anthro medium
Feraligatr anthro high
Sentret feral medium
Furret feral high
Hoothoot waddling head medium
Noctowl feral high
Ledyba feral high
Ledian anthro medium
Spinarak feral high
Ariados feral high
Crobat feral high
Chinchou waddling head medium
Lanturn feral high
Pichu anthro low
Cleffa waddling head high
Igglybuff waddling head high
Togepi waddling head high
Togetic humanoid low
Natu waddling head medium
Xatu anthro medium
Mareep feral high
Flaaffy anthro low
Ampharos humanoid medium
Bellossom flora fauna, humanoid high (f.f.), medium (h.)
Marill waddling head medium
Azumarill waddling head medium
Sudowoodo flora fauna, humanoid high (f.f.), medium (h.)
Politoed anthro low
Hoppip waddling head high
Skiploom flora fauna, waddling head medium
Jumpluff flora fauna, waddling head low (f.f.), medium (w.h.)
Aipom humanoid medium
Sunkern flora fauna, waddling head medium
Sunflora flora fauna, humanoid high (f.f.), medium (h.)
Yanma feral high
Wooper humanoid low
Quagsire humanoid low
Espeon feral high
Umbreon feral high
Murkrow feral high
Slowking anthro medium
Misdreavus waddling head low
Unown animate inanimate medium
Wobbuffet animate inanimate, humanoid low
Girafarig feral high
Pineco flora fauna, waddling head high (f.f.), medium (w.h.)
Forretress mineral fauna, waddling head, feral medium (m.f.), medium (w.d.), low (f.)
Dunsparce feral medium
Gligar anthro medium
Steelix mineral fauna, feral high (m.f.), medium (f.)
Snubbull anthro low
Granbull anthro medium
Qwilfish feral high
Scizor anthro high
Shuckle feral low
Heracross anthro medium
Sneasel anthro low
Teddiursa anthro low
Ursaring anthro high
Slugma goo creature, feral high (g.c.), low (f.)
Magcargo goo creature, mineral fauna, feral high (g.c.), medium (m.f.), low (f.)
Swinub waddling_head, feral medium (w.h.), low (f.)
Piloswine feral medium
Corsola mineral fauna, feral medium (m.f.), low (f.)
Remoraid feral high
Octillery feral high
Delibird anthro low
Mantine feral high
Skarmory mineral fauna, feral high
Houndour feral high
Houndoom feral high
Kingdra feral high
Phanpy feral high
Donphan feral high
Porygon2 animate inanimate, feral medium (a.i.), low (f.)
Stantler feral high
Smeargle anthro medium
Tyrogue humanoid high
Hitmontop humanoid medium
Smoochum humanoid medium
Elekid animate inanimate, waddling head high
Magby anthro medium
Miltank anthro medium
Blissey humanoid low
Raikou mineral fauna, feral low (m.f.), high (f.)
Entei mineral fauna, feral medium (m.f.), high (f.)
Suicune mineral fauna, feral high
Larvitar anthro low
Pupitar mineral fauna, feral high
Tyranitar mineral fauna, anthro medium
Lugia feral high
Ho-Oh feral high
Celebi humanoid medium
Notes on specific pokemon

Harder than Gen1...

Sentret - meerkat/flying squirrel
Jumpluff - dandelion/cotton fluff
Aipom - monkey/symbol-banging monkey toy; monkey anthro or primate humanoid?
Wooper - salamander/axolotl; falls short of looking like an animal (for anthro)
Quagsire - giant salamander; falls short of looking like an animal (for anthro)

Misdreavus - a "head only" body type is looking better and better
Unown - alphabet
Wobbuffet - similar to a punching bag and speed bag (tail); also resembles a self-righting doll and a specific comedian
Forretress - bagworm (with case)/clam
Dunsparce - tsuchinoko (folklore snake)
Shuckle - worm

Slugma - for magma body, treating goo creature as superseding mineral fauna (magma is molten rockstuff) or animate inanimate (should liquid be m.f.?)
Magcargo - in addition to magma body, shell structure is clearly stony
Swinub - guinea pig + boar piglet; also, "ground" + "hog"
Piloswine - boar + yak
Corsola - coral; hard corals actually produce an external calcium skeleton, which corsola seems designed to emulate, thus mineral fauna; also, the precious stone
Donphan - seems to have a "tough" hide, not a mineral or rubber hide

Porygon2 - (water) drinking bird; doesn't seem like a glitch/digital being if one pretends Gen1 Porygon doesn't exist
Smeargle - beagle, supposedly; probably same body type as Aipom
Raikou - mask/helmet appears to exceed standard keratin or calcium growths
Entei - faceplate/mask and back plates/spikes are minerals
Suicune - crystal horn
Larvitar - dinosaur/reptile; unclear if actually mineral fauna, although it probably is

Organized by Body Type, Search Relevance
Just Anthros
Pokemon Body Type Search Relevance
Feraligatr anthro high
Scizor anthro high
Ursaring anthro high
Typhlosion anthro medium
Totodile anthro medium
Croconaw anthro medium
Ledian anthro medium
Xatu anthro medium
Slowking anthro medium
Gligar anthro medium
Granbull anthro medium
Heracross anthro medium
Smeargle anthro medium
Magby anthro medium
Miltank anthro medium
Pichu anthro low
Flaaffy anthro low
Politoed anthro low
Snubbull anthro low
Sneasel anthro low
Teddiursa anthro low
Delibird anthro low
Larvitar anthro low
Just Ferals

*special ferals excluded*

Pokemon Body Types Search Relevance
Chikorita feral high
Bayleef feral high
Meganium feral high
Cyndaquil feral high
Furret feral high
Noctowl feral high
Ledyba feral high
Spinarak feral high
Ariados feral high
Crobat feral high
Lanturn feral high
Mareep feral high
Yanma feral high
Espeon feral high
Umbreon feral high
Murkrow feral high
Girafarig feral high
Qwilfish feral high
Remoraid feral high
Octillery feral high
Mantine feral high
Houndour feral high
Houndoom feral high
Kingdra feral high
Phanpy feral high
Donphan feral high
Stantler feral high
Lugia feral high
Ho-Oh feral high
Quilava feral medium
Sentret feral medium
Dunsparce feral medium
Piloswine feral medium
Shuckle feral low
Humanoids and Waddling Heads

*see Unusual Pokemon table for mixed varieties*

Pokemon Body Type Search Relevance
Tyrogue humanoid high
Ampharos humanoid medium
Aipom humanoid medium
Hitmontop humanoid medium
Smoochum humanoid medium
Celebi humanoid medium
Togetic humanoid low
Wooper humanoid low
Quagsire humanoid low
Blissey humanoid low
Cleffa waddling head high
Igglybuff waddling head high
Togepi waddling head high
Hoppip waddling head high
Hoothoot waddling head medium
Chinchou waddling head medium
Natu waddling head medium
Marill waddling head medium
Azumarill waddling head medium
Misdreavus waddling head low
Unusual Pokemon

post #294036

Pokemon Body Types Search Relevance
Unown animate inanimate medium
Porygon2 animate inanimate, feral medium (a.i.), low (f.)
Wobbuffet animate inanimate, humanoid low
Elekid animate inanimate, waddling head high
Bellossom flora fauna, humanoid high (f.f.), medium (h.)
Sudowoodo flora fauna, humanoid high (f.f.), medium (h.)
Sunflora flora fauna, humanoid high (f.f.), medium (h.)
Pineco flora fauna, waddling head high (f.f.), medium (w.h.)
Skiploom flora fauna, waddling head medium
Sunkern flora fauna, waddling head medium
Jumpluff flora fauna, waddling head low (f.f.), medium (w.h.)
Slugma goo creature, feral high (g.c.), low (f.)
Magcargo goo creature, mineral fauna, feral high (g.c.), medium (m.f.), low (f.)
Tyranitar mineral fauna, anthro medium
Skarmory mineral fauna, feral high
Suicune mineral fauna, feral high
Pupitar mineral fauna, feral high
Steelix mineral fauna, feral high (m.f.), medium (f.)
Entei mineral fauna, feral medium (m.f.), high (f.)
Corsola mineral fauna, feral medium (m.f.), low (f.)
Raikou mineral fauna, feral low (m.f.), high (f.)
Forretress mineral fauna, waddling head, feral medium (m.f.), medium (w.d.), low (f.)
Swinub waddling head, feral medium (w.h.), low (f.)

I had played all of Gen 1 and 2, and I knew all those pokemon. I played some of Gen 3, and I don't remember at least 50 of its pokemon at all. I only know Gen4 from furry, and I had played halfway through Pokemon White (Gen5) and then dropped it. Going into uncharted territory.

Updated by anonymous

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