Topic: Tag Implication: knotting -> knot

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

It can be possible to tell that two characters are knotted without actually seeing the knot. So the implication doesn't work.

Updated by anonymous

MyNameIsOver20charac said:
But you cant suggest an alias twice, right? Right?

Once it gets denied, it's removed from the list, which means that yes, you can.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Once it gets denied, it's removed from the list, which means that yes, you can.

There really should be a system where a tag can be manually changed to not allow specific implication requests. IMHO it'd work best if it worked like the tag locking system, aka it's manual and deliberate locking of the tag from something (in this case, suggesting a specific implication). And, if a user tries, they get back a specific error stating that this implication suggestion is not possible due to it being locked. Or something like that maybe.

Updated by anonymous

Clawdragons said:
It can be possible to tell that two characters are knotted without actually seeing the knot. So the implication doesn't work.

Ah, very good point! I need to start leaving forum threads for the next morning so I'm fresh enough to see these things.

Genjar said:
We might need some kind of auto-reject for implications. This has already been rejected at least four times.

forum #245703, forum #201206, forum #190886, forum #105566

Yeah, that would cut down on forum chaff and unnecessary work for staff.

DiceLovesBeingBlown said:
There really should be a system where a tag can be manually changed to not allow specific implication requests. IMHO it'd work best if it worked like the tag locking system, aka it's manual and deliberate locking of the tag from something (in this case, suggesting a specific implication). And, if a user tries, they get back a specific error stating that this implication suggestion is not possible due to it being locked. Or something like that maybe.

Sounds good, suggest it in the Feature Suggestions thread and see what they think!

Updated by anonymous