Topic: Tag Implication: forehead_gem -> forehead_jewel

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


Former Staff

siikaprinssi said:
whsts the difference between jewel and gem?

Well... to laymen, not much.

to a jewelry... a lot. a gem is the raw-ish material. A jewel is a gem that has been turned into a work of art either via cut or being placed into a setting.

This is an uncut ruby -- a gem. so are these

A cut ruby jewel... well, you know what it looks like. Google image is full of clip art, and rwby and steven universe, so, use your imagination.

Updated by anonymous

Whoops, I was thinking of 'jewelry' instead of 'jewels' when I changed my mind earlier. Considering the tag being used is forehead_jewel, maybe it would be better to have forehead_jewel aliased to forehead_gem.

But would forehead_jewelry be a worthwhile tag to make for jewelry on a character's forehead that isn't a gemstone, or as a general-use tag for any type of forehead jewelry?

Updated by anonymous

D.D.M. said:
Whoops, I was thinking of 'jewelry' instead of 'jewels' when I changed my mind earlier. Considering the tag being used is forehead_jewel, maybe it would be better to have forehead_jewel aliased to forehead_gem.

But would forehead_jewelry be a worthwhile tag to make for jewelry on a character's forehead that isn't a gemstone, or as a general-use tag for any type of forehead jewelry?

keep in mind we need to diferentiate between objects embedded into the forehead and objects that simplely lay on top of the forehead as part of some kind of headdress, forehead_ jewelry is likly to be interpreted as the latter rather then to former.Same with jewel as it it is associated with a crystal in a setting as part of a larger jewelry piece rather than a solitary crystal.

Updated by anonymous

Darou said:
keep in mind we need to diferentiate between objects embedded into the forehead and objects that simplely lay on top of the forehead as part of some kind of headdress, forehead_ jewelry is likly to be interpreted as the latter rather then to former.Same with jewel as it it is associated with a crystal in a setting as part of a larger jewelry piece rather than a solitary crystal.

The headdress tag seems to be noticeably distinct from the forehead_gem tag in appearance, and forehead_gem hasn't been too bad for similar kinds of mistaggings.

As for aliasing forehead_jewel -> forehead_gem, I can definitely get behind that!

Updated by anonymous