Topic: To remove confusion from generic cat, should it be "domestic_cat"?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

This has been discussed several times before, but I want to bring it up again: I feel, to remove any confusion with tagging, that cat should alias to domestic_cat.

Many users often tag cat for images involving wild cats, or general felines. However, I feel this distinction would help curve mistakes like this and make it easier to comprehend and tag for users. With this in mind, tags implicated to cat shall be moved over to implicate domestic_cat instead.

Semi related: I also propose that maybe we have a pantherid feline subtag, for the "big cats". Would be very helpful in filtering/finding specific types of felids and their general body structure and visual appearance. Would contain the large big cats, tigers, lions, etc. This is just a minor suggestion tho, so feel free to disregard. My main focus here is the domestic_cat tag

Related implications

Related aliases

1 This has been discussed before, but for quite a few people it's easy to confuse sphinx (the mythological creature) with the sphynx (hairless cat). Ergo, a disambig page would probably be helpful, while sphinx_(species) and sphinx_cat become the used, easier to understand tags.

Optional pantherid stuff

Related pantherid implications

Related pantherid aliases



Former Staff

I would LOVE to see 'domestic_cat' be a tag.

regarding pantherid... *exhales*

There's a problem though.

Let me get biological for a sec.

post #1184786

This is a large black cat commonly called a panther.

A panther is not a species of cat.

A panther is a melanistic color-morph of a leopard OR a jaguar. They still have their spots, they're just hard to see unless under the proper lighting

post #937853

Panthers found in Asia and Africa are Leopards.
Panthers found in the Americas are jaguars.

There are unconfirmed sightings of Cougar panthers, and the margay and ocelot both do have melanistic colorphases as well, but those aren't panthers.

So.. to sum up: Panthers are like "white tigers" in that they're a color phase, but we call two similar looking animals by this name.

(I say similar because a leopard and a jaguar really look entirely different.. the jaguar is a lot heavier (100kg v 70kg) and stockier and has a immensely powerful bite. Leopards tend to be smarter and more clever.)


That out of the way, we have panther as a tag. 4396 posts.

Panther can refer to a number of different feline species. Use a more specific tag if possible.

Common uses (primary e621 use in bold):

A leopard, especially a solid colored one.
Any of the members of panthera, a genus that includes lions, tigers, jaguars, and leopards
A term used in certain regions to refer to cougars (puma)

That's an awful tag.

we also have black_panther

A melanistic color variant of any Panthera species.

Disambiguation note: Also a Marvel superhero.

Panther currently has a mix of "big cats" and "black cats"

I would dearly love to get rid of panther... alias it to black_panther (because most black panthers, you cannot tell if they're meant to be a jaguar or a leopard due to stylization), and have pantherid or panthera or SOMETHING to cover the big cats.

which leads me to..

pantherid → feline
clouded_leopard → pantherid
jaguar → pantherid
leopard → pantherid
lion → pantherid
tiger → pantherid

Panthera/big cats are tigers, lions, jaguards, leopards and snow leopards


while a more "edxpansive' definition includes cougars, clouded leopards, and cheetahs.

The snow leopard thing is newer by the way -- it was only in 2008 that they were clasified as Panthera.

So.... clouded leopard should either be excluded and snow leopards included, or cougars and cheetah should be included.

I dunno. WORDS! :D

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:

@SnowWolf Whew, what a response! Thank you for all of it, you make some great points and I'm glad you agree ahaha.

And yeah, the issue with pantherids is a bit complex, BUT if we manage to clean things up a bit with it I'd love to see a comprehensive pantherid tag! I'd feel it'd have immense practical usage.

But yeah, glad you agree! I love listening to your rambles ahaha, don't worry about the words! And thanks for the response

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

I'd rather it be called pantherine instead because pantherinae is a subfamily. /nitpick

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
I'd rather it be called pantherine instead because pantherinae is a subfamily. /nitpick

Fair enough!

Also not as important, but it rolls off the tongue similar to feline which is pleasing lmao.

Altho really, this thread is more focused on the domestic_cat issue. I just brought that up as a possible side thing to suggest, ahaha

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

DiceLovesBeingBlown said:
Fair enough!

Also not as important, but it rolls off the tongue similar to feline which is pleasing lmao.

Altho really, this thread is more focused on the domestic_cat issue. I just brought that up as a possible side thing to suggest, ahaha

I figure by now it'd be a given that I'd like something like this. :p

Updated by anonymous

Ratte said:
I figure by now it'd be a given that I'd like something like this. :p

Also fair! I was just wondering if there were any thoughts or comments, missing additions, or possible conflicts I missed ahaha. I am human, I'm bound to fuck up from time to time (which I do sometimes, but hope to fix before anyone sees rip)

Updated by anonymous