Topic: Could Some Kind Peeps Give Me Some Constructive Criticism ╹‿╹) (Video Design Advice)

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Hey guys, To get right to the point.
I've gotten some pretty negative feedback on one of the videos I've created on youtube.
Not in the way of negative responses but, in the way of a large number of dislikes.
And I'm just not sure what I did so wrong.

Video In Question:

-Was it something I said either in the Video or its description?
- Was my editing off?
-Was I too heavy Handed with my self-promotion at the end?
-Or was it something else.

Really just trying to figure it out so I can correct it since this is the
first time (In video format) that I've gotten such a negative response
but, There are no comments to go on.
And trying to fingering it out on my own is just leading to a lot of
speculation without any clear ties.

But maybe the thing that did it would be a lot more
apparent to the outside guy or gal looking in! ╹‿╹)

So please, if you have a sec to watch a doods video and give me some feedback
to make it a better video to watch. I would really appreciate it! ◠‿◠)


I wouldn't call 4 a "large number of dislikes." I know it probably seems that way, given that you haven't yet built up a particularly large following. (By modern online standards at least.) You have to try especially hard to get people to care about gaming videos these days. It's also important to remember that YouTube is still fairly broken at it's core and the base statistics you're looking at might not be the true perception of your channels content. Especially at less than 100 views. However, given that you've actually taken the time to edit the video somewhat and make an original intro, I'd already say that your doing a better job than a majority of what's on YouTube now.

There's a furry avatar looking figure in the video that pops up. Anyone who has a negative perception of the furry fandom (which is most of the Internet) might have disliked just for that. People will judge an entire video immediately based on one factor alone. It's ridiculous, but that's how it's worked for a while now.

That said, the majority of the video was just gameplay, so that might have irritated some viewers. Not just because a lot of people consider it lazy (although the title did suggest gameplay footage), but I think it could be more because you started the video with an edited segment, but then it was completely void of those elements until the end of the video.

In terms of editing, that large chunk in the middle should definitely be used more to illustrate what you are talking about in smaller segments, rather than simply go on for too long as I feel it did. Most viewers on YouTube will only watch videos over 10 minutes if it has a good reason to be and they already know the content creators work. At this point, you probably want to keep each video a but more concise.

The only other thing I can think of is perhaps your dialogue audio is a bit too quiet at times, or maybe the music should be quieter and would make the video better balanced. I don't think briefly talking about your own channel at the end of the video presented any issues.

Overall, I don't know what the usual standard of your videos is like, so I can't say if this was an individual anomaly or a result of suddenly differing video quality. However, I don't think this is anything to worry too much about, as anyone who really cares will leave a constructive comment rather than an anonymous downvote.

Updated by anonymous

TwistedLogik said:
I wouldn't call 4 a "large number of dislikes." I know it probably seems that way, given that you haven't yet built up a particularly large following. (By modern online standards at least.) You have to try especially hard to get people to care about gaming videos these days. It's also important to remember that YouTube is still fairly broken at it's core and the base statistics you're looking at might not be the true perception of your channels content. Especially at less than 100 views. However, given that you've actually taken the time to edit the video somewhat and make an original intro, I'd already say that your doing a better job than a majority of what's on YouTube now.

There's a furry avatar looking figure in the video that pops up. Anyone who has a negative perception of the furry fandom (which is most of the Internet) might have disliked just for that. People will judge an entire video immediately based on one factor alone. It's ridiculous, but that's how it's worked for a while now.

That said, the majority of the video was just gameplay, so that might have irritated some viewers. Not just because a lot of people consider it lazy (although the title did suggest gameplay footage), but I think it could be more because you started the video with an edited segment, but then it was completely void of those elements until the end of the video.

In terms of editing, that large chunk in the middle should definitely be used more to illustrate what you are talking about in smaller segments, rather than simply go on for too long as I feel it did. Most viewers on YouTube will only watch videos over 10 minutes if it has a good reason to be and they already know the content creators work. At this point, you probably want to keep each video a but more concise.

The only other thing I can think of is perhaps your dialogue audio is a bit too quiet at times, or maybe the music should be quieter and would make the video better balanced. I don't think briefly talking about your own channel at the end of the video presented any issues.

Overall, I don't know what the usual standard of your videos is like, so I can't say if this was an individual anomaly or a result of suddenly differing video quality. However, I don't think this is anything to worry too much about, as anyone who really cares will leave a constructive comment rather than an anonymous downvote.

Wow this is really great advice, Fantastic even!
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply in such detail. ◠‿◠)

Like you said, Dood; 4 Does seem like a massive number from my perspective of a channel still in development. It's just made to seem even bigger when it happens all at once, Most likely signifying an issue with the content I need to find and fix. ╹ ╹)

It's funny (in a coincidence way) that you thought the same thing I did with the anthro avatar.
The character (Zatch) although briefly introduced in the last darkest dungeon video, Had his first major role and appearance as the straight man in this video. Although I wanted to keep an open mind and not assume peeps would dislike a video for such a petty reason; I also can't deny that there is a tie down that road of thought.

I can definitely see your point with the gameplay.
The Editted Intros and Outros were actually my attempts of spicing up what would normally be just straight, sparsely edited, Gameplay. From the way you put it, Expanding those Intro and Outro editing moments throughout the whole video, while also reducing and cutting out any unnecessary footage from the gameplay to keep the viewers' attention through out the whole video rather than Possibly watching the intro than skipping to the end sounds like a great idea. Which it is! ╹‿╹)

As to audio mixing and my dialog. The points you've pointed out are once I'm still trying to iron out. Not to imply it's bad mentioning them; Heck no! The fact you brought them up shows that I still have some work ahead of me on the drawing board there. Just saying I know exactly what you mean and that I'll try my best to work on it! ╹‿╹)

All of my videos are gaming in one way or another, With Videos with this amount of editing happening now and again with this being the first to break 4 dislikes/0 like on the first day.
And that's the point that really got me, Not a single comment negative or otherwise. With Nothing to go on, it left me in a strange grey area where I wanted to improve but didn't know where to start.

Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:
As to audio mixing and my dialog. The points you've pointed out are once I'm still trying to iron out. Not to imply it's bad mentioning them; Heck no! The fact you brought them up shows that I still have some work ahead of me on the drawing board there. Just saying I know exactly what you mean and that I'll try my best to work on it! ╹‿╹)

Personally I'd recommend buying yourself a pop filter, and working on your mic channel equalisation (some extra de-essing on top of that wouldn't hurt either.)

As for the video itself, all I can really think of is most of your viewerbase seems to be around Skullgirls, and from what I can tell the Skullgirls fanbase tends to be neutral or negative once you step from "this features an anthro character" into "this is furry" territory.

Updated by anonymous

MagnusEffect said:
Personally I'd recommend buying yourself a pop filter, and working on your mic channel equalisation (some extra de-essing on top of that wouldn't hurt either.)

As for the video itself, all I can really think of is most of your viewerbase seems to be around Skullgirls, and from what I can tell the Skullgirls fanbase tends to be neutral or negative once you step from "this features an anthro character" into "this is furry" territory.

Oh those are some good ones; Notes I mean ╹‿╹)
I'll take them into consideration m8, I'll see what I can do in audacity.

And I still can't rule something like that out unfortunately, All I can really
say is that I personally haven't really gotten that impression from the community. Though I'm sure peeps like that are pretty diverse in what community and fanbases they take part in. ╹ ╹)

"Though my game theory at the moment is this problem is of my own making.
Though I'm asking for general tips and tricks on making my content better for other doods to watch. I Probably shouldn't have mentioned the negative feedback.
Though it would have been a heck of a lot harder to get my concerns and main points behind the thread across without doing it; It was a double-edged sword (I think)

I just have to accept, even when asking for help, people generally don't like guys who mention things like 'Their Youtube channel' and videos on it. Especially in a feedback like sense and some would just add to the problem."
Tl;Dr: The Fact that I asked for help turning my future videos around for the better due to the feedback on 1 video, Could have prompted a few guys to drop by just to leave a dislike. Regardless of personal Pevs but just because I brought up "It was getting Negative Feedback" and they wanted to add to it.

Updated by anonymous

I liked the intro a lot, but the moment the gameplay actually started, I lost interest -- but I prefer active lets players who talk to the audience-- youtube is often 'background noise' for me to keep the house feeling a little less empty at 2am. Plus, I've never played that game, so I have no idea what's going on.

If you wanted me as your audience, I'd suggest more talking. :) But maybe "m not your target audience.

Anyway, don't focus on the negative feedback, jsut focus on doing better. I'm pretty sure some people dislike every video they watch just becuase they can.

Updated by anonymous


Let me first say that I can't thank the peeps kind enough to give me
feedback enough for doing that. ◠‿◠)

I took the all the tips given to me into account when making this latest
heavy edited video while still mainly focusing on the original concept for
the vid its self.

Now I'm not saying that this perfect but I do think it makes
for a way more engaging gameplay vid to watch given the set up
for it. ╹‿╹)

Latest Edited Video


Change Log:

  • Changed the Audio so that you can hear me better over the background music.
  • Added edited moments throughout the Video instead of just at the beginning and end.
  • Improved the quality of the gameplay from 30ish fps to something closer to 60

I'm still playing with this idea and it needs
fine toning though I believe it's at the stage were
I can comfortably show the first showing of it. ╹‿╹)


Updated by anonymous

Notkastar said:

Latest Edited Video

The changes in your content editing definitely result in a more interesting video. It seems to me that you've understood what respondents were going for when they said about giving the main body of the video more content than just ongoing gameplay.

The highlight edits at the ends of the gameplay segments added some useful clarity to the video. It helped to show the tactics you had used and demonstrated the point of the video much clearer to viewers. They also complemented your own personal style quite well. I didn't feel like they forced in any way.

I do feel that the video is still slightly dominated by filler footage though. I understand why this is left in, as the purpose of the video is to show a complete run. It's just that it's difficult to make the whole thing engaging that way.

Personally, I would consider just focusing on those highlights and going for shorter videos overall. This way you can go into more detail on the parts you feel are most relevant, rather than taking up a lot of time showing gameplay that isn't necessarily important to the points you are trying to illustrate.

I noticed that the resolution of the gameplay was fairly low in comparison to your own parts of the video, which was a little bit distracting, but probably not very avoidable due to the game being from 2003. That's just one of the drawbacks of making content based on older media in modern day I suppose.

Other than that, the intro and outro are still decent and original, while the dialogue audio did sound clearer this time as well. The main thing I would suggest focusing on now is continuing to define key parts of your gameplay footage and more often as well.

You're definitely in the right direction and I appreciate the effort you've made to improve your content, even if your viewer-base isn't particularly high at this point. It shows that you genuinely care about your work and that you have the integrity to make improvements for the audience members who are concerned. Good stuff.

Updated by anonymous

TwistedLogik said:
Really Great Feedback!

Once again, a lot of great notes to go on, dood!
Thanks for the going through the effort to give
detailed feedback like this ╹‿╹)

Replying Too

The changes in your content editing definitely result in a more interesting video. It seems to me that you've understood what respondents were going for when they said about giving the main body of the video more content than just ongoing gameplay.

The highlight edits at the ends of the gameplay segments added some useful clarity to the video. It helped to show the tactics you had used and demonstrated the point of the video much clearer to viewers. They also complemented your own personal style quite well. I didn't feel like they forced in any way.

Glad to hear you and hopefully others too like the concept pitch here of
featured Highlights; Explaining the odd-strats used during the levels.
Got the idea from another game from the day I use
to play: "Donkey Kong Jungle Beat" and how they
would show you little shortcuts you could use
on the stage, you beat after you beat them. ╹‿╹)

Replying Too

I do feel that the video is still slightly dominated by filler footage though. I understand why this is left in, as the purpose of the video is to show a complete run. It's just that it's difficult to make the whole thing engaging that way.

It really is hard to make that kind of solid gameplay engaging ╹ ╹)
Usually peeps have to sublimate it with another thing to bring less
attention to the gameplay its self but to the video as a whole.

Be it:

  • Face cam
  • Controller Cam
  • Commentary
  • or even Chat.

Not saying that it's
to do that mind you, If it works and all that ◠‿◠)
Just that it's gonna be a bit tricky for me
since I wanna draw 'More' Attention to the
gameplay rather than downplay it, ya know? ╹‿╹)

Replying Too

Personally, I would consider just focusing on those highlights and going for shorter videos overall. This way you can go into more detail on the parts you feel are most relevant, rather than taking up a lot of time showing gameplay that isn't necessarily important to the points you are trying to illustrate.

While that would be a spectacular way of showcasing the
neat tricks used, The motivation behind this video is to
showcase both the gameplay and the tricks ╹‿╹)
Kinda of like a "Gameplay + Some" or "Walkthrough with a twist"
So to speak?

Replying Too

I noticed that the resolution of the gameplay was fairly low in comparison to your own parts of the video, which was a little bit distracting, but probably not very avoidable due to the game being from 2003. That's just one of the drawbacks of making content based on older media in modern day I suppose.

Yup though I am to partially to blame there haha ◠‿◠;)
The Videos quality is a lot more solid before pre-edit and
compressing. While it sucks that it went down so much; It's
also great to say that it will only go up from now on thanks
to it. ╹‿╹)~★

Now I know it has to do with my video editor and once
I sort that out; Not only will these videos increase in
quality but everything else too! ◠‿◠)

Replying Too

Other than that, the intro and outro are still decent and original, while the dialogue audio did sound clearer this time as well. The main thing I would suggest focusing on now is continuing to define key parts of your gameplay footage and more often as well.

I'll keep trying my best doing just that m8 ╹‿╹)
Also really glad peeps can finally hear me over
the music haha ◠‿◠)

Replying Too

You're definitely in the right direction and I appreciate the effort you've made to improve your content, even if your viewer-base isn't particularly high at this point. It shows that you genuinely care about your work and that you have the integrity to make improvements for the audience members who are concerned. Good stuff.

This is possibly the nicest thing a peep's said about my channel
And I can't thank you enough for saying it ◠‿◠)~[color=Gold]★

Thank you so much for the kind words m8!~★
I really wasn't expecting someone to say such
a kind thing to me to be honest ╹‿╹)

I know the great doods like you and other doods who
commented on this thread mean well and only want to
see me improve so hear you guys out, Facing those flaws
and seeing where I can improve is the least I can do, ya know?

Updated by anonymous

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