Topic: [Feature] [UI adjustment] Move quick tags to a more convenient spot

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Requested feature overview description.
In case there are some who don't know what this is, it's a list of tags you can click on to automatically add it, instead of typing out a full tag you could just set and click
Why would it be useful?
Ease of use, I'd rather not need to scroll down to click something that should be used to make something faster
What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
Tag editing section

Maybe it could be moved to the right side of the tag input window? or even the left side if possible

Updated by BrightFoxEclipse

Right side is the image preview during upload. Left side is the tags list. after upload.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Right side is the image preview during upload. Left side is the tags list. after upload.

No I'm talking about when you're tagging an image already posted

It's fine where it is for uploading, you don't have to scroll as much there

Updated by anonymous

This would be a very welcome feature. There is loads of empty space on the right of the tag input box yet all the recent tags and quick tags are below the box which you have to scroll down to see, meaning you can't quick tag while still seeing the image so have to keep scrolling up and down.

If anyone knows how you could do this it would be very much appreciated.

Updated by anonymous

I'd like this as well, would be more convenient. And moving something really shouldn't take a lot of coding. I hope, otherwise I'm seriously starting to question the mental state of who originally made this code :/

Updated by anonymous

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