For me, i'd say foxes, rabbits, and bears.
Updated by The Smut Stash
Posted under Off Topic
For me, i'd say foxes, rabbits, and bears.
Updated by The Smut Stash
Horses, for probably obvious reasons.
Updated by anonymous
Really: so long as they have a really nice/unique art style and aren't generic, I'm good. I have intense human face repulsion for personal reasons tho so I like anything either without eyes or lacking fully human faces. The Chthon species (Igraine especially), for example
I gravitate towards monster anthros I suppose
Updated by anonymous
Foxes, dragons, horses, wolves, tigers, lions, heh.
Updated by anonymous
anthro cheese graters
Updated by anonymous
Eggplant said:
anthro cheese graters
Updated by anonymous
Upright talking primates
Updated by anonymous
Take a guess.
Updated by anonymous
SharkFetish said:
Take a guess.
Updated by anonymous
SharkFetish said:
Take a guess.
Cheese graters?
Updated by anonymous
SharkFetish said:
Take a guess.
Fish don't have bobs!
Updated by anonymous
Anthropomorphic trashbags.
Updated by anonymous
Felines (lions, cheetahs, pumas, cougars), foxes, canines, hyenas (spotted) dragons. But felines and foxes first and foremost.
Updated by anonymous
Anthropomorphic light switch
Updated by anonymous
Pizza turns my stomach on
Updated by anonymous
Chaser said:
Anthropomorphic light switch
oh god is the inevitable light switch joke
also rabbit, dragon and rabbit dragon(?)
Updated by anonymous
Lions, tigers, bears (oh, my!), bulls, wolves, and dragons.
Updated by anonymous
Peekaboo said:
Anthropomorphic trashbags.
>turned on by anthropomorphic trashbags instead of being normal civilized person who gets off to anthropomorphic cheese graters
Updated by anonymous
theultra said:
oh god is the inevitable light switch joke
How many anthropomorphic light switches does it take to turn on a furry?
None. Furries are always turned on.
Updated by anonymous
Mainly felines and canines but deer and red pandas aren't too bad either.
Updated by anonymous
Dogs, Rabbits, Foxes, Dragons and Horses are often really nice ๐
Updated by anonymous
TheHuskyK9 said:
Pizza turns my stomach on
What about... anthropomorphic pizza?
Updated by anonymous
ikdind said:
What about... anthropomorphic pizza?
I was expecting actual anthro, not naga-ish.
Updated by anonymous
ikdind said:
What about... anthropomorphic pizza?
That turns off my stomach
Updated by anonymous
idk nigga like a fennec lmao
Updated by anonymous
Certain canines, sometimes foxes too.
Updated by anonymous
While my allegiance mostly lies with ponies, for anthro it would be felines / canines I reckon.
Updated by anonymous
Canines, caprines, & knuckles
Updated by anonymous
Kangaroo,dragon and caprines
Updated by anonymous
bleph said:
Horses, for probably obvious reasons.
Their beautiful manes, obviously.
Updated by anonymous
Foxes, avians, wolves, and specifically pool party Renekton.
Updated by anonymous
Mice, sharks, dragons, chimera (nue in particular).
Heck, plants are cool too.
Updated by anonymous
Eggplant said:
anthro cheese graters
We don't talk about that around here.
Updated by anonymous
Sheep are great. I'm not talking about the monsters in Undertale or Kindred in League of Legends, just regular anthros. Them combined with something like a wolf or fox for some pred/prey is just golden
Updated by anonymous
A few years ago I'd have said foxes but right now dogs, deers, rabbits and bovines. I still love foxes but they're not my No. 1 anymore.
Updated by anonymous
If I had to pick it would be Cows, Cats, and Lizards
Updated by anonymous
Bears and foxes, one is small and cute and the other soft and chubby! Both perfect opposite ends of the spectrum.
Updated by anonymous
CaptainDoodles said:
That's like saying "I like the shape of ditto"
Updated by anonymous
Canines. Because knots.
Updated by anonymous
Updated by anonymous
Otters, without any and all doubt.
Updated by anonymous
I can't pick just one, but I love anything with hooves. Cows, deer, horses, etc.
Updated by anonymous
I have a few actually...
birds post #960631 post #544298 post #1207653
horses post #1537184 post #1624099 post #539678
sharks post #1246330 post #1290202 post #533645
and cows post #692867 post #214969 post #1584721
Updated by anonymous
Foxes, servals, and red pandas
Updated by anonymous
Deer, Antelope, horse, and Zebra characters because they're usually drawn with a nicer coke bottle shape than most.
Updated by anonymous
realandyisepic said:
For me, i'd say foxes, rabbits, and bears.
Birds, especially parrots. I like their colors and silky feathers.
Updated by anonymous
Poodles, Wolves, Foxes, Cougars, and sometimes Cats, it depends on how it's drawn.
Updated by anonymous