Topic: Tag Alias: 'anthro' -> invalid_tag

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

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Aliasing 'anthro' → invalid_tag
Link to alias


NOTE: I have this as 'anthro' in quotes because whenever I try to post it, I get an error stating 'anthro is already aliased to something'. This might be a bug because when I search for 'anthro' it says there are only 300 such images and when i click on an image it says there are nine hundred thousand. I don't think I have that many images blacklisted!

According to my most recent search, there are 905,000 posts tagged 'anthro'. 'furry' is an invalid tag because, "duh". What are you coming here for if not for furry?

My reasoning that anthro should be an invalid tag is as follows: "duh".

Virtually everyone coming here is looking for an anthro. If they're not, they're either looking for something like a human or an elf, which is still technically anthropomorphic, or a feral.

We could cut down on a lot of tag bloat by nuking this pointless tag; it's safe to assume people coming here looking for anthro art and if they're not it's easy enough to punch in 'human' or 'feral'.

What if someone wants to look for only feral art? feral_on_anthro is still a legitimate tag, and a simple tag string like feral -breasts would eliminate female ferals.

I guess the anthro tag is only needed for people looking for ferals having gay sex with no bipeds observing, or people looking for non-sexual images of ferals not containing any bipeds. I think these searches are rare enough to not cause a problem in us deleting nearly a million tags.

Updated by Chaser

Horrible idea, definitely -1. An image can easily feature anthros next to ferals without them having sex.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Horrible idea, definitely -1. An image can easily feature anthros next to ferals without them having sex.

it easily can, but how often is someone going to search for that specific thing? Is it worth a million tags?

The situation we are looking at is:
Person wants to see images of ferals not containing furries.
(humans, elves, scalies, and such can still be weeded out)
Person is not willing to sort through the images to find their niche request.

I did a search quick search for feral -human; my first page brought up 26 images, of which one had furries, one had a scaly, and one had a mermaid.

I don't think we need this tag any more than we need to have arms and legs in case someone wants to search for snake pictures not containing anthro snakes.

Updated by anonymous

you know i could definitely see people here wanting to look up only anthros. aliasing this away could make looking up for simple stuff like anthro dragons obnoxiously difficult. now you could sinply look up dragon anthro, after alias you would have to look up dragon -humanoid -taur -feral and you would still miss a fuckton of content that has anthro dragon and other character that is feral, tayr or human.

this tag alias is just straight up terrible and would complicate simple basic searching and blacklisting too much.

Updated by anonymous

Anthro is a perfectly valid tag. I don't normally handle tag aliases but this is just outright stupid.

Updated by anonymous

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