The lost meme. Since I brought it up on e621 I would assume everyone has heard of it. Originated from a webcomic, the lost meme mainly consist of:
1. a vertical object
2. two vertical objects
3. two vertical objects with noticeable differences when compared to 2.
4. one vertical object and a horizontal object
One thing I don't understand is that memes are supposed to be absurd, like the ugandan knuckles have the absurd quote of "Do you know De Way?", or the we are number one meme have absurd characters. This meme, however, is the most "BASIC BITCH" meme I've ever come across, the meme can not mutate much, and the original version is not that special either, it's just your same old "sad soap opera" cliché where the couple suffers from miscarriage(or some other fatal disease). Where is the joke and what is absurd about it?
Updated by PrivateJoker97