Topic: "hybrid" Tag issue

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

How much does a hybrid need to include one of it's components in a tag?

I ask this because one artist is putting their OC under the burmecian Tag, while their character looks nothing like a rat/mouse nor is it set in the Final fantasy 9 world.

When I asked the artist this they said they based the "ears and genitals" on a burmecian. Now the ears of his OC are just pointy and not really rodent-like, and it's a bit silly to base genitals on a species from a FF game as they never model or draw those. I suggested they just use "rat" and "hybrid" but they revered my tag alterations (after a moderator gave me the go ahead).

Now it seems to me that this is just Tag abuse, no different from just sticking the "mobian" tag on anything in any style just so their OC can appear in sonic the hedgehog tag searches. Or as ridiculous as tagging a cake with "eggs, flour, sugar,.."

This is not meant to single anyone out, simply to ask clarification on hybrid OCs.

for example, would most dog OCs also constitute the wolf tag with them all being domesticated wolves.

Updated by MagnusEffect

Yeah I feel you were in the right; if they don't look like a burmecian, they aren't a burmecian. Leniency is sometimes taken on hybrids, for good reason of course, but if the species in question is pretty generic to begin with like burmecians (basiclaly anthro rats) and the character doesn't resemble them then I feel they don't warrant the tag.

Rat + hybrid or rodent + hybrid should suffice.

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

If it doesn't look like the species, it doesn't get tagged as such. Regardless of what the artist says. Hard to say without seeing the posts, but sounds like those shouldn't be tagged as Burmecian.

Updated by anonymous

Wow, that post really doesn't convey Burmecian in any way, shape, or form. Glad to see that Ratte has gone ahead and locked away the Burmecian and related tags there. I would never search for Burmecian and expect to find that.

Updated by anonymous

ikdind said:
Wow, that post really doesn't convey Burmecian in any way, shape, or form. Glad to see that Ratte has gone ahead and locked away the Burmecian and related tags there. I would never search for Burmecian and expect to find that.

Yeah it's why I brought it up, this artist was flooding the Burmician tag with his oc.

Updated by anonymous

Roboshi said:
When I asked the artist this they said they based the "ears and genitals" on a burmecian.

They must have played a very different FFIX than I did....

Updated by anonymous

In an attempt to find some good here, are we no longer recognizing Cleyran, as a distinct subset of Burmecian? I notice that the Cleyran tag has been removed from several posts where it previously existed, even when the character prominently featured Cleyran dancer garb. 3 images have since been tagged with Cleyran:

post #1503210

post #1503210
Features a character dressed in Cleyran dancer garb, and is also tagged Burmecian.

post #1257138

post #1257138
Is arguably Burmecian, but shows nothing to indicate Cleyran heritage or any connection to Final Fantasy, either the franchise or FF9. Is not tagged Burmecian, however.

post #1257137

post #1257137
Is not even a rodent, much less a Burmecian. Or, if this was intended to be remotely Burmecian, the artist was given poor direction and TWYSNWYK would not even remotely consider this Burmecian. Thankfully, also not tagged Burmecian, and probably shouldn't be tagged Cleyran, either.

And, if we're not recognizing Cleyran anymore, can we alias it to Burmecian?

Edit: Cleyrans were certainly a small minority of images, and I would guess that some of the previously-Cleyran images have been taken down or replaced. From a quick run through the existing Burmecian images, I would say only the following images qualify for the Cleyran tag:

Edit2: Oh wait, I get it. Haha, I'm dumb, and we now have cleyran_maiden to indicate the character. Should probably just clean up the existing cleyran references instead of an alias, maybe.

Updated by anonymous

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