Topic: What happened to FPromenade?

Posted under General

FPromenade is one of my favorite artists for macrophilia furries with delicious futa and feminine guys. Unfortunately this is what I find now at this furaffinity page:

"User "FPromenade" has voluntarily disabled access to their account and all of its contents.

If this is your userpage and you would like to re-enable it, you may do so by logging in and re-enabling it in your Account Settings.

If you came here to unwatch this user you may do so by clicking the following link: unwatch FPromenade"

At their furaffinity page they didn't had any links for other sites where they shares their works and I can't find anything at Google. Help please?


gradiusgadwin said:
FPromenade is one of my favorite artists for macrophilia furries with delicious futa and feminine guys. Unfortunately this is what I find now at this furaffinity page:

"User "FPromenade" has voluntarily disabled access to their account and all of its contents.

If this is your userpage and you would like to re-enable it, you may do so by logging in and re-enabling it in your Account Settings.

If you came here to unwatch this user you may do so by clicking the following link: unwatch FPromenade"

At their furaffinity page they didn't had any links for other sites where they shares their works and I can't find anything at Google. Help please?

What's happened? The same thing that's happened to countless furry artists in the fandom. They have some sort of crisis of conscience, people being dicks starts to get to them, they can't take the stress of whatever fame their work has gotten them and feel like they're letting their fans down, or they decide to go professional for various studios or magazines or the like.

Which ever of the above reasons happened this causes said artist to attempt to delete fucking everything though this never works for quite a few reasons.

As for the artist in question, it appears that his FA page had been pretty much nuked, at least of any journals or SFW content, since at least October 1st of last year, though likely well before that if the comments still on the page on the Waybackmachine are any indicator. It seems he had stopped being particularly active back about the middle of July.

There's no given reason, no indication they were going to. They're just gone. Their twitter's been completely cleared out (if they've ever posted there in the first place), their tumblr's been deactivated, their weasyl's been cleared out, literally every site they were a part of has been either deactivated or cleared of any and all content without any explanation.

I wish I could be of actual help, but the fact of the matter is they've gone into delete fucking everything mode and when anyone does that they do it for an often rather personal reason.

So, as much as you probably won't want to hear this, the best thing to do at this juncture is just hope they come back and keep an eye out for them. Don't try to seek them out personally, just stay watchful, keep your ear to the ground, so to speak, and keep up hope. If they do ever return you'll be ready. Of course, if someone knows them personally I'm sure they'd at least know whether or not they'll be back.

Updated by anonymous

It also doesn't helps the fact that FA bans lots of members with the excuse of "hate speech" despite the fact that many of these members are apolitical/neutral and with FA not replying to them when they ask for the reason they got banned.

Updated by anonymous

Can anyone upload a zip file with all his works? Cuz I can't find them anywhere. Even at e621 there are only three drawings.

Updated by anonymous

The bulk update request #2559 is pending approval.

create alias fpromenade (5) -> digipotion (1)
change category digipotion (1) -> artist

Reason: Artist changed name.
Going to
now results in
"Please check out my new account: digipotion "
and journal "New Account
Dec 27, 2020 03:06 PM
If you're not aware, I've got a new account, you can follow it here: digipotion
includes twitter link

(including category in BUR because digipotion does not come up in e621 tag search ... probably because no uploads tagged with digipotion yet)

(EDIT: and FA digipotion now has "Submissions: 15".
FA fpromenade now has "Submissions: 0")


gradiusgadwin said:
Can anyone upload a zip file with all his works? Cuz I can't find them anywhere. Even at e621 there are only three drawings.

they posted a journal
"Old Art
Nov 26, 2020 ...
Hello everyone! Some people were asking about my old art, and instead of making you wait for me to get my website back up, I decided to just throw it up on MEGA for now. Enjoy! ..." (with link to

However, (after some people thanked artist) some users reported the Mega link was dead/deleted, so the artist re-uploaded to Mega in March 2021,
but starting 11 days later users reported the new Mega link was ALSO deleted from Mega,
but artist hasn't commented in journal since Mar 11, 2021.

Artist's latest FA upload "posted Mar 13, 2021".
Artist's latest tweet posted "Jun 14, 2021".
So almost a year of silence,
hopefully artist Digipotion is ok.

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