Topic: Direct upload whitelist requests

Posted under General

Fanbox pretty please

Site ->

Direct URL ->*/*.*

Site ->
Direct URL -> I've seen content on both and - not sure if there's more. Might be best to whitelist https://*

We should consider adding Itaku here:*

or* if you want to be more specific.


Direct URL:*/*/*/*.*

user_127567 said:

Image servers for, which archives posts from a handful of 4chan boards. This includes /trash/, which is where most furry stuff on 4chan is concentrated.

Surprised that Desuarchive's STILL hasn't been whitelisted. I've fixed the direct URL entry for the subdomain as well as adding the main site.


Direct URL:




Baraag url has been changed it seems*/*/*/*/*/*/original/*.*

I'd like to suggest


Direct Example:

A lot of Russian artists seem to use it

Not sure if said already, but... Since i'm uploading stuff from this. Kemono cc?


Direct URL:*/*/*/*.jpg

Also... How do i know when it's accepted/rejected?

alien_fluff said:
We should consider adding Itaku here:*

or* if you want to be more specific.

This has changed.*

For thumbnails and page previews they remove the file extension and add /lg.jpg or /xl.jpg (there may be others, I didn't check)

Example that I grabbed off the front page:

Hmm, from wording used, this seems to not apply at all to sources. Is there some restricted domains in source editing? As opposed to the URL used when trying to upload from another booru directly('hot linking').

Cohost should be added to the whitelist.* excluding*?*
Links with anything with the ? portion of the url should be excluded as those images are resized.

Image server:
Example of site relying on it:
Example image link:

Note: Uploading with permission of comic author.

I assume this domain is used by a lot of webcomics. It sounds like a hosting service according to their main page.

ComicFury webcomic hosting is a free, easy to use and advertisement-free tool that will help you easily set up and host a website for your webcomic, without any technical knowledge. All you will have to worry about when using ComicFury is actually making the comics, the rest is provided by us.
ComicFury gives your webcomic a completely customizable website, you can make your own layout, configure a ton of settings and it even comes with an author blog, RSS feeds and comment system.
You can also add your own domains (like to your webcomics, giving you everything you would ever want, even as a professional webcomic-creator!

I don't know if smaller comic hosting services like Duck or Comic Genesis are normally whitelisted. I don't see them, either, even though I do see some multi-comic domains listed (Palcomix for example).

Japan seems to be replacing pawoo or twitter with this
Direct URL:*.png



benjiboyo said:
Japan seems to be replacing pawoo or twitter with this
Direct URL:*.png

Isn't just like baraag and pawoo and other 'instances'? I haven't looked at it enough to tell if Mastodon, Matrix, etc. Mainly because soooooo much flashing images and hyperactive automatic scrolling making it hard to find text on the page. j/k but it is a pretty horrible UI design. Here it is.

alphamule said:
Isn't just like baraag and pawoo and other 'instances'? I haven't looked at it enough to tell if Mastodon, Matrix, etc. Mainly because soooooo much flashing images and hyperactive automatic scrolling making it hard to find text on the page. j/k but it is a pretty horrible UI design. Here it is.

I agree that it's stupidly flashy, but apparently, it lets you post over 4 images in 1 "toot" basically. and those don't get shown on pawoo/mastadon. you'd have to download the image for instances like those.

faucet said:
Site ->
Direct URL -> I've seen content on both and - not sure if there's more. Might be best to whitelist https://*

gattonero2001 said:
Plurk pretty please

Site ->

Direct URL ->*

mairo said:


justfortheapi said:

Direct URL: https://**.*

abadbird said:

Direct URL:*/*/*/*.*

giuth43284o said:
Cohost should be added to the whitelist.* excluding*?*
Links with anything with the ? portion of the url should be excluded as those images are resized.

benjiboyo said:
Japan seems to be replacing pawoo or twitter with this
Direct URL:*.png

I added these. Someone else updated baraag and added itaku a while ago.

vuccala said:

It looks like the direct URL for that site would be at least*

There is another possible path that starts with, but that appears to be for artists who are selling the artwork shown, so images in that path might be against the "no pay content" guideline.



kora_viridian said:
[...]There is another possible path that starts with, but that appears to be for artists who are selling the artwork shown, so images in that path might be against the "no pay content" guideline.

Not in the same paywall manner as Patreon/SubscribeStar though. The /product/ path is used by which looks to be a marketplace for physical artwork (paintings, crafts, etc.), and original-resolution digital art files (for printing, etc).

satuputra796 said:
Please whitelist YouTube. It is the most popular video-sharing website owned by Google (Alphabet) that activated in February 14, 2005 and started as a video-dating site.

e.g.: /

I don't think YouTube even hosts any filetypes we can use (other than video thumbnails, I guess), I'm fairly certain YouTube only hosts .mp4 video files at this point. and the only video files we allow are .webm.



sipothac said:
I don't think YouTube even hosts any filetypes we can use (other than video thumbnails, I guess), I'm fairly certain YouTube only hosts .mp4 video files at this point. and the only video files we allow are .webm.

They do have webm files. However, it's far from straight forward to actually get the files (in fact, they aren't even files, but file chunks that get muxed by the player), and it uses a kind of algorithm to find and grab the proper chunks. You can't specify the actual file source to be able to whitelist them.

New Paheal CDN:
Direct URL: https://**/*/***

VixenControlled.netIt's an archive of the defunct furry art site VCL and contains tons of rare early 2000s art that is at risk of being lost. I would like to upload some from the site and being able to direct upload by URL would be very useful.*/*.* should work?


dsco said:

It's an archive of the defunct furry art site VCL

I don't know if I would exactly call it an archive. According to the person who set up , a lot of the image files have been recompressed or had their format changed: GIF -> PNG, PNG -> WebP, big JPEGs -> AVIF. e621 doesn't accept WebP or AVIF files, and it's probably not a good idea to re-convert them into a format e621 accepts.

It's probably useful in that if you know the name of an artist who posted to VCL, it's easier to browse and find their stuff on than on or similar. But, once you find a picture on VixenControlled that you want to upload to e621, you should probably try to find it on, if possible, and upload the file from to e621.

kora_viridian said:
GIF -> PNG, PNG -> WebP, big JPEGs -> AVIF

This is a joke, right?

I can get behind JPEG -> AVIF for compression, but the other 2 are so stupid.
WEBP is very limited, it doesn't support everything PNG supports. If somebody converts a file from PNG to WEBP and they're not careful they can get a lossy conversion. We've had this conversation a few months ago.
GIF to PNG is a whole lot more baffling to me. What is the file gaining by being converted into an animated PNG? Without manual cleanup, it is still just a GIF in all its 256 colors glory that takes more space due to the APNG format.

Sorry for the rant, but I'll never understand people who do this shit. Files are at their highest quality when they are in their original filetype.

wolfmanfur said:
GIF to PNG is a whole lot more baffling to me. What is the file gaining by being converted into an animated PNG?

I think they mean converting a static GIF to a static PNG.

When VCL started, static GIF was used in much the same way furry artists use static PNG now. It had lossless compression, which was handy when a lot of people had 0.05 megabit connections and small hard drives. It only supported 256 colors, but that didn't matter so much when a lot of people were still moving from VGA to Super VGA. It was relatively fast to decompress and display, which was important when the fastest x86 PC you could buy had an 0.1 GHz CPU. It had been out as a standard for 7+ years, so there were GIF viewers available on most of the popular platforms. If your art program couldn't save as GIF, programs that could convert to GIF were readily available.

GIF probably didn't start meaning "animation" to most people until the late 1990s, when it got popular for small animations on Web pages. Even then, it was still relatively common to see static GIFs on web pages for several more years.

kora_viridian said:
I think they mean converting a static GIF to a static PNG.

When VCL started, static GIF was used in much the same way furry artists use static PNG now. It had lossless compression, which was handy when a lot of people had 0.05 megabit connections and small hard drives. It only supported 256 colors, but that didn't matter so much when a lot of people were still moving from VGA to Super VGA. It was relatively fast to decompress and display, which was important when the fastest x86 PC you could buy had an 0.1 GHz CPU. It had been out as a standard for 7+ years, so there were GIF viewers available on most of the popular platforms. If your art program couldn't save as GIF, programs that could convert to GIF were readily available.

GIF probably didn't start meaning "animation" to most people until the late 1990s, when it got popular for small animations on Web pages. Even then, it was still relatively common to see static GIFs on web pages for several more years.

Point still stands, there is no meaningful improvement by changing the filetype from GIF to PNG.



wolfmanfur said:
Point still stands, there is no meaningful improvement by changing the filetype from GIF to PNG.

In some cases it does produce smaller files, and as long as it's done correctly, it is a lossless conversion.

kora_viridian said:
I don't know if I would exactly call it an archive. According to the person who set up , a lot of the image files have been recompressed or had their format changed: GIF -> PNG, PNG -> WebP, big JPEGs -> AVIF. e621 doesn't accept WebP or AVIF files, and it's probably not a good idea to re-convert them into a format e621 accepts.

It's probably useful in that if you know the name of an artist who posted to VCL, it's easier to browse and find their stuff on than on or similar. But, once you find a picture on VixenControlled that you want to upload to e621, you should probably try to find it on, if possible, and upload the file from to e621.

I was unaware of this, thank you!

Trello would be nice to add for direct uploads, as downloading the files then reuploading them is a bit tedious
Quite a few artists share finished commissions or example pieces on Trello at a higher quality than other sites allow, so trello boards can be a good source for art

The only urls I've seen is*/attachments/*/download/* &*/attachments/*/previews/*/download/*
There seems to be no difference in what is returned from either of these Lists trello as whitelisted, though this seems to have changed (their image url has changed, and doesn't seem to be whitelisted either)

Couple sites I've found when making artist entries:

Artfol:*/* - Image cannot be retrieved without inspect element, but it is possible and I believe this is the URL scheme.
Threads:* - I'm unsure if there are other numbers for the "t" section? I've only seen this one, but maybe wildcarding that part would be a good idea?

I have also seen Inkblot quite a few times but I can't get profiles to load for me.

nimphia said:
I have also seen Inkblot quite a few times but I can't get profiles to load for me.

That site puts a massive effort into security to make sure that users can only view images uploaded by artists and not download them, even through a user's browser cache. There's no chance that we are ever whitelisting that site and it's not worth bothering with.

alien_fluff said:
That site puts a massive effort into security to make sure that users can only view images uploaded by artists and not download them, even through a user's browser cache. There's no chance that we are ever whitelisting that site and it's not worth bothering with.

Ooooof, gotcha. Unfortunate.