Stuff featuring my samurott character, Sammy, who does not have a tag, and my Leavanny character, Melanie, who also does not have a tag, have been erroneously tagged as cyan_(skybluefox) and erin_(skybluefox), presumably because of this image:
While the samurott depicted here is indeed SBF1's Cyan, and also does feature Erin, Erin is not the Leavanny. She's the mienshao in the back. Regardless, some well-meaning but wrong tagger must have thought that erin was the leavanny, and thus retroactively tagged all hambor12-tagged posts featuring a Samurott and a leavanny as being of Cyan and Erin, despite the previous picture being the only one actually featuring Cyan.
Again, the character of Erin is not a Leavanny, and the Leavanny tagged as her is a different character who does not have an existing tag.
As the artist and creator of the characters, how would I go about this? Do i just delete the tags with a note informing that the characters tagged are not in the picture itself? And how would I get a new tag for the OCs in order to prevent the above "kind tagger" in case they get confused again?
Updated by SnowWolf