Topic: So, Five Nights at Freddy's

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Yeah, I've seen the influx of art flooding the site. So, has anyone here actually played it? I won't be able to, since my tablet won't support a game like that, plus I can't really buy the game anyway. So, what are your thoughts on the game?

Updated by Hiatuss

Xch3l said:
My thoughts: Whatchu talkin' aboot?

It's a horror game. A good one, too.

I played it on my friend's laptop and loved it. It's awesome to see some interesting and new game mechanics, because the formula for horror games got pretty stale after that Slender and Amnesia bullshit.

Updated by anonymous

@SirAntagonist, @JoeX:

As soon as I read "horror game" my mind quickly switched to "NOPE!" mode ._.

The concept seems really neat, though...

Updated by anonymous

SirAntagonist said:
Slender and Amnesia bullshit.

Yeah, Sleder was a joke. I didn't think that Amnesia was that bad really, not great but not shit. It's so hard to find a good horror game. I think Fatal Frame was the last one I really enjoyed.

Updated by anonymous

This game is fucking freaky. I actually, legitimately, had nightmares about this game after watching Markiplier playing it.

Also, the mechanics behind the room make no sense at all... until you realize that the so-called 'security room' isn't you checking the cameras for people breaking in, but you are there to distract the 'curious' animatronics and potentially get dismembered and stuffed into a suit, rather than let them wander out into the world and do it to innocent potential customers. In short, you're expendable bait.

I mean, why else would those lockdown doors automatically open when the power goes out? And for that matter, why else have a limited power supply for each night?

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
This game is fucking freaky. I actually, legitimately, had nightmares about this game after watching Markiplier playing it.

Also, the mechanics behind the room make no sense at all... until you realize that the so-called 'security room' isn't you checking the cameras for people breaking in, but you are there to distract the 'curious' animatronics and potentially get dismembered and stuffed into a suit, rather than let them wander out into the world and do it to innocent potential customers. In short, you're expendable bait.

I mean, why else would those lockdown doors automatically open when the power goes out? And for that matter, why else have a limited power supply for each night?

Mark's reaction and gameplay was simply PRICELESS! I even watched it at midnight with headphones and all the lights off, just enough to give me nightmares.

I want to quote some things that you have said just now. So basically the game doesn't make sence at all.

First, why would a freaking fast food restaurant have a "panic room" in the first place? Is it bcuz of the scary animatronics coming "alive" in the middle of the night? I call bulls--t on that!

If there were previous encounters with the last security guard, wouldn't he report to the media by now? If he was killed, why isn't there any news about it? The owner of the shop surely would have destroyed those pestky machines before they do anymore harm and cost the establishment problems, right?

And the current security guard would be dumb as f---! His paycheck for 5 days was only $120, if divided into 5days*6hours, it would be $4 per hour. Who in the right mind would risk their lifes just to get $24 per day?!

This would make me think that the owner is not willing to destroy those machines and let someone else guard them. He must be as cheap as Mr. Krabs.

These security doors have a safety feature in it, whenever there is a power outage, it will open to let anybody in the panic room to escape without being trap in there, it's called a "magnetic door".

As for the limited power thing, I'm pretty sure you'd heard Mr. Krabs said "Don't touch meh termahstat!!!" before.

If I was him, I would have already taken that $24 and quit, and probably move to another country. If I was just desperate, I would have brought a shotgun and blown the hell out of those monsters, probably shooting the owner himself too.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Insufficient penises, uninterested.

Howabout cute animals?

I'm pretty sure that there isn't any perverted animals in the game, I do see Pedobear though.

Updated by anonymous

I don't really like indie novelty horror games. They're fine to watch others play them but they're almost never actually fun or even scary. Their entire business model is based around taking one concept or mechanic and building an entire game around it, and they know they will sell because markipliers and pewdiepies will make reaction videos about them on youtube, doing all the merketing for them. If you want gameplay and scare factor play the fatal frame series, that's about as good as it gets.

Updated by anonymous

The game looks good and well made, as a horror enthusiast, how I have never heard of this?

Updated by anonymous

∑asyZ said:
The game looks good and well made, as a horror enthusiast, how I have never heard of this?

Newly realeased horror game, even PewD never played it yet.

Updated by anonymous

Wolfgang415 said:
Newly realeased horror game, even PewD never played it yet.

Funny how when one particular bad gamer doesn't play something, new releases take so long to come around and be 'mainstream'.

Updated by anonymous

I'm normally not too freaked out from watching other people play horror games. But when I watched AH and Markiplier try it out, it was enough to freak me out for the next couple of nights. Yes, the premise of the game didn't make much sense, but I'd say it's still a pretty scary game.

Updated by anonymous

Whist it's a cool idea, this game has waaaaay too much hype about it. At the end of the day, it's a very basic resource management game, with jump scares. That's really the whole thing.
I find it weird that people keep praising the graphics. Maybe it captures really badly on video, but near as I can tell this game could easily have come out 10 years ago. There's only a single room that you can even move the camera in, and the entire roster of character animations you could count on one hand.

That said, it IS a cool idea. There's no point running because you're already *in* the safest place you can be. That's pretty intense! The sly humour is much appreciated - simply to balance the fact the whole 'dolls are creepy' thing has been done to death. This is a game I actually would like to see rebooted with more complexity and graphics added.

Updated by anonymous

The game is based around the "Tence" part of the horror, and by god does it do it well! just on the 2nd night I was so nervous that I could barely keep my mouse in one place.

Updated by anonymous

Inversion said:
The game is based around the "Tence" part of the horror, and by god does it do it well! just on the 2nd night I was so nervous that I could barely keep my mouse in one place.

what is Tence

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
what is Tence

They're what you sleep in when you go camping.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
This game is fucking freaky. I actually, legitimately, had nightmares about this game after watching Markiplier playing it.

Also, the mechanics behind the room make no sense at all... until you realize that the so-called 'security room' isn't you checking the cameras for people breaking in, but you are there to distract the 'curious' animatronics and potentially get dismembered and stuffed into a suit, rather than let them wander out into the world and do it to innocent potential customers. In short, you're expendable bait.

I mean, why else would those lockdown doors automatically open when the power goes out? And for that matter, why else have a limited power supply for each night?

Mark finished the game. He unlocked the seventh night and immediately set all the robots' AI to 20. I just don't understand what he was thinking. Why would anyone do that to themselves? ;_;

Updated by anonymous

I would love for an artist to help a bro by the name of sleufoot help bring an idea of mine to life based off this game

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
what is Tence

It's the place before the ones place.

Updated by anonymous

ippiki_ookami said:
what is Tence

It's a finishing position in a race, i.e. tence place.

Oh yeah the game. I watched 10 minutes of someone's gameplay and when the first jump scare came up, I pussied out. Judging by the nature of the game, it looks like there are A LOT more too. No thanks.

However, I REALLY, REALLY, like the gameplay aspects, it feels like a horror game that's not just piggybacking off of Slender and Amnesia.

Updated by anonymous

I don't see what the hype is about. It really doesn't seem that scary. Just looks like "Jump Scare: The Game".

Updated by anonymous

Peekaboo said:
I don't see what the hype is about. It really doesn't seem that scary. Just looks like "Jump Scare: The Game".

The jump scares are there, to be sure, but the thing about the game that gets to you and makes it good is the stress of managing all the animatronics, and the nervousness. Try playing it yourself, there's a free demo. Unless you've already watched a play through I guarantee it'll at least get you stressed, but in a good way :P

Updated by anonymous

I'd like the game a bit more if the characters could be distracted or stunned. I think it would be pretty cool if the characters found different ways to fuck with you.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I'd like the game a bit more if the characters could be distracted or stunned. I think it would be pretty cool if the characters found different ways to fuck with you.

They do. Foxy is the runner. Chica and... crap, forgot the bunny's name... the bunny come in from either side, and only those sides. If you are too late in hitting the lights or closing the doors on them, the doors cannot be closed... but you aren't dead yet. Only when you look at the cameras will they come in. Thus you can actually use that to block out that doorway, if you're willing to give up your camera- a VERY risky proposition, but good to consider at the end of the night.

Updated by anonymous

123easy said:
They do. Foxy is the runner. Chica and... crap, forgot the bunny's name... the bunny come in from either side, and only those sides. If you are too late in hitting the lights or closing the doors on them, the doors cannot be closed... but you aren't dead yet. Only when you look at the cameras will they come in. Thus you can actually use that to block out that doorway, if you're willing to give up your camera- a VERY risky proposition, but good to consider at the end of the night.

Bonnie, which is the rabbit, only appears from the left. Freddy can appear on either side. Yeah, I meant that I wish that Foxy could sneak into the room and snap your neck, or that the characters could gang up on you and kill you.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Bonnie, which is the rabbit, only appears from the left. Freddy can appear on either side. Yeah, I meant that I wish that Foxy could sneak into the room and snap your neck, or that the characters could gang up on you and kill you.

Freaking Foxy can sprint down the hall and get you. I just saw some vids of the game for the first time and so far...I like it

Updated by anonymous

TBH, i'm eventually expecting a fursuit where someone actually takes the knot.

Updated by anonymous

What I really like is how they combine the creepy atmosphere with unsettling recorded messages by the previous guard. It really adds to the intensity in the beginning how he nonchalantly defines how fucked you are, even saying it isn't a big deal. On top of that it's not simple as walking around avoiding a certain action to not be killed. You need to be on your toes and smart about how you use power. The Fox keeps you checking your cams and not being quick enough means you're boned even with both doors shut. The backstory is dark and shrouded in mystery and I must say I was scared the second the recording dedcribes how they will kill you.

Updated by anonymous

I'm going to make this game 1000% more disturbing.

1. It's stated in a few places that the animatronics had kids stuffed inside them. They still occasionally leak blood and mucus.

2. Chica has teeth, right? Look in the back of her throat, and you'll see a pair of very human teeth. She also makes strained breathing sounds, as if gasping for air. So, basically, whoever is stuffed inside her is still alive.

3. When you look back stage, you'll see a spare endoskeleton on the wall. When you look at the game over screen, it's missing. Where did it go? Do you remember the part where the guard mentions that if you pretend you're an empty suit, the animatronics will stuff an endoskeleton inside you? Yeah...

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
I'm going to make this game 1000% more disturbing.

1. It's stated in a few places that the animatronics had kids stuffed inside them. They still occasionally leak blood and mucus.

2. Chica has teeth, right? Look in the back of her throat, and you'll see a pair of very human teeth. She also makes strained breathing sounds, as if gasping for air. So, basically, whoever is stuffed inside her is still alive.

3. When you look back stage, you'll see a spare endoskeleton on the wall. When you look at the game over screen, it's missing. Where did it go? Do you remember the part where the guard mentions that if you pretend you're an empty suit, the animatronics will stuff an endoskeleton inside you? Yeah...

There's also some posters that change (making some kind of hallucination) where Freddy is rippping his head off in the West Hall, or the screaming faces on the East Hall....and as well the Golden Freddy poster.

Updated by anonymous

∑asyZ said:

screaming faces

._. What? Screaming faces? *pitiful whimpering*

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
._. What? Screaming faces? *pitiful whimpering*

Yes, it can be seen 3 "screaming and crying faces" on the posters of the East Hall, they are just round yellow faces that look like they are screaming or crying, and also sometimes it can happen that the posters just dissappear and they are replaced by the "IT'S ME" messages written with red on the walls.

Another one:With the camera feed on the backstage, sometimes, the endoskeleton you mentioned and it's heads around it (You know, the supply animatronic heads) will face to the camera (You).

Pretty creepy indeed.

Updated by anonymous

By the way, what is with all the FNAF porn lately? It's not like there's a great shortage of furry source material - and yet everyone goes for the anamatronic nightmares that barely qualify as furry and would sooner forcefully replace your skeleton than seduce you.

Updated by anonymous

elad said:
By the way, what is with all the FNAF porn lately? It's not like there's a great shortage of furry source material - and yet everyone goes for the anamatronic nightmares that barely qualify as furry and would sooner forcefully replace your skeleton than seduce you.

Rule 34 of the internet at its finest

Updated by anonymous

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